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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. The subject needs to be earthed to get shocked.
  2. if its AC it will pulse Ac=Alternating current.If its dc it will just shock ya Dc=direct current.Ac was introduced mainly to let people let go when they get shocked , first shock will cause a spasm and muscles will contract (grab hold) the current then alternates and forces the muscles to go the other way (let go).thats what i was led to believe not sure how accurate that is but its something along them lines. thats for a household enviroment .The railway is completely different and i suppose battery chargers will be as well lol.
  3. niort 500mile or there abouts 2008 1st club 1st fed 7 combine(only bird on night in fed) he was a yearling jansen cock chasing his hen he also won fourgeres this year on widowhood 340mile.also won niort race this year with another yearling cock chasing his hen but only won the club.
  4. so if its virtually invisible in some birds how would a small team fancier like myself know if its in my loft?Ok birds get ill and disposed of but unseen to me others may have caught it and become carriers.Now i have a small team so when i breed youngsters am i going to breed more carriers?Lets just say this happened so i culled the whole team and bought in new birds how do i know there not carriers and then the whole process would start again. See now i'm getting paranoid wondering if the reason my best cock didnt peform this year was due to an unseen illness and nothing to do with me taking two rounds and messing up his moult .
  5. you sure about them distances Pete i'm pretty sure fourgeres is 340 to me
  6. no offense taken mate i'm all for people flying whatever they are happy with i myself bred 36 this year(a big team for me) due to bad training tosses and bad management by myself i went into racing with 13 i have 12 left after 4 race's i won the first one and took a card in two others being last man in one.To be hohnest if i had the money i wouldl ove to be able to build an extension on the loft and race 100 a week .Lol theres still the lottery dream eh
  7. a goodfancier with a smallteam does well a good fancier with a big team will do better providing they have the room to house them . I dont think numbers matter so much in old bird racing but i do believe its a big advantage in youngbird racing. Also what a lot of people fail to notice is a lot of the so called mob fliers are partnerships and if they fly a team of 60 its the same as a single flier sending 30. well thats how i see it anyway it only takes one but you got more chance of getting that one with a big team of youngsters. i think if you take a good look at your old bird team you can pick the one in your shed before basketing.
  8. it wont hurt them mate the probably came from the south because of swinmging around in the wind. On another note in my wisdom i left mine round the loft yesterday they've had 3 races and are fit enough so why take chance's?
  9. I cant see no wrong in your post Micko keep it up mate. The translations are allways appreciated though. Seriously mate just ignore em and keep being you.
  10. Spot on for me. If a fancier is putting 10 before me i will aim to make it only 5 then only 3 and so on.
  11. Could it be a case of the darkness making all birds perform to a good standard ?.Ive allways been told youngbirds is down to a system Oldbirds is down to good birds
  12. i'm of the same opinion as you two just interested in other peoples views
  13. would you put to much in store on young bird performance's ? the reason i'm asking is ive a young bird that won the first race and last two weeks has been over ten mins in front of my first bird but not been clocked cos the little barsteward wont come down.I was just wondering on peoples opinions and how they judge the youngbirds for next years race team or would some people put young straight to stock bear in mind its a hen and i am only going to race the cocks from next year. I will breed of it then use it as a widowhood hen next year for the cocks but would like to know how people grade their young birds. Sorry if ive waffled on but i'm tired.
  14. Thers two sides to very argument Mick and its easy to give advice when i'm sat behind a pc if it was me being threatened i would of Hit him then dealt with the consquences later.Lol but in hind sight i would be saying i shouldve ignored him again we dont know all the fact's .And yes i have had people in my face like that and one occaision i did shake his hand just as i was pulling his face into my head
  15. south west cheshire up at swainswic 120 mile to me returns are good 11 out of 12 all within 10mins of the first times not to clever 2 1/2 hours or there abouts couldnt trap them for love nor money really spooked .
  16. Lol some of the answers on here seem to be over reactions.To many people want to get people thrown out of racing. Just tell the pair of them to grow up and shut up if they cant talk to each other civally then just ignore each other i am assuming they are both adults so tell them to act like it. If you have nothing nice to say then say nothing at all springs to mind.
  17. south west cheshire fed at 06:45 from swainswick
  18. well i had me a big team of 36 this year(a few where later bred than others) 3rd race in i'm on 12 a few bad trainers and your team is gone.Ive 16 boxes in my oldbird loft the way things stand at the moment i will still have 5 empty come next year.Lol still quality not quantity i suppose.
  19. well my 14 went last week and i took 1st in the first race 10th fed(thats a good result being where i am position in all that wind) and last week i reckon i took 4th but wont know till tonight my big team is down to 12 now so after this weekend i will just pick and choose my race's and prolly race 4-5 birds a week.
  20. shhhtoppppp dat youngbirds ishnt ready yet.
  21. south west cheshire fed where up at midday returns where poor in our club not sure about the rest of the fed.
  22. oh well there go'smy chance of a bargain lets see what happens sunday Good luck
  23. i will start you of mate £50 bid
  24. Ronnie

    Race or Stock

    The question to ask yourself is if you stock her your holding her back from a great future as a racing pigeon.Can you afford to lose her? have you many young of her to carry the family on if she go's down.If it was me i would be racing her for at least one more season but picking and choosing the race.Also if you stock her is there any more racers to fill the gap left behind.I would also pair her to a son of hers as well.
  25. 11 from 14 a bit off the pace but all came within a few min's of each other got me thimble stuck in the clock for the second one lol so even futher of the pace.
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