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Floating Eggs


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do i float eggs yes, why, to get more young ones of my better pairs as quickly as possible for racing ther put under my unproven racers maybe yearlings etc but only took away from the pair after 7 days sitting on them my birds are maybe paired at different times , i float eggs because i dont keep many birds thats my only reason really and to produce more youngsters out of my better pairs, i hope this makes sense.

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do i float eggs yes, why, to get more young ones of my better pairs as quickly as possible for racing ther put under my unproven racers maybe yearlings etc but only took away from the pair after 7 days sitting on them my birds are maybe paired at different times , i float eggs because i dont keep many birds thats my only reason really and to produce more youngsters out of my better pairs, i hope this makes sense.


yes good m8,

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I usually only breed from a selected few, floating one egg from each pair under foster parents in the race team, so that my race team gets to rear a single youngster before racing begins.

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Float the first round of eggs from stock under my racers. I float them after they've sat them between 8-10 days so the hen can build her calcium levels back up.


a good one m8, I often wondered if it was harming taking eggs away too quick, the same would go for leaving them too long letting the birds get on soft food,

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