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Everything posted by daviedoo22

  1. 09:30 birds cleared very well.
  2. High broken cloud now.
  3. Fresh NW wind but low cloud here on the NE coast.
  4. No early liberation today,late morning early afternoon possibly.
  5. Basketing for Brechin on Sat.13th is going ahead as scheduled, birdage per crate this week is 22 cocks and 24 hens.THANK YOU.
  6. Probably gone to ground when percy struck, then got up together when they thaught the coast was clear, i have witnessed this before.
  7. Gordon Willox got his doo this afternoon,think its the first in the North.
  8. As far as i am aware all races were struck off.
  9. Many happy returns Archie hope you've had a great day.
  10. Dont think its very funny Ian.
  11. Sent my clock to the Fife marking station for Ancenis and my print out came back with everything correct,sent it through to Aberdeen marking today for Ypres and print out reads,Set time 23-10-06 at 14-08-53m, flyers clock 29-12-45 at 22-12-37,last marked 16-12-93 at 20-58-18,birds were marked 16-12 at 20-57-44 when they were actually marked about lunchtime today???? spoke to unikon today and they were inclined to believe the fault lies with the Aberdeen base station?
  12. Yes Willie,checked both entry and arrivals print out and everything is correct, also the bird that was still in the clock after you struck off Alencon in you,re base station has disappeared???
  13. I was at the loft all day yesterday so would not have been a problem as i have a manual clock set.At least i got them timed at 4 o,clock when i returned from work,just frustrating not knowing what time they arrived.
  14. Approx. 550 birds were liberated from Battle at 06:00hrs. High broken cloud,blue sky and sunshine,no wind. Birds cleared immediately in 1 batch.GOOD LUCK.
  15. Well done Lee,birds arrived at 16:00hrs,at the moment it looks like 06:00hrs lib.
  16. You're comment has no reguard to the North flyers,we jump our birds 200mls to the first inland national.
  17. Thaught we did have 4 channel races? or div ye nae count Tours coz its too far.
  18. About 5 mile North West of Hastings.
  19. Basketing for Battle on Sunday 30th is going ahead on Friday, birdage per crate is 14. THANK YOU.
  20. WELL SAID, The North is always going to be the hardest to fly into.WHY? Because its LONG DISTANCE!!
  21. You need some medecine for that throat, try some diesel!!!
  22. you underestimate the determination of our birds.If we had a midday lib today every section in Scotland would have birds.IMO.
  23. With the South wind today everyone in Scotland had a chance of timing, but tomorrow and even Monday with strong NW Forecast we are going to struggle in the North once again.
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