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Here's a political one for you. With the troubles in Libya Britian has not ruled out the use of troops. Where are they coming from we are currently having killed or maimed 100's per year. Having served in iraq afghanistan and earlier on in Kosovo i see this new area as a potential distaster area.

We are having the worst cut backs for years and it has also been announced we are not now sending aid to india and russia how have the politicians been allowed to send money to these countries in the first place.

Hope this is not to heavy a subject but the maths do not seem to be adding up to me.

Anyone any thoughts.

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It would make sense to send them type of units in, we are all aware of there capabilities. However it would be pretty crazy. Starting to sound like something out of black hawk down


Perhaps they could take in a new weapon, suicide pigeon. not sure i would like to train them mind you.

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they'd need to police the state , more retraining the Libyans to police themselves and help them to democracy , obviously they'd need to take GADAFFI and his son out or be a waste of time ;) danger is Al-Qaeda will move in and try to unstable any kind of reform and will try to turn to a Muslim state

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For gods sake, are you trying to start another world war? This region is already volatile enough without further cack-handedness from British & American warlords interested only in looking after their oil investments there. Going into Afghanistan and then Iraq should be a lesson for us all - we just made the world a damned more dangerous place for everyone. So much so the ordinary Iraqi felt much safer with Saddam than without him.


The correct way to bring down the current Libyan 'government' is through the actions of its own people. And for me this 'spontaneous uprising against the regime' - in a number of countries one after the other - is too bloody much of a co-incidence - remember the domino effect in Europe when it was communism that replaced democratic governments? - this sounds awfy like the orchestrated undermining of governments, from outside the countries involved.


'Democracy' is the shout. But who says that is what these countries want? Is that going to be our excuse to invade? To bring democracy? Well one thing is for sure, they don't want murder from afar by the democratic folk that have weapons of mass destruction, but sure as hell won't let anyone else have them, even to defend themselves against those that have.

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Well what a sad joke. What a hypocritical joke! A month ago the Chameleon was cuddling and embracing Col. Gaddafi, - Likewise the USA. Wanting to trade and have oil and Gas etc. etc. Made reasons why he was a great leader and honourable man ... and as per usual has change colour and wants to help oust him and be pally with the new regime lol. After making a mock speech regards the terrorist being release and stating he should have died behind bars (I believe he should have too personally) but that was no more than a smoke screen to straddle the fence on obviously, to applease many and fumble excuses to the ignorant masses! . Yep a sick lot.

Tis time to let others rule their’ own countries and keep our boys safe and here. I mean do we really think that these leaders care about the treatment of the ‘Taliban’ women! Of course not, it is the Opium and Gas that we want!

Don't hear much about our leaders sorting out Macgabbe and his terrible regime in Zimbabwe ... Oh of course NO oil or gain there, he's just an evil tarrent: cry-blow: :cry-blow:

Mark my words well here the NEXT sortie we are preparing for is the Argentina and Falklands that will have to be blow up.... Yes to protect the rich investors minerals / Gold etc. that this strategic enforceable Fort that is there to guards Full stop.... Only reason the Evil 'Cow' went there in the first place... Likewise why we wish to be in Libyan territory etc.

Mind the evil witch did write a letter of complaint to the USA over the killing of 3000 loyal subjects … same reason she went to the Falklands, that no one had ever heard of… To protect our ‘Loyal Subjects’ Strueth and many actually believe it.

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I think i may stired up a hornets nest with this one. promise to post something less political next time.

;) good post probably in most peoples thoughts at the moment , many are loosing there life's whilst politicians sit back too long and do sod all , surely they should be drawing up a plan to help relieve then from this dictatorship , power to the people !!!!

