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Everything posted by tiger

  1. tiger

    Almond Valley Fed

    Lot 15 .90 pounds John b Done with thanks
  2. tiger

    Almond Valley Fed

    Lot 15 .80 pounds Walter h Done with thanks
  3. tiger

    Almond Valley Fed

    Lot 3.55pouds Lot 14.160 both crugar
  4. tiger

    Almond Valley Fed

    Lot 14.cruger 130 pounds Done with thanks
  5. tiger

    Almond Valley Fed

    4 hours 29 minutes to go till sale finishes
  6. tiger

    Almond Valley Fed

    Done with thanks Done with thanks
  7. tiger

    Almond Valley Fed

    Lot 14 .100 pounds Cruger Done with thanks
  8. Just paired up last weekend Just put nest bowls
  9. tiger

    Almond Valley Fed

    Lot 3 . 45 pounds Walter h Lot 6 . 70 pounds cruger Done with thanks
  10. tiger

    Almond Valley Fed

    Done with thanks Done with thanks
  11. tiger

    Almond Valley Fed

    Done with thanks Done with thanks
  12. tiger

    Almond Valley Fed

    Done with thanks John b. 60 pounds. Lot15
  13. tiger


    Yip would agree with your statement
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