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Blue Tooner

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Everything posted by Blue Tooner

  1. Peterhead and District Racing Pigeon Club Secretary: George Taylor Dunfermline on 15/08/2020 at 14:30 hrs 7 Members sent 260 Birds. Very light east wind Pos Name AFT Clocked Distance Bird Velocity 1 RobertWhyte 02:47:29 17:17:30 117m1592y SU20NE825BLC 1239.001 2 RobertWhyte 02:48:23 17:18:24 117m1592y SU20NE827CHH 1232.379 3 C&MWilliams 02:41:53 17:11:54 112m1659y SU20NE1159BLC 1227.915 4 C&MWilliams 02:41:53 17:11:54 112m1659y SU20NE1116BLC 1227.915 5 C&MWilliams 02:41:56 17:11:57 112m1659y SU20NE1221BLC 1227.536 6 RobertWhyte 02:49:20 17:19:21 117m1592y SU20NE806CHC 1225.465 7 StuartMaskame 02:51:13 17:21:13 116m1718y SU20NE694BLC 1202.441 8 StuartMaskame 02:51:17 17:21:17 116m1718y SU20NE663CHC 1201.973 9 StuartMaskame 02:51:22 17:21:22 116m1718y SU20NE668DCC 1201.389 10 GordonFindlay 03:02:26 17:32:27 120m1273y SU20NE783MLC 1164.661 11 GordonFindlay 03:09:14 17:39:15 120m1273y SU20NE794BWC 1122.810 12 GordonFindlay 03:09:17 17:39:18 120m1273y SU20NE1475BLC 1122.513 13 GeorgeTaylor 03:07:46 17:37:47 117m960y SU20NE1521BCH 1101.793 14 GrahamRitchie 03:07:11 17:37:11 115m1621y SU20NE3391CHC 1089.953 15 SteveGlew 03:11:04 17:41:04 118m209y SU20NE453BLH 1088.044 16 SteveGlew 03:11:05 17:41:05 118m209y SU20NE495BLC 1087.949 17 SteveGlew 03:11:08 17:41:08 118m209y SU20NE494CHC 1087.665 18 GrahamRitchie 03:10:59 17:40:59 115m1621y SU20NE3382RC 1068.266 19 GeorgeTaylor 03:20:33 17:50:34 117m960y SU20NE1518BLC 1031.563 20 GrahamRitchie 03:18:28 17:48:28 115m1621y SU20NE3869GRC 1027.986 21 GeorgeTaylor 03:25:26 17:55:27 117m960y SU20NE1507BPH 1007.042 Well done Robbie!
  2. Bird belongs to Gordon Findlay 01346 532751
  3. Peterhead and District Racing Pigeon Club Secretary: George Taylor Dunfermline on 08/08/2020 at 07:00 hrs 8 Members sent 358 Birds. Light west south west wind Pos Name AFT Clocked Distance Bird Velocity 1 RobertWhyte 02:35:06 09:35:06 117m1592y SU20NE826CHH 1337.924 2 RobertWhyte 02:35:08 09:35:08 117m1592y SU20NE886CHC 1337.636 3 RobertWhyte 02:35:09 09:35:09 117m1592y SU20NE862BPC 1337.493 4 C&MWilliams 02:29:28 09:29:29 112m1659y SU20NE1245BLC 1329.867 5 C&MWilliams 02:30:11 09:30:12 112m1659y SU20NE1153BLH 1323.521 6 C&MWilliams 02:33:30 09:33:31 112m1659y SU20NE1156BLC 1294.925 7 StuartMaskame 02:40:22 09:40:22 116m1718y SU20NE712CHC 1283.795 8 StuartMaskame 02:40:25 09:40:25 116m1718y SU20NE611CWC 1283.395 9 StuartMaskame 02:40:39 09:40:39 116m1718y SU20NE687CHC 1281.531 10 GordonFindlay 02:49:25 09:49:25 120m1273y SU20NE1473CHC 1254.145 11 GordonFindlay 02:52:28 09:52:28 120m1273y SU20NE776CPC 1231.966 12 GordonFindlay 02:52:39 09:52:39 120m1273y SU20NE754BLC 1230.657 13 SteveGlew 02:49:07 09:49:07 118m209y SU20NE1482CHH 1229.264 14 GrahamRitchie 02:46:11 09:46:11 115m1621y SU20NE5383DCC 1227.686 15 GrahamRitchie 02:48:01 09:48:01 115m1621y SU20NE3869GRC 1214.290 16 SteveGlew 02:52:15 09:52:15 118m209y SU20NE1487BLC 1206.903 17 SteveGlew 02:56:03 09:56:03 118m209y SU20NE498CWH 1180.852 18 GrahamRitchie 02:59:18 09:59:18 115m1621y SU20NE1539BLC 1137.875 Well done Robbie
  4. Birds headed north east on liberation, came off the coast of holland and into north sea, shipping forecast for southern north sea was southerly force 5-6 occasionally 7 (in other words as we say up here a good breeze o ween) the winning pigeons manage to sort themselves out but many didnt. If it was the heat it didn’t seem to affect the snrpc race?
