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Racing This Weekend


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Who is racing this weekend?


Where from?


How far is it?


What Fed/Club?


How many are you planning to send?


GOOD LUCK TO ALL PB MEMBERS RACING THIS WEEK ENDhttp://forum.pigeonbasics.org/public/style_emoticons/default/animatedpigeons.gif

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Who is racing this weekend?


Where from?


How far is it?


What Fed/Club?


How many are you planning to send?


GOOD LUCK TO ALL PB MEMBERS RACING THIS WEEK ENDhttp://forum.pigeonbasics.org/public/style_emoticons/default/animatedpigeons.gif

we are sending (dont know about racing ?) . Ridsdale ,67 miles. East of Scotland fed ,Gladsmuir club .thinking maybe 15 or 20 ish :emoticon-0138-thinking:

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my first ever race this weekend Frome, about 93 miles, 7or8 thats all I have left


Good luck Buster.


You'll know when they're due home............... you'll be breaking your neck for a jimmy-riddle :emoticon-0123-party:

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Ayrshire Fed Hawick yb postponed tonight , may basket tomorrow

Ayrshire North road fed race cancelled , programme to start next weekend from Stirling.


Ayrshire south road seems like a good decision to me---similar forecast to today.


I am wondering why we decided to race old birds into a much colder, stronger wind at the start of the season.

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