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Everything posted by tiger

  1. Due to fog at race point there will further update in 1 hour.
  2. On behalf of the top table of almond valley federation they like to thank all the people that sent with them .thank you
  3. tiger


    Well done dkj
  4. tiger


    There's a other topper into the fechan
  5. tiger


    Think they will do 50 mph Good luck to everyone
  6. Linhouse road east Calder 4.45 till 5.30 Eh530de
  7. Available fed at cattrick this weekend a good chance to get your channel team a toss and you'll get cover . 40 pence a bird
  8. No doubt your to busy to pick it up I'll throw it on Sunday at Whitburn
  9. 1st Fred Jamieson 2nd j jamieson 3Rd mr&Mrs Fleming 4th mr&Mrs Fleming
  10. A big well done to Gordon Grant 1st open fantastic
  11. 1st Fred Jamieson 2nd r Anderson 3rd Fred Jamieson 4th j Jamieson
  12. Outstanding flying in topping the fed again
  13. Well done and to all that timed in
  14. Pentland av midlothian up 8.15 'S.e.w .
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