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hellsbellz's Achievements


Hatchling (3/8)

  1. I've noticed that one of my young birds is struggling to eat. When he attempts to eat from the feeder he tilts his head right back, at first I thought he was throwing out the corn that he didn't like, but this isn't the case. Sometimes he looses his footing entirely. I filmed him on my mobile tonight (apologies for the quality). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnYt7tgSmwA Any advice greatly receieved. Thanks Helen
  2. I've got a squeaker with a splay leg, is there any way of putting it right? I've tried strapping the legs with tape but it keeps managing to break free! Any advice greatly received. Thanks Helen
  3. Theres a new pigeon shop opened in Ferryhill, Co. Durham, seems competitively priced. A few prices... The Corn Bin, Unit 5c Dean & Chapter Industrial Estate, Ferryhill, DL17 8LH Crowthers Corn High Protein Economy -£8.30 Super Youngster (no maze) - £8.95 Super Moulter - £9.60 Best all round - £9.95 Channel Mix (beans, peas, tares, mung beans) - £9.60 Versa Laga Gerry Plus - £12.50 Junior UK - £11.50 Superstar Plus - £13.10 Energy Plus - £13.95 Moulting Plus - £12.50 Depurative (25kg) - £12.80 Super Widowhood - £11.80 Natural Corn Moulting Maxi (25kg) - £13.50 Natural Young Bird (no maize) - £13.25 Supplements Gemthepax (1l) - £18.95 Matrix (5kg) - £9.45 Naturaline - £3.95 Natural Electrolytes - £3.95 Vita Mineral - £4.50 Naturavit plus - £6.10 Vita pro combi - £7.60 Avio-med Supplements Entromune - £18 Performance powder - £16.80 Feather Oil - £10.80 Lectrolyte - £15.60 Wingspeed - £14.40 Multi-vite - £19.20 Plus much more, ring for details Mon-Thu 11:00am - 5:00pm Fri 11:00am - 4:00pm Sat/Sun - 9:00am-12:00pm FREE LOCAL DELIVERY Tel: 07907 885676 or 07908 057829
  4. Yes I'd actually entered some for a show on Saturday and they've taken 3 of them
  5. To be honest I have a bit of an idea who has done it, but obviously its proving it. They would have had to climb over two or three high fences to get in and also have the audacity to do it during the day. Totally gutted :'(
  6. Between the hours of 9:15am and 3:15pm today (18th November) some thieves have once again targeted my allotment in Ferryhill and stolen some of my pigeons. 13 birds in total have been taken (3 x rollers, 3 x tumblers and 7 x old dutch capuchines). I'm absolutely heartbroken, please keep your eyes and ears open. Thank you Helen
  7. I'm considering it..... whats the deadline date for entries?
  8. Just look like ordinary flying tumblers to me :-/
  9. Where are you located?
  10. Yes they usually have boxes in the van ready for collection
  11. I can spell properly, you however clearly have no grasp of the English language!! Advice and Advise have two different meanings don't ya know! Sheesh! Don't do it Jim.... he clearly doesn't know a bargain when he sees one!!
  12. Well I will advise that he doesn't sell them to you becasue you're a crook! Hows that for advice?! 8)
  13. OK the deal is this... You pay Amtrak I get 60 quid And Mr Bamling gets 40 quid cos he can always breed some more!! Deal??!
  14. Nah but I reckon after this I deserve at least 10% of every sale! ;D
  15. He's not running a charity yer nar!!
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