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Everything posted by tiger

  1. tiger

    Almond Valley Fed

    Lot 14 has a higher bid on it mate
  2. tiger

    Almond Valley Fed

    Lot 15 .30 pounds John
  3. tiger

    Almond Valley Fed

    Late addition to sale John welldone
  4. Man's best friend. Cracker
  5. tiger

    Almond Valley Fed

    New thread av fed young birds.
  6. The sale will start on the Friday 21st February And end Sunday 1st march at 19.59 59 Birds start at 20 pounds Lot 1.woodruff brother's top loft in the unc= Scotty 94. 170.pounds. Done with thanks Lot 2.vic couper this loft puts top national performance and one of almond valley feds top men hard to beat. Jocky. 50 pounds done with thanks Lot 3.John bird Blackburn this man is a gentleman and flys a top bird = cruger 55pounds. Done with thanks Lot 4 Fred Jamieson here's a loft that preforms week in and week out and also has a reputation as top breeder of birds winning all over the UK = adee1888. 70 pounds .done with thanks Lot 5 Billy bisland this yb will be directly out of a national winner this speaks volumes of him multi national winner = feathers . 130 pounds done with thanks Lot 6 wullie bothwick here again winner of the snfc gold cup outstanding =80 pounds. budgie . Done with thanks Lot 7 dean bridges this yb will be out of the 5th open snfc roye the dame has 5 national tickets best 35 th open Ypres = bean kicker. 100 pounds. Done with thanks Lot 8 Jim Wilkinson anybody who knows him will tell he a top class pigeon man = bean kicker.175 pounds. Done with thanks Lot 9 Dougie bald in my opinion this loft can stand with any loft in the UK his record at federation is unbelievable. = jeff 007. 50 pounds. Done with thanks = Lot10 d k jamieson here the loft for the distance lovers what a record he has winning Scotlands fancier of the year for the second year in row.= beankicker.225 pounds done thanks Lot 11 Billy bisland again a yb direct from a national winner truly one of Scotlands best. = feathers 130 pounds. Done with thanks Lot 12 Jim Cullen again a loft with a big name in distance racing with a life time in the sport hard man to beat. = beankicker.100 pounds. Done with thanks Lot 13 John bosworth Mr national without a doubt Scotlands best at distance racing = beankicker.100 pounds done with thanks Lot 14 John Jamieson the buyer to have the pick of pair one blue cock sire of multi fed toppers including a 3rd open in the snfc his mate will be the that topped av fed 3 times and breeding winners OR blue ch cock raced by wullie Mullen bred by me this cock has won 3 times at the channel his hen will be a stock hen bred from distance blood.Henrik 200 pounds done with thanks Late edition 15 =John welldone up north commbine winner = John b 90 pounds Futher details to follow
  7. Detailsto follow . Will let north of Scotland finish first . North of Scotland sale
  8. That's what I would expect from you
  9. Douglas you got to remember no everybody comes from fife 😉
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