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Young Bird Sickness


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How long do flyers in the UK wait, before resuming racing after your birds have had young bird sickness. In Oz I waited 6 weeks after Rota Virus hit the birds and it was a disaster, lost half the team, obviously they were not healthy enough as I would have expected them all home from the distance I sent them. They all looked ok, loft flying well and had a couple of training tosses.


Cheers Oz

PS. has anyone come up with any bright ideas on how to avoid the virus, we all catch it as soon as we use our training truck, it contains birds from about 20 flyers. If we train alone, the losses to hawk attacks are excessive.

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How long do flyers in the UK wait, before resuming racing after your birds have had young bird sickness. In Oz I waited 6 weeks after Rota Virus hit the birds and it was a disaster, lost half the team, obviously they were not healthy enough as I would have expected them all home from the distance I sent them. They all looked ok, loft flying well and had a couple of training tosses.


Cheers Oz

PS. has anyone come up with any bright ideas on how to avoid the virus, we all catch it as soon as we use our training truck, it contains birds from about 20 flyers. If we train alone, the losses to hawk attacks are excessive.

I would say if you get it just before or during the yb program I would no race them there's that many different strains of the second infection it's hard just to diagnose 1 wee have all been there ybs itself is not the problem

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Mine started on Thursday the 26th.,two blues and a drk'n,the rest have followed on so to say,the early ones are now wanting fed the others don't.Had their first race last weekend 3,4,5,6 th. and that's their last this season.

Used to love young birds with a passion but get the sickness every season so didn't put them on darkness because I never get them to the distance.

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Now I ask again. Layman terms, vaccinations are when given a small dose of whatever. This being that the body, defends and sort as such out. Also, the affected - in this case the pigeon builds up an anti dope and passes this on to any off spring.

Now if, as it seems, very many fanciers have this Young birds sickness every year. hence I presume the youngsters are being bred by the birds that have already had, or at least once had, the y/b sickness them selves.

If so ask your self's why they aren't they immune?


In dogs many... especially pedigree dogs, though being injected can, and do still contract Parva. and die or put down. Now, as any Vet will ensure to you, that mongrels walking the streets aren't affected, though had it, or even carriers, but never suffer so much as a sneeze!

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Rota Virus (Young bird sickness) is rampant in Australia, the rack em and stack em flyers get the virus before even training their birds, they keep hundreds of birds and they soon catch the virus. I believe it is because the birds get stressed, fighting for perch space, food etc and are susceptible to any disease going, they then train them too early after the virus and wreck the season for the rest of us.They then repeat this every year and even breed more youngsters to make up for the ones that die.

Next year I intend to borrow a couple of sick birds and mix them with mine long before the racing season starts, hopefully they will be ok to race after about 3 months, otherwise I will be forced to give up racing and just keep a few in the garden.

Cheers Oz

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Rota Virus (Young bird sickness) is rampant in Australia, the rack em and stack em flyers get the virus before even training their birds, they keep hundreds of birds and they soon catch the virus. I believe it is because the birds get stressed, fighting for perch space, food etc and are susceptible to any disease going, they then train them too early after the virus and wreck the season for the rest of us.They then repeat this every year and even breed more youngsters to make up for the ones that die.

Next year I intend to borrow a couple of sick birds and mix them with mine long before the racing season starts, hopefully they will be ok to race after about 3 months, otherwise I will be forced to give up racing and just keep a few in the garden.

Cheers Oz

:lol: :lol: :lol: I call them chook farmers down my Oz. Certainly some real horror stories, for some with the Rota virus issue here but not all either etc I suggest. The droppings in the water trick or infected birds, does work & so worth considering from my perspective till a vaccine becomes available type of thing "if ever". Whole affair unfortunately has turned into a total debacle sadly, but one must push on & just do the best we can with our predicament as such. Cheers


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