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there managing fine them selves why is french and germans in it this time of course OIL they will be in there grabing what they can get fer f all (keep our noses oot o it nothing to do with us or oor forces what is left all that cameron talked about was getting oor lads hame fa IRAQ and THEN WANTS TA GET US RIGHT IT THE middle o this trouble that s got nothing to do with us again head bangers



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there managing fine them selves why is french and germans in it this time of course OIL they will be in there grabing what they can get fer f all (keep our noses oot o it nothing to do with us or oor forces what is left all that cameron talked about was getting oor lads hame fa IRAQ and THEN WANTS TA GET US RIGHT IT THE middle o this trouble that s got nothing to do with us again head bangers




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If we are going to get involved with fighting everyone else's wars I reckon we should insist on the Immigrants and Asylum Seekers serving a period in our army. That way they would learn the language and what British values are all about instead of cheapening jobs and cheating the Benefits System that we paid for. I am an ex-soldier and my family sent our younge men to fight in wars that were suposed to be to enable us to live more safely and to suport the values we thought were ours by right. We have suffered the pain of loosing life and the aftermath of war when some have had to carry the injuries sustained for the rest of their lifes. What was it all about? The Politicians just gave it away and treated us as if we did not matter.

I think it is time that we Brits decided to call a halt on these ill planned and interfereing adventures. Why on Earth should we stand by and watch the cream of our youth being slaughtered in circumstances where they are under funded and badley equiped. To make matters worse, when they return home injured and maimed for life they are not treated with dignity and properly looked after. Politicians like Thatcher, Blair, Brown and now this idiot Camereon should be made to go and stand with the men and girls they treat so cheaply. Fight in Libya, no way.

Those who want to fight should go and join up and not send good and brave youngsters to do it for them. Reading, and listening to some of the views expressed makes me angry and ashamed to think that some treat this sort of thing like a football match and they want to watch from the terraces. If you want to have the thrill of watching slaughter, why not go and watch a film, you know the ones, all blood and guts. That should entertain you.

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owen the best is we take back that c%nts that were with alqeda captured by americans then we get that idiot of a lawyer fighting to get them back then going to the european humans rights and handing them a million quid i know where the million quid should go to the thousands that these ba%%ards have maimed what this country needs is a referendum in or oot o this crazy union and get these luni bins oot o oor country which they think belongs to them i am not sure my self the way these layers are treating them murder a school teacher does a few years then told by a judge its against his human rights to send him back again a layer fighting to keep him in this country but there are thousands o cases like this every year when are we going to say enough is enough

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there managing fine them selves why is french and germans in it this time of course OIL they will be in there grabing what they can get fer f all (keep our noses oot o it nothing to do with us or oor forces what is left all that cameron talked about was getting oor lads hame fa IRAQ and THEN WANTS TA GET US RIGHT IT THE middle o this trouble that s got nothing to do with us again head bangers

british imperialism at its tory best

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Guest spin cycle

IMO we should stay out....i'm a non-interventionist by nature so would not have gone into serbia,iraq or afghan. falklands was different though....a fascist regieme invading islands populated by people who wanted to stay british. lots of speculation about oil etc in falklands but so far not much substance...i think 1 exploration co. has already gone bust.


wherever they are told to go our service people do a wonderful job and IMO our politicians should concentrate on making this country fit for them to come home to by tackling crime and religous extremism.


i do feel sorry for the ordinary people caught up in the upheavel....my 4 yr old daughter asked what was going on when she saw the pictures of people fleeing libya and we should remember how lucky we are not to suffer that sort of threat ourselves. JMO

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Guest spin cycle

british imperialism at its tory best



it wasn't a tory government that took us into iraq or afghan.....'british imperialism' at 'new labours' best??????????

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spincycle, you are right of course. I hope you are not going to infer that the Tories have clean hands. At one time when Blair was PM there were an imigrant per minute entering the UK. He then presided over the Banks ripping us off, and as you say, he then got us involved in wars on foriegn soil based mostly on lies. The man is/was anti- British because he is a fine example of how to sabatage a Country, a People and a Culture all in one go. Brown went along with all this and then tried to spend all our money and sold off assets at knock down prices to make matters worse. Years ago these sort of crimes would have resulted in charges of treason. Now of course we have the Tories who will carry on selling us to the highest bidder. Overseas aid to be increased by 1/3 while our own people are crying for mercy at the cuts. 45 million to Europe every week when we have to cut the defense to ribbons and still expect the forces to put their lives on the line. We must be crazy to stand for this sh!t. I do'nt know about the Arabs demanding democracy, I think it is time we had democracy here.

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I read an article recently - can't remember where - that compared deaths amongst civilians in different wars starting with WW1, and from WW2 the main target shifts from military to civilian. This is the closest I can get to what was being said, if I locate it later, I'll post it up.



