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billy wilson

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Well puts my 'Cuppa Tea' to shame  :B :B ... but it is a good strong cuppa in a mug! ;) ;D


Its a rareity i tip Roland but i have had such bad service from them in the past to get a chap on for a couple of weeks who could not be more helpful is surely worth keeping onside.


Anyone who i have sent pigeons to can probaly verify that they came in big boxes this is because i have been waiting for the normal driver to bring normal size since September but the relief driver brought them first time of asking



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Guest racer

amtrax turned up on monday to pick a bird up

without a box coming back on tuesday this is

the second time this has happened prices they

charge and no box

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Guest shadow
I have had some bad service but they have started to get better and the new driver (releif i think) has been exceptional so much so i gave him a tenner tip today


As I keep posting ALL the drivers for amtrack are self employed and work on franchise that is why there is so much difference in service some do a good job others don't



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4 pigeons were picked up in Scotland Tuesday morn and arrived in large box at 1200pm Wednesday. No problem. It was my first delivery of pigeons since my husband passed away 2 years ago. I didnt know what to expect. We used Amtrak and the Phantom Flyer when we were racing together. I am now going to do this with a friend of his this summer.Friends have been good and given us gift birds.

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amtrak picked pigeons up to-day at 1-30 ,and left me 10 boxes and i,ll get you more to-morrow if you wish he said i asked if he was on franchise with them answer (no) i work for them , and i,ll phone anytime to let you know what time i,ll be here to pick up  o.k.






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Guest Greig the doo Drysdale


As I keep posting ALL the drivers for amtrack are self employed and work on franchise that is why there is so much difference in service some do a good job others don't


I worked for Amtrak for a few months the drivers aint self employed up here. The franchise is bought/leased and they employ the drivers but it is still a joke at our local depot


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As I keep posting ALL the drivers for amtrack are self employed and work on franchise that is why there is so much difference in service some do a good job others don't


Very true, and a little word to the drivers work wonders... THEY mostly want to do a good job, have a good repore and future work.

But two things that 'WE fancier's consistantly forget is numbers, THOUSANDS of pigeons are transported every season! AND that is just a very small % of the amount of cargo hey shift!

Sorry yes indeed for those who have had bad expierences! But on a far more jubilant note very glad indeed for the vat majority that have had really good service, and that crock of the matter is MOST have! Sorry.

Tammy that shoulkd raise my 'Stake' in the company a few pence eh! ;)



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Just to bring everyone upto date, it appears that Amtrak are seeing off the franchises and making Amtrak depot's corporate again, or this is what i was told whilst struggling to get 9 birds up to Dovescot.  This may result in some of the franchises near you being shut down and work being passed to a nearby corporate depot.  Be warned though, if you book a collection phone to confirm it, as I was told by Amtrak they were coming last thursday and then again on Monday, ended up me having to take them to the depot at 4.30 on Monday because when i phoned to see where they were, they didnt have anything booked, then they had a driver but with no pigeon boxes.


Finally we got it sorted with the help of a fellow fancier actually working for them.  But the changes are causing some confusion, so just make sure you check or you could have a wasted day.


At least though, they got away in the end and hopefully Dovescot and Chickadee will be happy with them. :)

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Just to bring everyone upto date, it appears that Amtrak are seeing off the franchises and making Amtrak depot's corporate again, or this is what i was told whilst struggling to get 9 birds up to Dovescot.  This may result in some of the franchises near you being shut down and work being passed to a nearby corporate depot.  Be warned though, if you book a collection phone to confirm it, as I was told by Amtrak they were coming last thursday and then again on Monday, ended up me having to take them to the depot at 4.30 on Monday because when i phoned to see where they were, they didnt have anything booked, then they had a driver but with no pigeon boxes.


Finally we got it sorted with the help of a fellow fancier actually working for them.  But the changes are causing some confusion, so just make sure you check or you could have a wasted day.


At least though, they got away in the end and hopefully Dovescot and Chickadee will be happy with them. :)


I am more than happy with them, I will post pics tommorrow once they settle in :)


Amtrak at Broxburn are not a franchise and the guys there are great to deal with, apart from holidays it is the same driver all the time. We tend to get let down by other depots or the hubs due to networking problems with bad communication :-/

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