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When pigeon clubs in Scotland first started getting grants from Awards for All they knew a new member had to be proposed and seconded and then voted on,with majority rule. (this is still an SHU rule)

It has changed now,if this is in your club constitution you wont get a grant.

Guest Gareth Rankin
If I was refused entry or banned from anything that was unjust I would fight tooth and nail to prove my banning or refusal was unjust. If they get away with it then they could do it to anyone and everyone, stand up and be counted and set a president for the future




the RPRA should throw this club out of their union or expel them until resolved but they wont as they lack the guts that it would require and in turn this fancier will need to take legal proceedings and in turn at a great expense.



frank our club was fraserburgh invitation f/c SHU made us change the name we had to get invitation out  and put another name instead so we are now fraserburgh and district and funny thing nobody has ever been refused entry into our club [  has no other club you know has been told to get rid of invitation from club in scotland the reason was not to stop fanciers getting into clubs so there must be something written in SHU WHEN WE WERE TOLD ]



i hard a nightmare of a job trying to get a new member in this year it was ok for him to get basketing facilitys and fly for fed tickets but not club tickets . i phoned the shu to seek advice and called another meeting and eventually got him in as a full member it was hard work my heed was bursting . i also asked the shu if a club could refuse a fanceir basketing facilities and they can . sad but true and they wander why the sport is dying



What is written into the clubs constitution surely must be abided by.

if it was in constution of SHU  IT MUST BE ADERED TO unless of bad charecter but this crap of we cant beat him or her this must be stopped why can you call it a sport if your not willing to put your birds in same baskets as them that can beat you why stay in the hobby of pigeon racing if thats your mind keeoing other people out of the sport



if it was in constution of SHU  IT MUST BE ADERED TO unless of bad charecter but this crap of we cant beat him or her this must be stopped why can you call it a sport if your not willing to put your birds in same baskets as them that can beat you why stay in the hobby of pigeon racing if thats your mind keeoing other people out of the sport



agree every bird on that transporter has a chance dont mean because one flyer has made a name for him self takeing good places each year they will win week in week out its on the day alot of things can happen from when they come off that transporter to they drop back into the loft ive seen it and heard it o not sending this week dont stand a chance anyway IF YOU DONT SEND HOW WILL YOU NO.



i hard a nightmare of a job trying to get a new member in this year it was ok for him to get basketing facilitys and fly for fed tickets but not club tickets . i phoned the shu to seek advice and called another meeting and eventually got him in as a full member it was hard work my heed was bursting . i also asked the shu if a club could refuse a fanceir basketing facilities and they can . sad but true and they wander why the sport is dying

well any member on here thats on committee of SHU SHOULD TAKE THIS UP AT NEXT MEETING as if the main body of our rules is allowing clubs to refuse basketting facitiles to fanciers with a good back ground then this hobby is going down the tubes a lot faster and i for one will be calling lind brooks asking for this to be put in front of next council meeting



And we ask why our sport is dying a very fast death. What has this club REALLY got against Derek and Linda??? we need to hear the reason for the refusal, surely it cant be because of Dereks threat to do well, which i,m sure he will, as this is what we all want, to race against the best. There must be something else that stops him getting in......... SO WHAT IS IT, BE HONEST AND TELL THE TRUTH, before we lose another great fancier :-/


well any member on here thats on committee of SHU SHOULD TAKE THIS UP AT NEXT MEETING as if the main body of our rules is allowing clubs to refuse basketting facitiles to fanciers with a good back ground then this hobby is going down the tubes a lot faster and i for one will be calling lind brooks asking for this to be put in front of next council meeting


walter our club never refused nobody basketing facilitys but before our meeting i called linda brooks and asked her and she told me its up to the club members . but it is bad when a club can refuse a fanceir basketing doos maybe part of the reason why the sport is dying sickening rule .

