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Everything posted by geordie1234

  1. How come it always gets shut down when opposition appears and challenges the threads you have allowed to carry on multiple times Archie
  2. You too hope you and the family have a cracker
  3. Mad times Stuart...who would have thought in a year like this we would be still discussing this madness lol
  4. Surely if they resigned out the fed then there is no reason to count the votes...or notify ppl who are no longer in the fed the results of the count?
  5. Brexit looks like it will be a right barrel of laughs eh What a disaster
  6. No really a particular care of mine aslong as we get proper players in start of Jan no loan deals at the end of the window
  7. geordie1234


    Thanks Davie for a straightforward reply.... i think tht is the play jst now keep us locked up until the vaccinated numbers increase enough... just wish level 3 would have been enough
  8. geordie1234


    Nobody is or has been socialising in my area (legally) from the 1st of September...no household visits etc.... What I'm saying is we have seen the toughest restrictions in the UK here in the west of Scotland the longest bt we have the highest death rate out of the 4 nations... I'm not for one minute saying lift restrictions I'm only pointing out that I feel its uneccesary to out the whole nation in lockdown when we have already been there a few weeks bk...some areas have zero cases Again I will ask you the question try not answer it with a question please When if we have the worse death rate in Scotland see any benefits of having the lowest rates of infections?
  9. geordie1234


    Think you'll find we have the highest death rate per 100k in the UK So where is the benefit?
  10. geordie1234


    It will be bt when do we get the benefits of sed tougher restrictions
  11. geordie1234


    Yeah it's wild considering Boris has only done the south east...presumably so the FM can say we have done better
  12. geordie1234


    Terrible move.... us in Scotland have the lowest rate bt we have the toughest restrictions...us in the west just out of a 3 week lockdown now back in It's not leadership its tyranny
  13. Does that have any impact on you? You still get on the club result? And can still top the fed and win sections? Not having a go I'm just trying to understand some fanciers issues with the sections
  14. Naw you've no read the question correctly..I'm no talking about clubs losing members I'm talking about Airdire2 said its more work for the secs.... I was simply asking why is it more work I never voted on the sections and to me its neither here nor there...the clubs can still operate jst means some are in diff sections from club mates surely? Or am I looking at it too simply? VP I'm sure
  15. Yeah I have noticed that there is a few members who aren't in the boundary racing in the fed...be aswell opening it up....oban wid be good big Ally wid get in lol
  16. Why? Surely the club result doesn't change? Only person it will affect is the Lanarkshire sec surely?
  17. Where is the many members? Canny see them saying its the way forward...sounds like a bit of an assumption í ¾í´£í ¾í´£í ¾í´£í ¾í´£
  18. Rangers striker Alfredo Morelos hit with SFA notice of complaint re incident at Tannadice for which he was booked. Disciplinary hearing on Thursday
  19. I'd still struggle to get them from the channel lol
  20. Yip everyone should have a common goal to work towards
  21. It certainly has it's pros and cons Andy like you say everyone has a vote but I think we the fanciers maybe miss the discussion or reasons for such proposals from the open floor. I know I've been in the fed meeting and a fancier who has a diff point of view from myself explains something and I've thought...fair enough never thought of it from tht angle before Postal votes for me are really black and white and no room for discussion or compromise so for future I think the normal AGM scenario is better where fanciers can get together and talk it out and get a balanced view. That being sed...straight forward decisions like race programmes could and maybe should be postal ballot so it is the real majority who have voted it through etc
  22. Aye maybe Davy...hope your well pal
  23. It's tht behaviour that's prob stopped him getting a big move
  24. Think morelos might get a ban for his antics...silly guy .. Great player too
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