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Time To Change

Walter swanston

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I applied to a club to fly ybs last year my application was not put before the members and I was sent a reply within 48 hours telling me that the secretary had been advised not to read my letter of application until the AGM in December, I then withdrew my application as I do not wish to fly in the same club as these persons. A federation local to me has introduced a levy of £1000 to any club that wishes to join them. The sport is in my opinion being destroyed from within so no amount of programme alterations will change that!

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All this talk of change etc is all b.s and nothing will ever be done to better the sport. expletive remove, the hawk problem itself cant even be sorted and guys are standing back watching the falcolns kill their top pigeons. We have Unions that do fk all for the betterment of our sport so what chance have we got? TALK IS CHEAP, and their is plenty of talk on here.

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All this talk of change etc is all b.s and nothing will ever be done to better the sport. expletive remove, the hawk problem itself cant even be sorted and guys are standing back watching the falcolns kill their top pigeons. We have Unions that do fk all for the betterment of our sport so what chance have we got? TALK IS CHEAP, and their is plenty of talk on here.

Exactly what I said on my first post Derek :emoticon-0137-clapping: :emoticon-0137-clapping:

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All this talk of change etc is all b.s and nothing will ever be done to better the sport. expletive remove, the hawk problem itself cant even be sorted and guys are standing back watching the falcolns kill their top pigeons. We have Unions that do fk all for the betterment of our sport so what chance have we got? TALK IS CHEAP, and their is plenty of talk on here.

MMMM Yes Derek their is plenty of talk on here and unfortunately it is mostly negative.. I like Walter have read the article in the R.P. and found it most instructive regarding changes to our racing. The article which I have to say has been thought out in great detail does not shorten our racing season rather the opposite and makes complete sense with old birds of 2 and above competing in old bird racing and followed by yearling only racing in August and September. Their are many pluses for this and YB sickness is one if not the more advantages as it appears to be on the increase decimating teams of perfectly healthy birds by those who have contracted the disease and are still capable of passing it on through negligent fanciers entering what they believe are those YB which are getting over it or in the throes of contracting it. The article also mentions the savings of not having to breed unnaturally in winter and most importantly as has been mentioned in another post summer bred youngsters are bred in the purple.

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All this talk of change etc is all b.s and nothing will ever be done to better the sport. expletive remove, the hawk problem itself cant even be sorted and guys are standing back watching the falcolns kill their top pigeons. We have Unions that do fk all for the betterment of our sport so what chance have we got? TALK IS CHEAP, and their is plenty of talk on here.

Probably no chance but that i would think is what the site is all about [talk] discusion ,air views, even though its sometimes pointless .

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totally against stopping yb racing all your doing is storing up your disapointment for the future . The young birds might look mature but will have the brains of a 4 week old young bird . Most need trained and educated in the year of there birth and disaper quicker than a bowl of snow in a microwave . Thats why most folk say late breeds no use because they dont get the excersise and schooling they need when there young

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Yearling only races in August and September, ????????????? What about the moult ????

Yearlings would have to be eligible for all old bird races because if this don't happen fanciers could/would ring up their youngsters with year old rings making them eligible for old bird competition come the following year.


Off course none of this will ever happen........... pigeon unions don't do radical :lol:

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Yearlings would have to be eligible for all old bird races because if this don't happen fanciers could/would ring up their youngsters with year old rings making them eligible for old bird competition come the following year.


Off course none of this will ever happen........... pigeon unions don't do radical :lol:


Spot on Tony.I was told some fanciers in Belgium put an old and a yb ring on their ybs so they can fly them in the ob season .They then cut the ob ring off and fly the yb programme with them. :emoticon-0138-thinking: I remember a local fancier timing in a yb from the old bird Dorchester race, 370 miles.

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cant see the point young birds would have to be well trained in year of birth

so every one would still be putting them down the road as they would not last untrained

as you know with late breds


just my thought

Nothing stopping clubs/feds holding young bird scrambles Jim, they just wont be part of the race programme.


