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When are we going to get a break with the weather back up into double figures

I am waiting patiently as my old bird team have yet to see a basket this year

Hoping to get them started in next couple weeks

Lymm141 or Stafford 181

One thing for certain not going to take edge of them in these conditions

Any one else Likewise Minded ?

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When are we going to get a break with the weather back up into double figures

I am waiting patiently as my old bird team have yet to see a basket this year

Hoping to get them started in next couple weeks

Lymm141 or Stafford 181

One thing for certain not going to take edge of them in these conditions

Any one else Likewise Minded ?

I am gan to be blunt( as usual your thinking) lol




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I am gan to be blunt( as usual your thinking) lol





Typical of just why so many losses and good birds ruined.


If one has too race at all and any cost so be it eh! Racing and hence breeding starts way too early.

Returns are naturally poor and Hawks, convoyer, race controller get the blame. In 0 degrees and cold East wind Lol. Time to look in the mirror.

Far, far better to wait for better weather ... only sending one or two old pro's if one must.

7- 8 weeks TOPS super form for a pigeon to hold on too ... and threw away due to impatience etc.


Ok if one is only interested in short races etc. I suppose. Certainly no good for any serious fancier that want to competer at the true races of distance and be there on haed days.

Later racing starting in May would mean better youngsters being later. Wings holding up, and y/b's able to compete in the best weather of Late August and September.

Incest and breeding to lose simply is working.... and Blame any one and everything to no avail.

I have great respect for late - breds... The odd good weather chuck first year if must. June / July a couple of chucks and 100 - 150 miler races ... few losses and next season they will compete and hold their own against all.

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Just what the birds need eh!


Maybe we should start racing in January to get them use to it eh!

I've had a couple or so light chucks ... will be watching the weather closely and bearing patience.

Better to race first off 150 miler in good weather or so than ruin them via keeping sending them up in cold and easterly winds and systematically losing the,

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Typical of just why so many losses and good birds ruined.


If one has too race at all and any cost so be it eh! Racing and hence breeding starts way too early.

Returns are naturally poor and Hawks, convoyer, race controller get the blame. In 0 degrees and cold East wind Lol. Time to look in the mirror.

Far, far better to wait for better weather ... only sending one or two old pro's if one must.

7- 8 weeks TOPS super form for a pigeon to hold on too ... and threw away due to impatience etc.


Ok if one is only interested in short races etc. I suppose. Certainly no good for any serious fancier that want to competer at the true races of distance and be there on haed days.

Later racing starting in May would mean better youngsters being later. Wings holding up, and y/b's able to compete in the best weather of Late August and September.

Incest and breeding to lose simply is working.... and Blame any one and everything to no avail.

I have great respect for late - breds... The odd good weather chuck first year if must. June / July a couple of chucks and 100 - 150 miler races ... few losses and next season they will compete and hold their own against all.

pigeons will manage a 100 mile race in an East wind NO PROBLEM if FIT and HEALTHY. I fly in the same fed as Mick so know exactly what's required in the first few races.


Super form? What's that?

I had my channel team away yesterday for their first go. Two tosses two weeks ago and a bit of exercise at home. Home Nae bother

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Just what the birds need eh!


Maybe we should start racing in January to get them use to it eh!

I've had a couple or so light chucks ... will be watching the weather closely and bearing patience.

Better to race first off 150 miler in good weather or so than ruin them via keeping sending them up in cold and easterly winds and systematically losing the,

Lol Roland. I remember you telling us on here that you trained in all weather INCLUDING FOG!!!!


Could always bring them doon tae fechan for you to single up lol

Nae probs pal

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Da12 that is very true I did! All weathers Fog, snow and winds etc. Finished up with very reliable and hardy 'Homers'. Just an odd win here and there though ... Only did well in the odd very extreme hard races when others fared badly! (Though better than many of course) One swallow doesn't make a summer eh! So I got sharp. Now building a reliable team of 'Racers', and enough for rotating them. Still believe in few tosses though and sending 140 miles or so first race or chuck if mentally and physically fit.


May, a couple of seasons down the line, have a few old stagers purely for the early races if decent weather permits and be silly enough to have ago at the averages lol.

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My 2 & 3 year olds have not seen a basket yet and wont till the weather improves. I had no intention of going yesterday with my team of yearlings and latebreds and have ruined what made it home to my mind as the temp never went above 7c. Its ok to say the winners made it so the rest should be there but you propose to put racing back a month and you will hardly be able to get a seconder. In future I will not be talked into "it will be a blow home" and its just lately I posted the weather forecasts are sh*t with all the modern tech they have at their disposal. Please dont insult my or your intelligence by posting the usual reply unless its constructive. Yeboah is one of the few who posts sensible and constructive comments.

