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Race North


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We need to stop feeding bop only a suggestion probably get shot down in flames but here goes .st Andrews 58ml Arbroath 73ml Aberdeen 115ml Inverness 164ml Thurso 190ml Lerwick 315ml Faroese 430 . If we go east or west next year we are still feeding them feel free to shoot me down or pick different points but stop feeding these frs

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We need to stop feeding bop only a suggestion probably get shot down in flames but here goes .st Andrews 58ml Arbroath 73ml Aberdeen 115ml Inverness 164ml Thurso 190ml Lerwick 315ml Faroese 430 . If we go east or west next year we are still feeding them feel free to shoot me down or pick different points but stop feeding these frs


Any suggestion to move forward and keep the sport going is a step in the right direction imo. So ye wont be shot down here Kevin, definitely food for thought.

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Bobby, this is the reason that Ayrshire North Road Federation started. The members were fed up losing pigeons to BOP. The North Road may be slightly better, but there are BOP on the North Road as well.

I started North in 2010 and have noticed since then that there are more and more difficult races regarding returns. North is not the easy racing some think and it is not a BOP free utopia. Bear in mind, the fanciers from Fife, Dundee, Aberdeen, North East and Highlands & Islands have to race this route coming from the south. Ask them, they will tell you whether they have problems with BOP. Also, after you pass Fraserburgh and head into the Highlands & Islands, you are into a completely different "ball park". The terrain is not inviting. Lerwick is not impossible, but it is one really difficult ask, as will be the Faroes. :)

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Bobby, this is the reason that Ayrshire North Road Federation started. The members were fed up losing pigeons to BOP. The North Road may be slightly better, but there are BOP on the North Road as well.

I started North in 2010 and have noticed since then that there are more and more difficult races regarding returns. North is not the easy racing some think and it is not a BOP free utopia. Bear in mind, the fanciers from Fife, Dundee, Aberdeen, North East and Highlands & Islands have to race this route coming from the south. Ask them, they will tell you whether they have problems with BOP. Also, after you pass Fraserburgh and head into the Highlands & Islands, you are into a completely different "ball park". The terrain is not inviting. Lerwick is not impossible, but it is one really difficult ask, as will be the Faroes. :)

Andy without being disrespectful your organisation was started to accommodate members who were not good enough to win in Ayrshire Federation.

Even their initial radius was formulated to exclude those who could.

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We have them up here also :emoticon-0179-headbang:

Yes m8 they are everywhere but the biggest populated area is west Scotland and theyr getting bigger an bigger it's worth arty as not only will we have no pigeons left we will have no fanciers left it can't be much worse than this .be good to hear the view as we are going nowhere at the moment

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Bobby, this is the reason that Ayrshire North Road Federation started. The members were fed up losing pigeons to BOP. The North Road may be slightly better, but there are BOP on the North Road as well.

I started North in 2010 and have noticed since then that there are more and more difficult races regarding returns. North is not the easy racing some think and it is not a BOP free utopia. Bear in mind, the fanciers from Fife, Dundee, Aberdeen, North East and Highlands & Islands have to race this route coming from the south. Ask them, they will tell you whether they have problems with BOP. Also, after you pass Fraserburgh and head into the Highlands & Islands, you are into a completely different "ball park". The terrain is not inviting. Lerwick is not impossible, but it is one really difficult ask, as will be the Faroes. :)

Yes ther will always be bad races an the Ayrshire boys are polluted with bop in Ayrshire maybe not were they are coming from which is more difficult again getting your birds home Lanarkshire biggest fed in Britain our problem is coming thro Cumbria etc an those hills perrigrine as we know will go we're the food supply is an me personally don't think north of Lanarkshire is a great feeding place for them.

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Yes m8 they are everywhere but the biggest populated area is west Scotland and theyr getting bigger an bigger it's worth arty as not only will we have no pigeons left we will have no fanciers left it can't be much worse than this .be good to hear the view as we are going nowhere at the moment


I agree something needs to change. They are pretty densely populated round here and are hitting our birds constantly when training and when excercising round the loft most days. I feel they are a major contributing factor to losses and funny races but not the only reason. Add BOP strikes into young bird sickness and you have a recipe for disaster.