  5. 4/8 here one covered in oil Als a doo from Maidstone on tuesday covered in oil.
  6. Well done Craig, fantastic result!ðŸ‘
  7. Now, now Robbie buy yer pal a bacon bap! 🤣
  8. Fantastic Pigeon in the hands of fantastic fanciers! Absolutely brilliant
  9. Delighted for Chris! Top bombing
  10. Fantastic performance from all three.. Superb flying ladsðŸ‘ðŸ‘
  11. Peterhead and District Racing Pigeon Club Secretary: George Taylor Brechin on 02/08/2020 at 10:15 hrs 5 Members sent 228 birds. Light west south west wind Pos Name AFT Clocked Distance Bird Velocity 1 C&MWilliams 01:11:30 11:26:30 57m1635y SU20NE1145BLH 1425.944 2 C&MWilliams 01:11:33 11:26:33 57m1635y SU20NE1153BLH 1424.948 3 C&MWilliams 01:11:36 11:26:36 57m1635y SU20NE1245BLC 1423.953 4 RobertWhyte 01:19:06 11:34:06 62m1594y SU20NE815BLC 1399.671 5 RobertWhyte 01:19:06 11:34:06 62m1594y SU20NE820CPH 1399.671 6 RobertWhyte 01:19:10 11:34:10 62m1594y SU20NE822BPC 1398.493 7 StuartMaskame 01:28:06 11:43:06 61m1755y SU20NE664CHH 1238.536 8 StuartMaskame 01:29:04 11:44:04 61m1755y SU20NE673BLH 1225.094 9 StuartMaskame 01:29:15 11:44:15 61m1755y SU20NE679CHH 1222.577 10 GrahamRitchie 01:28:30 11:43:30 60m1517y SU20NE3885BLC 1210.362 11 GrahamRitchie 01:28:39 11:43:39 60m1517y SU20NE1544BLC 1208.314 12 GrahamRitchie 01:28:51 11:43:51 60m1517y SU20NE3444DCC 1205.594 Well done Clint & Mhari
  12. Finally clocked one at 19:43 621miles
  13. Superb performance and well deserved for a true gentleman and hard worker for the sportðŸ‘
  14. Well done! Fantastic performance ðŸ‘
  15. Good luck to all competing in the biggest race of the year, someones dreams will come true. 8 away from my loft (621mls) 25 from the Peterheed club!