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My 2 & 3 year olds have not seen a basket yet and wont till the weather improves. I had no intention of going yesterday with my team of yearlings and latebreds and have ruined what made it home to my mind as the temp never went above 7c. Its ok to say the winners made it so the rest should be there but you propose to put racing back a month and you will hardly be able to get a seconder. In future I will not be talked into "it will be a blow home" and its just lately I posted the weather forecasts are sh*t with all the modern tech they have at their disposal. Please dont insult my or your intelligence by posting the usual reply unless its constructive. Yeboah is one of the few who posts sensible and constructive comments.

Danny be posting unless yer agreeing lol

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DA12 sounds good 'Don't be posting unless you agree ... But that flies in the face of 'Welcomed to your opinions.

Because 'others Do' doesn't make it A. better or B right and sensible.

The fact is, and will remain the fact that any and every excuse will be blamed for losses and bad races ... Nary a mention of looking in the mirror.

I, further, think that Peter Pandy has embraced the realism and truth personally. JMO

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DA12 sounds good 'Don't be posting unless you agree ... But that flies in the face of 'Welcomed to your opinions.

Because 'others Do' doesn't make it A. better or B right and sensible.

The fact is, and will remain the fact that any and every excuse will be blamed for losses and bad races ... Nary a mention of looking in the mirror.

I, further, think that Peter Pandy has embraced the realism and truth personally. JMO

Roland, I hope when you bring out yer channel team at 150+ that ye get a good day for it and ye have no losses.

I keep them to race and like to have a go every week and am of the opinion that a fit and healthy bird will take no harm flying 2 hours in an East wind, it's not ideal but think losses can be down to many factors

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Roland, I hope when you bring out yer channel team at 150+ that ye get a good day for it and ye have no losses.

I keep them to race and like to have a go every week and am of the opinion that a fit and healthy bird will take no harm flying 2 hours in an East wind, it's not ideal but think losses can be down to many factors


Steve I never gave it a thought that my and all the others who are birds missing from yesterday were not fit or healthy. Personally 2 weeks past, samples were taken, and sent for analysis and given a clean bill of health. As regards fitness I only lost 5 in all the training they had and none racing. They also have freedom at the loft 8 hrs daily. All were sitting eggs and motivated naturally plus I double handle all my birds and if not 100% then dont go.

I cannot speak for others but am sure the quality of fanciers missing experienced birds would not be taking chances with them.

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Steve I never gave it a thought that my and all the others who are birds missing from yesterday were not fit or healthy. Personally 2 weeks past, samples were taken, and sent for analysis and given a clean bill of health. As regards fitness I only lost 5 in all the training they had and none racing. They also have freedom at the loft 8 hrs daily. All were sitting eggs and motivated naturally plus I double handle all my birds and if not 100% then dont go.

I cannot speak for others but am sure the quality of fanciers missing experienced birds would not be taking chances with them.

My point Peter is that birds are not lost purely cos East wind has dropped the temp.

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When the wind has east it is no good for man or beast.


Da12 I have no problem with that scenario. Many will and do. Many now swim the channel ... all well prepare and fit and conditioned ... Many more don't. Everest claims 100's of life's since being conquered ... all able and tested etc. Though of course some have made it1

A fit and healthy pigeon, both mentally and physically condition will! Yes. Many more as the seasons prove every year Don't.

Gosh fanciers for nigh a century know / knew that, and the 'Thinking Fancier' only sent the old stage for exactly the reason of losses and birds season being ruin.

Plus they knew to start the seasons later! Late February was the earliest mating's. Last week in March / first week in April meant less losses through out the seasons and y/b's flying the program and being there to breed from next season.


So more money is spent. More ideas and others systems read, plus more bred to be counteract losses.

24- 12 pairs was a big team in the 50's early 60's. THEN a simple reality is all too apparent. There was then 140,000 pigeon fanciers.

Now just over 30,000 and yet twice as many birds sent each week even on a poor birdage!


I have no problems sending / giving tried and test birds any test, as I have done, and used to always. Been there, done that and know of by heart all the cliques etc. Yearlings and especially late - breds can and have too ... Now I am conscious of losing and ruining good birds when building - as we all are trying to constantly - a team up for the future.

Simple thing is that 'Late Breds are used to great effect in building up a new loft with great success, beside being very cost effective. However they don't come into their own for hard and worthwhile prepared races till 18 months or more. Patience is needed and then losses are very few. Rewards and merit can abound. JMO

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When are we going to get a break with the weather back up into double figures

I am waiting patiently as my old bird team have yet to see a basket this year

Hoping to get them started in next couple weeks

Lymm141 or Stafford 181

One thing for certain not going to take edge of them in these conditions

Any one else Likewise Minded ?

you will have to move to sunny golden tryangle mick thats 900 mls in 4 races 340mls this sat all best davy

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you will have to move to sunny golden tryangle mick thats 900 mls in 4 races 340mls this sat all best davy

Hi Davy

Going to pack work in a couple of years that will give you a bit of time to get me a nice little spot

Flying really well at home so no probs

Best wishes to your good lady and Mr B

Will try and get over one Sunday

Atb my friend

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