In my opinion YBS goes undetected in too many lofts until it becomes that obvious that nobody can miss it. I also think the disease is mutating into something much more severe.

As for combating BOP I think we should race later i.e right through September as it eases of a bit once we get through July. I don't racing them with old birds would work as it would put too much time pressure on the working or family man.

This is my opinion and only an opinion as I do not have scientific evidence or statistics (easily manipulated :emoticon-0136-giggle: ) to back it up.

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I agree something needs to change. They are pretty densely populated round here and are hitting our birds constantly when training and when excercising round the loft most days. I feel they are a major contributing factor to losses and funny races but not the only reason. Add BOP strikes into young bird sickness and you have a recipe for disaster.

In my opinion YBS goes undetected in too many lofts until it becomes that obvious that nobody can miss it. I also think the disease is mutating into something much more severe.

As for combating BOP I think we should race later i.e right through September as it eases of a bit once we get through July. I don't racing them with old birds would work as it would put too much time pressure on the working or family man.

This is my opinion and only an opinion as I do not have scientific evidence or statistics (easily manipulated :emoticon-0136-giggle: ) to back it up.

id back ye up on that pal i think thats why after being hit many cant work there way back they are homing pigeons after all and bop is not eating them all if healthy they should turn up from the short races at least

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I agree something needs to change. They are pretty densely populated round here and are hitting our birds constantly when training and when excercising round the loft most days. I feel they are a major contributing factor to losses and funny races but not the only reason. Add BOP strikes into young bird sickness and you have a recipe for disaster.

In my opinion YBS goes undetected in too many lofts until it becomes that obvious that nobody can miss it. I also think the disease is mutating into something much more severe.

As for combating BOP I think we should race later i.e right through September as it eases of a bit once we get through July. I don't racing them with old birds would work as it would put too much time pressure on the working or family man.

This is my opinion and only an opinion as I do not have scientific evidence or statistics (easily manipulated :emoticon-0136-giggle: ) to back it up.

To race in September darkness is a deffo

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To race in September darkness is a deffo


Agreed but Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.


We race to the middle of September as it is Steve. Day light will be an issue as will the moult but I think if ybs get 3 or 4 races to 100 miles it is more than enough of an education in my book.

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Agreed but Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.


We race to the middle of September as it is Steve. Day light will be an issue as will the moult but I think if ybs get 3 or 4 races to 100 miles it is more than enough of an education in my book.

Yes he was right we pigeon guys are insane doing the same thing every year an hoping it goes away .go north an try it

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The whole west of Scotland has not raced the west for years and the first time trying we are desimated, if the theory of starving them was going to work, the west bop population should be at its lowest right now, but it looks like it's stronger than ever, no matter where we race from there are fancier the whole length of the west of the UK and the birds still have to home into these areas. I do think the bop play a big part in poor returns but this year I think some other factor is also responsible for the loses. Jmo

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Andy without being disrespectful your organisation was started to accommodate members who were not good enough to win in Ayrshire Federation.

Even their initial radius was formulated to exclude those who could.


You were there at the start Robert, I was not, so I am only able to report the information that I was given. Whether we are talking about opinions or fact, I am not in the position to debate and as such will defer to your prior knowledge.


Having conceded your point, that only covers a small part of my original comment and not the part containing any relevance to Bobby's original post. The main thrust of my post was regarding BOP and the fact that they live to the north of us as well as to the south of us. Further, they are becoming more prolific to the north of us, since our returns are becoming more difficult within the last seven years. I accept that within that time there has, perhaps, been more opportunity for clashing to occur. :)

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Yes ther will always be bad races an the Ayrshire boys are polluted with bop in Ayrshire maybe not were they are coming from which is more difficult again getting your birds home Lanarkshire biggest fed in Britain our problem is coming thro Cumbria etc an those hills perrigrine as we know will go we're the food supply is an me personally don't think north of Lanarkshire is a great feeding place for them.


Undoubtedly, there will be less to the north, Cumbria being the densest populated area in Europe, I believe. Ayrshire probably following close as are the Lockerbie / Moffat hills.


Difficulty in races is not a reason for not attempting the route, however, any venture of this kind must be entered with open eyes, not "rose tinted spectacles". That was the aim of my post, not an attempt at dissuasion. :)

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