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Does one realise that of all scientist, and dvelopers world wide, over 50% are in the arms warfare game developing warfare.

That the African nations in 15 years past have spent £300,000,000,000 yes 3 hundred billion pounds on WARFARE!


I give up. No longer am I going to do my head in on politics, when it only amounts to greed of Money and Power, acheived by lies, falsehoods and mass deception.... and of course the exploitattion of those that can't fight back. With death and starvation being of no account!

Tories first stroke is to stop acheiving working class from being able to gain university education.... Keep the masses ignorant.

Never will so many give so much to so few as the Chameleon and cronies will be doing from now on! More even that the Evil Cow!

What else can one expect from a man with access to £330.000.000 personal wealth yet say's he regards himself only as 'Middle Classs'! Yeah right!

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I.B. sobering facts for sure. We probably have the Government we deserve because we stand back and allow these characters to run our lives without ever insisting that they do what is good for us. I had a wonderful example of how things are done recently. Just about all of the people in the imeadiate area were adamantly against Open Cast Mining being brought into our back yard. When the local Councilors were asked to committ to the action we were told that they could not express an opinion because if they did they would be barred from voting when the time came. This meant that they could not try to persuade the other Members of the Council to vote with us. Democracy? So we are expected to elect these representitives of the local people only to be told that they are not allowed to do what we want them to do. It gets worse. We were then told that if the application to open cast was turned down by the Council the Government would appoint an Inspecter to look at the situation and he would grant the application and charge the Local Authority with the cost of the investigation. So what it ammounts to is, that if the Government decides to have open cast, there is nothing what so ever we can do about it.

At one time we had Trade Unions to help us to express ourselves but Thatcher soon disposed of them and Blair and Brown carried on with exactly the same approach. They have always been able to use the fact that we have to put food on the table to feed our wives and kids against us. The poorer they have us the easier it gets to keep us down. Now of course they have been able to use extra tools to keep control, cheap Imigrant Labour on the one hand and taking our jobs to other Countries where there are starving people willing to work under terrible conditions and very low pay to give them their profits.

I reckon that these so called Politicians should have their marching orders and go and join the other deposed mob of power hungry clowns.

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would our country be in the state its in financially if we

were to keep our nose out of everyone's troubles,there are

10000s of people living in poverty in this country, let's look

after our own and fek the rest. we help these barstewards

and then they want to blow us of the face of the earth.

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Agreed gulkie, But the reason they stick their nose in is for Wealth and pillaging their' coffers. Nothing ever regards humane reasons. And yes these spoils aren't for the masses, but to line the 'Rich' pockets.

And never ever bother with the likes Zimbabwe, E. Tam Mou etc. etc. because there is nothing worth taking, so THEN they say 'Let them get on with it... etc. So, like the Falklands, and Irag where we pinch oil etc. The USA HAVE STOLEM 7 Trillion dollars worth alone. Kuwait are still at it with their under ground siphoning off... etc. etc. But none goes to help the Hospitals, etc. etc. we just get cuts and the mandates to force everyone to take out insurances, or go without. Soon our Doctors, Dentists etc. will be in short supply again.... Unless you go private! Soon be the time when w have to PAY for a doctors appointment etc. etc.

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Agreed gulkie, But the reason they stick their nose in is for Wealth and pillaging their' coffers. Nothing ever regards humane reasons. And yes these spoils aren't for the masses, but to line the 'Rich' pockets.

And never ever bother with the likes Zimbabwe, E. Tam Mou etc. etc. because there is nothing worth taking, so THEN they say 'Let them get on with it... etc. So, like the Falklands, and Irag where we pinch oil etc. The USA HAVE STOLEM 7 Trillion dollars worth alone. Kuwait are still at it with their under ground siphoning off... etc. etc. But none goes to help the Hospitals, etc. etc. we just get cuts and the mandates to force everyone to take out insurances, or go without. Soon our Doctors, Dentists etc. will be in short supply again.... Unless you go private! Soon be the time when w have to PAY for a doctors appointment etc. etc.

Having watched the series by Ross Kemp he highlights what is going on in some of the African countries and it is inhumane and as you say nothing is ever done.

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