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Everything posted by tiger

  1. So sad rest in peace mate
  2. There many good convoyers in Scotland rab Muir Jimmy lennon Mathew Boyle and many more that I've not mentioned. Sorry and young Mathew Boyle he's the best
  3. Hi Doug bald would be your best bet
  4. Basket tonight for Saturday
  5. tiger


    Naw your alright there's no sheep there
  6. Have you heard it? You are exactly what she is referring to
  7. Michael Think You Should Listen To Mrs RIgby before you draw comparisons lees mum. bless him
  8. Ask your club members who were at Dunbar this morning
  9. tiger


    Austin even if he wanted the job he could not take it as far as I remember the president is elected by the delegates so that would rule the lad out as he is not a delegate. Am sure that is the way it works. But if I am wrong I apologise
  10. Peter if adviser to the government can do as they like so can we
  11. Unbelievable .like I've said don't race if you don't want to but don't stop others 😈
  12. You no something people that don't want to race Don't easy but don't stop people that do expletive remove
  13. Well come to east Calder hs look forward to meeting you
  14. That's until I tell her different lol
  15. Ya *fe cker* you could not catch a cold what spring to mind wind & PI sh í ½í¸‰í ½í¸‚í ½í¸‚í ½í¸‚
  16. How is the great white hunter getting on re magpie???? They still given you the run about!! 🤣
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