  16. Congratulations Brian, absolutely brilliant performance ðŸ‘
  17. Peterhead and District Racing Pigeon Club Secretary: George Taylor Brechin on 26/07/2020 at 10:00 hrs 6 Members sent 303 Birds. Light west south west wind Pos Name AFT Clocked Distance Bird Velocity 1 GordonFindlay 01:10:04 11:10:04 66m240y SU20NE792GRC 1661.275 2 GordonFindlay 01:10:08 11:10:08 66m240y SU20NE769BLC 1659.696 3 GordonFindlay 01:10:13 11:10:13 66m240y SU20NE783MLC 1657.726 4 RobertWhyte 01:08:39 11:08:39 62m1594y SU20NE864CHC 1612.731 5 RobertWhyte 01:08:39 11:08:39 62m1594y SU20NE842CHH 1612.731 6 RobertWhyte 01:08:40 11:08:40 62m1594y SU20NE807MLC 1612.340 7 SteveGlew 01:09:41 11:09:41 63m197y SU20NE453BLH 1594.025 8 SteveGlew 01:10:04 11:10:04 63m197y SU20NE492BLH 1585.304 9 SteveGlew 01:10:05 11:10:05 63m197y SU20NE462CHC 1584.927 10 GrahamRitchie 01:11:33 11:11:33 60m1517y SU20NE3884BLC 1497.093 11 GrahamRitchie 01:11:34 11:11:34 60m1517y SU20NE3391CHC 1496.744 12 GrahamRitchie 01:11:37 11:11:37 60m1517y SU20NE3871CHC 1495.699 13 C&MWilliams 01:08:13 11:08:14 57m1635y SU20NE1102BLH 1494.464 14 C&MWilliams 01:08:18 11:08:19 57m1635y SU20NE1137CWC 1492.641 15 C&MWilliams 01:08:57 11:08:58 57m1635y SU20NE1171BLC 1478.571 16 StuartMaskame 01:15:42 11:15:42 61m1755y SU20NE702CHC 1441.413 17 StuartMaskame 01:16:06 11:16:06 61m1755y SU20NE699CHH 1433.837 18 StuartMaskame 01:16:10 11:16:10 61m1755y SU20NE711CHC 1432.582 Well done Gordon
  18. Well done George, fantastic result! Well done also to Rick Richards in Elgin timing his single entry to be 6th north section 231st open at 471 mls
  19. Peterhead and District Racing Pigeon Club Secretary: George Taylor Worksop on 19/07/2020 at 05:50 hrs 7 Members sent 62 Birds. Light north west wind turning westerly Pos Name AFT Clocked Distance Bird Velocity 1 StuartMaskame 07:07:55 12:57:55 290m1432y SU19NE5381BLC 1196.102 2 StuartMaskame 07:20:52 13:10:52 290m1432y SU18NE1601DCC 1160.968 3 StuartMaskame 07:27:57 13:17:57 290m1432y SU19NE5308BLC 1142.610 4 D&CMcDougall 07:31:13 13:21:14 291m1533y SU19NE5009CHC 1138.457 5 C&MWilliams 07:24:01 13:14:02 287m92y SU19NE6358CHC 1137.817 6 StuartMaskame 07:31:25 13:21:25 290m1432y SU19NE5414BLH 1133.835 7 StuartMaskame 07:31:29 13:21:29 290m1432y SU19NE5386CHH 1133.668 8 D&CMcDougall 07:34:23 13:24:24 291m1533y SU19NE5060CHC 1130.523 9 GeorgeTaylor 07:35:55 13:25:56 290m1224y SU18NE2244CHH 1122.183 10 D&CMcDougall 07:43:15 13:33:16 291m1533y SU19NE5067BPH 1108.885 11 RobertWhyte 07:43:16 13:33:17 291m385y GB19N96137DCC 1106.367 12 D&CMcDougall 07:44:27 13:34:28 291m1533y SU19NE5068BLH 1106.020 13 C&MWilliams 07:38:23 13:28:24 287m92y SU19NE6367BLC 1102.156 14 GeorgeTaylor 07:44:46 13:34:47 290m1224y SU19NE5720BLC 1100.815 15 D&CMcDougall 08:03:00 13:53:01 291m1533y SU19NE5006BLC 1063.543 16 SteveGlew 08:02:27 13:52:27 291m453y SU19NE6167CHC 1062.520 17 C&MWilliams 07:58:14 13:48:15 287m92y SU19NE6386BLC 1056.409 18 C&MWilliams 07:58:58 13:48:59 287m92y SU19NE6252CHH 1054.792 19 GeorgeTaylor 08:15:01 14:05:02 290m1224y SU17NE3332BLH 1033.546 20 GordonWillox 08:14:54 14:04:55 290m157y SU18NE1316CHH 1031.633 21 RobertWhyte 08:23:11 14:13:12 291m385y GB18R30281BLC 1018.602 22 SteveGlew 08:26:36 14:16:36 291m453y SU18NE2600CHH 1011.869 23 RobertWhyte 08:44:21 14:34:22 291m385y SU19NE5527BLH 977.484 24 SteveGlew 08:48:20 14:38:20 291m453y SU19NE6174CWC 970.245 25 GeorgeTaylor 09:00:41 14:50:42 290m1224y SU17NE3311MLH 946.252 26 GordonWillox 09:25:29 15:15:30 290m157y SU17NE3198CHC 902.866 27 SteveGlew 09:31:47 15:21:47 291m453y SU19NE6171CHC 896.516 28 SteveGlew 12:16:40 18:06:40 291m453y SU18NE2597CHC 695.855 Well done Stuart
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