My stance on this is I believe to much emphasis is put on young bird racing and if were not careful we'll end up like the American racing scene where old bird racing is dying a slow death.

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Nothing stopping clubs/feds holding young bird scrambles Jim, they just wont be part of the race programme.


My stance on this is I believe to much emphasis is put on young bird racing and if were not careful we'll end up like the American racing scene where old bird racing is dying a slow death.



Was going to say that.... I think more and more people are getting into yb racing

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You are probably right Derek and it is a lot of hot air.What do you suggest, sit back and watch pigeon racing die


Watch the pigeon sport die, your having a laugh Walter. Ive been kept out a club/fed for 6 years now and you think I see a way forward for the sport, no chance when you have the majority of fanciers with a below average intelligence DECIDING WHAT HAPPENS. Too much talk about things we already know should happen but nothing is ever done. The biggest problem in the sport isn't hawks or YBS , its LAZINESS, everbody sits back and talks a good game without following it through. Another point while mentioning hawks,you tell me what you have done to sort the hawk problem in your area Walter, this is one of the main problems for losses in pigeon racing at the present time. I would wager, like most folk, NOTHING!!!

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Watch the pigeon sport die, your having a laugh Walter. Ive been kept out a club/fed for 6 years now and you think I see a way forward for the sport, no chance when you have the majority of fanciers with a below average intelligence DECIDING WHAT HAPPENS. Too much talk about things we already know should happen but nothing is ever done. The biggest problem in the sport isn't hawks or YBS , its LAZINESS, everbody sits back and talks a good game without following it through. Another point while mentioning hawks,you tell me what you have done to sort the hawk problem in your area Walter, this is one of the main problems for losses in pigeon racing at the present time. I would wager, like most folk, NOTHING!!!

theres worse than hawks and that's a fact

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Well some people might think I have put something into the pigeon fancy Derek as far as hawks are concerned I have addressed my regional council on the predators and have given evidence on the matter in front of a committee of the Scottish Parliament.Admitably with no success .However I have tried for years to help my fellow fanciers usually with long hours of my own time and I could point out that I try to respond to guys on this site while avoiding gratuitous insults over their intelligence.

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Im not disrespecting you Walter, nor am I questioning your intellect. Im only venting my spleen on the state of the pigeon sport nowadays. I myself have donated ybs every year to charity sales and even to clubs/feds that don't accept my application for membership. Ive been a worker for 40 years in the sport from club right up to SNFC level and held most positions in our sport but yet still all this means nothing to the majority of the pigeon fraternity. You will probably recognise and understand my bitterness through my writings.

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Just because an incompetent few have no idea how to train and race pigeons there is no need to over react. The sport is ruined by people with no idea how to race pigeons and insist on buying birds from people who have no idea. They then go on the breed from poor quality birds and guess what, they lose them.

On the administrative side of the sport we are very badly lacking. Basic things like the running of meeting properly are awful and the collation and recording of factual information is either not done or done badly. An example is the recording of returns. No-one does it to my knowledge even though it is basic to the organisation of successful racing.

If we in the sport want to improve matters surely the first step should be to try to run things in a far better way. Maybe we should start by asking the RPRA to run courses on various aspects of the sport.

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Just because an incompetent few have no idea how to train and race pigeons there is no need to over react. The sport is ruined by people with no idea how to race pigeons and insist on buying birds from people who have no idea. They then go on the breed from poor quality birds and guess what, they lose them.

On the administrative side of the sport we are very badly lacking. Basic things like the running of meeting properly are awful and the collation and recording of factual information is either not done or done badly. An example is the recording of returns. No-one does it to my knowledge even though it is basic to the organisation of successful racing.

If we in the sport want to improve matters surely the first step should be to try to run things in a far better way. Maybe we should start by asking the RPRA to run courses on various aspects of the sport.

Recording returns i think is a no hoper if you ask some of the club members they drop very few but they still breed 60 the next year.

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