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Everything posted by DAVIDL


    stevie-b pics

    great pics stevie-b, birds and loft are spot on........ well done bakes for posting. top man.......
  2. i give my birds Matrix, its got all grits and minerals etc in they need.........
  3. like the one with the third bar in picture one..........hope they all do well for you.


    red skin peanuts for human consuption 75 pence from asda...........
  5. very nice, look well bred healthy ybs................hope they do well for you.

    rpra rings 2010

    AND I PHONED THE APRA TODAY TO SEE IF I CAN TAKE THE ENDS OFF THE RINGS SHE SAID NO IT THEN BECOMES VOID IF I FILED THE ENDS DOWN.SHE SAID THE RPRA HAS HAD A NUMBER OF COMPLAINTS ABOUT THEM. SHE GAVE ME A PHONE NUMBER TO A MR LAWLEY TO COMPLAIN TO HIM 0121-5258024 OR 07724-784796 HE WILL DEAL WITH ALL COMPLAINTS CONCERNING THE ETS RINGS. good point there pure soontjen, they are alright saying the ring is void if the lugs are took off......but where do we stand if the lugs break of further down the line eg when the bird is a yearling.....? cant the bird be raced because it is classed as void....? at our club meeting yesterday one member had sent some rings back because some of the lugs had broken off in the bag, but the rpra either plamed the post office for being rough with them or also blamed it on the cold weather.......???? i think there is trouble ahead with these new rings......
  7. thanks jon, my own stupid fault......been fitting nest boxes and he flew past my head.
  8. lost blue cock gb07j22052 this afternoon, could be trying to make his way from leeds back to cornwall......any info would be aprietiated......thanks

    Pigeons On Tv

    been on twice today, but is repeated again at 2 am sat morning channel 206 blighty on virgin, maybe get it on sky but different channel no.............
  10. DAVIDL

    Pigeons On Tv

    watched it, good program......would watch it again.
  11. as far as im aware the darkness system is used to force the ybs to moult sooner than normal so they can race the full yb program rather than them be falling to bits flying natural......the ybs are made to moult be simulating the hours of winter which i think will be about 8`oclock am to come light and approx 4`oclock pm to come dark, im just restartng this year with ybs myself and am hoping to try the darkness system.......obviously there is more to it than what ive said but as far as i know that is the basics of it......
  12. some use a jewellers eye glass or others might use a clip version onto their glasses............
  13. why not just do it between the members who want to have shows, pick one member and send them by email your entries and then he/she can post a new topic with all the birds on.......voting is simply done by posts on the site added up when the show finishes. simple...
  14. picture no 3 for me, lt cheq..........defending his box and showing a bit of spirit. j.m.o.
  15. pairing up for reall the last week in december, but doing a dry run before hand to get new pairings to accept each other well before i pair up properly......will also put the old pairings together at the same time to keep everything calm.
  16. DAVIDL

    Whats in your mix?

    im feeding crowthers own winter/resting mix, its a 25kg bag and cost £7..........the mix is as follows. wheat,barley,white peas,maize,green peas,maple peas,beans and red dari. protien 9.7%, fibre 2.3%, oil 3.9%, and ash 1.8%
  17. nice new boxes there richie 1, hope you breed some winners in them...............
  18. first bird i ever got was a pencil blue cock 33 years ago.......he was a 2 year old and i can still remember his ring no now (gb74x*****) :)
  19. welcome to the site john, hope you enjoy it.........
  20. their basic bloodline is desmet-matthys x roger vereecke, with introductions from beulque, verheye and r verstraete.......they also have stichelbaut in them too. hope this helps.
  21. bought some of these last year didnt race them myself but bred a pair for somone else to race, they scored racing as ybs and were both in the clock every week........also know another fancier who races them who has done well with them in club, fed and fut race this year. so even though they have been around for a while they are still putting up decent performances.......
  22. DAVIDL

    some pics

    nice birds there, good condition too.........like the blue pied in the first pic. what breed is she ?
  23. no the quartz came in silver, have also seen a blue stb.....dont know if it was original or someone had painted it. :-/
  24. thanks oldyellow, think ill buy some of the blackmagic as i too liked the old aviform......i usually get my corn etc from crowthers of wakefield so hopefully they will sell the blackmagic.......thanks.
  25. oldyellow, used the original aviform with the cane molasis in it but since returning to pigeons noticed like you say the aviform is different......never knew about the blackmagic until you said, is it just the same as the original aviform and have you used it yourself ? any good............thanks.
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