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Line Breeding


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Wiley - thanks for the link to Lavender Lofts but to be honest I didn't understand a word of it!!!?

Probably just me but it didn't tell me anything........


698 views 24 replys think lot fanciers struggle with this, i TRY,D read book Strain Makers but it just pickled ma heed ha ha but it was very detailed mate, maybe you mite get on better with it, i find it a mine field, good luck on that one, trial+ error,

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I looked into inbreeding and linebreeding to pigeons years ago.Until a loft has one or two extra special pigeons(mines included) I don't think its worthwhile getting caught up in.


Still its a useful thing to know about and once you have some crack pigeons its a good way of ensuring you'll have more in years to come :)

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I looked into inbreeding and linebreeding to pigeons years ago.Until a loft has one or two extra special pigeons(mines included) I don't think its worthwhile getting caught up in.


Still its a useful thing to know about and once you have some crack pigeons its a good way of ensuring you'll have more in years to come :)


Will tell you the Eddie Newcombe way when we meet up. Problem is it flies in the face of everything you have been told and will change your outlook on bringing in crosses.

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there was a old hand book i think it was called the strain maker its a red book it will tell you all you need and more its quite cheap too :D


if that interests you there is a book called the champions of breeding and racing by a victor vansalen which delves even deeper goes into the x and y chromosome etc probably the best book ever written on the sport of pigeon racing quite expensive though ;)



i also believe that any sort of line breeding inbreeding etc should only be done with a super pigeon with fantastic results

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Thank you all for your replies - they are most helpful.

My understanding now is that to keep my birds pure, I should line breed but to bring out the best of that family I should inbreed around my best pigeon....?

The one thing I don't understand is what genetic outcome could I expect from a sibling pairing?


As has been said, the merits of close inbreeding is the ability to "fix". The problem with it is that you may also "fix" traits that you do not want and therefore culling has to be very strict. Line breeding also has these properties, but at a slower rate therefore allowing more time to correct. With both you need to start with top quality stock as neither will give you what you do not already have.

Outcrossing really only means breeding birds of different strains together.

If you think about it logically, pigeons all carry the same number of genes. Some just excel at what we wish them to excel in. From a certain point of view there is no such thing as outcrossing, in that, all of them are pigeons. To this end, if you pair two pigeons that excel in the traits that you are looking for, you can expect some of their young to also excel in these traits. Thus pairing winner to winner could be just as successful a way to go. Now if the winner to winner comes from within your own loft, you will eventually be line breeding or inbreeding until the time you introduce a winner from elsewhere.

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I always think along these lines without getting to complicated the goal of inbreeding is to increase uniformity, the goal of line breeding is to increase the contribution of a common ancestor.

Like the advice given you need a real quality bird if you are going to fill your loft from a common ancestor if you are unsure of this keep crossing and keep your fingers crossed you come up trumps with your special bird to start above.

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I always think along these lines without getting to complicated the goal of inbreeding is to increase uniformity, the goal of line breeding is to increase the contribution of a common ancestor.

Like the advice given you need a real quality bird if you are going to fill your loft from a common ancestor if you are unsure of this keep crossing and keep your fingers crossed you come up trumps with your special bird to start above.



very well put :emoticon-0137-clapping:

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