I think any member/club that joins an affiliation or governing body has to adopt their constitution :-/

dovescot yes thats why this should be taken up and put to bed its not in SHU RULES TO STOP a member to get there birds basketed flying for club cards now thats another story one side of road your flying for cards the other eide your not but that is up to each club iam afraid in our club no matter where you stay you fly for club thropies every fancier pays the same fees end of story ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D



When applying for a lottery grant you are in essence applying for a grant to benefit the local community (via your club or organisation). The club/organisation constitution shouldn't conflict in any way with whats declared on the lottery application (to benefit the local community). Is it not deception if on one hand your agreeing that your application is to benefit the local community then on the other hand disallowing someone membership of same community for no valid reason. If you accept the grant I think you have a moral obligation to accept the terms of it along with you own submitted declaration.



walter our club never refused nobody basketing facilitys but before our meeting i called linda brooks and asked her and she told me its up to the club members . but it is bad when a club can refuse a fanceir basketing doos maybe part of the reason why the sport is dying sickening rule .

i dont mean nothing towards your club i just cant understand linda brooks saying that to you the head of the governing body its  the fanciers that pays there wages and saying its up to the clubs to say if they get there birds basketed if birds healthy and no bad reputation


there birds should be allowed in lorry after all all other members of federation is on lorry if theres room

i dont mean nothing towards your club i just cant understand linda brooks saying that to you the head of the governing body its  the fanciers that pays there wages and saying its up to the clubs to say if they get there birds basketed if birds healthy and no bad reputation


there birds should be allowed in lorry after all all other members of federation is on lorry if theres room


i could,nt agree more i just asked her the question so i had the answer incase i got asked it fortunatley our meeting went well and all new applications were accepted

i dont mean nothing towards your club i just cant understand linda brooks saying that to you the head of the governing body


Linda is the SHU Sec and is not always right.




I know that my fed has a rule on vetting applicants, it was originally done 'unofficially' but has now been ratified by SHU. A number of clubs in my fed have also refused membership on grounds of bad behaviour.


Lottery grant funding does not affect your fundamental human rights, right of association also covers right not to be involved with constant 'troublemakers'.


However, if you can't fly against someone and beat them, way to go is to fly a better pigeon, not put better flyers out the game.

I know that my fed has a rule on vetting applicants, it was originally done 'unofficially' but has now been ratified by SHU. A number of clubs in my fed have also refused membership on grounds of bad behaviour.


Lottery grant funding does not affect your fundamental human rights, right of association also covers right not to be involved with constant 'troublemakers'.


However, if you can't fly against someone and beat them, way to go is to fly a better pigeon, not put better flyers out the game.


what do you mean bad behavour  or is it a bad past history i e banned before


theres way to much of this going on in clubs people afraid of the compition its not right fanciers

been refused membership because there better flyers and put more work into there birds i can

understand clubs wanting to protect there selfs against members that cause troble and it can

destroy a good club but they have no right stoping somebody because there afraid of the compition

there cowards and shouldent be aloud get away with it there in the wrong game if there not willing

to fly against the best thats in there area :)



what do you mean bad behavour  or is it a bad past history i e banned before


No, this doesn't involve a banned member. One example, a member leaving one fed to join another, a financial matter in previous club needed 'clearing up' to new Fed's satisfaction, before application was accepted. Other example concerned a former member who had made life miserable for everyone in former club, constantly picking on people, especially officials. Reapplied and application was overwhelmingly declined. Then applied to other clubs, and had application declined for same reason.

theres way to much of this going on in clubs people afraid of the compition its not right fanciers

been refused membership because there better flyers and put more work into there birds i can

understand clubs wanting to protect there selfs against members that cause troble and it can

destroy a good club but they have no right stoping somebody because there afraid of the compition

there cowards and shouldent be aloud get away with it there in the wrong game if there not willing

to fly against the best thats in there area :)


thats the problem Anto  to many split clubs because they not good enough  and keep the good flyers out   its nothing new its been rife for years





the RPRA should throw this club out of their union or expel them until resolved but they wont as they lack the guts that it would require and in turn this fancier will need to take legal proceedings and in turn at a great expense.



there is a worse club  gareth ,big del was told to disband his last club and they would ALL  in and guess what they got a knock back and this was an SHU club ,so what about this club gareth ? and worse still they are a lanarkshire club too ,but i do feel sorry for the big man . posting from sunny gran canaria  25 degrees at 1800hrs

Guest frank dooman

only half the truth comes out when we get this every year a club has the right to let in who they want and it allways comes out its because such and such is a great fancier as stuart says feel sory for the person concerned but there were other clubs in the area (SHU) why did they not let him in? lets not just go down the one side of the road there is allways two sides to a story and the club is quite rightly saying nothing on here the agm is where it should be disscused



What is written into the clubs constitution surely must be abided by.


contracts are not worth the paper they written on football players and clubs prove that :-/

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