Depends what your time and pocket can cope with - don't ruin your life educating youngsters if you want to have them racing as OB next year then they won't need hammering out to the longest YB races If you're only wanting them for youngsters racing then work them as hard as you dare but put the fuel in them to do so
Definitely the route. Ayrshire fed's worst returns were about 60% - top side of the fed 90%. WSCC got slaughtered. Fanciers who sent to both will tell you the difference lads. One 3/24 WSCC vs 28/29 Ayrshire. The Cumbrian boys are about done. There won't be any racing there in 5 years time. Stay out of the border valleys - it's bad enough getting a run at them but liberating there ? I heard there was real teeming rain too which didn't help - I am very surprised they went up at 0630hrs
Thats what Scotland's total send was - I think you'll fine the SNRPC has had many sends under 200 - it shows you how tough it is to get a team of birds out to 600 miles - most lofts would have only one or two birds capable of flying it never mind racing it. If that's not the case then there'd be more. Bear in mind returns from the SNFC have been poor in the main too
Eamon Kelly has apologised saying he was "tempted and he fell" what a load of bollocks, he was caught more like. Lowest of the low in my opinion, cheating your fellow fanciers out of a lifetime's ambition. Bear in mind he has won it twice before!!!
Congratulations to Andy who clocked 26 birds in 20 seconds from 70 mile to obliterate the rest of the fed on Saturday. That's never been done before - the only loft on the fed result. Baz