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2nd picture is a belter what has it bred for you Ransom?

the eye is that of racy a direct dgt of tony mardons ransom,she is 15 years old and still alive with me i could fill pages with winners from her and her children ie 2 scottish national winners for my good pals robert and jim,one of her last dght bred this year in her first nest a 1st and a 3rd sec winners.you oviously kmow a good un ,emagine what her eye was like at 2yr old!!! and many people recon nowt to the eye sign ;Dif only!!!regards deano :)



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PUPIL: Jet black and of a slight oval shape now with this pupil its own outer edge seems all broken up! Study it and you can see this is where the two circles come together.

COLOUR CIRCLE: A real nice blue we have here both nice and wide with good granulation, this blue circle takes up two thirds of the eye and runs right through to the outer circle mostly towards the back of this eye around three o clock.

ADAPTION CIRCLE: This is a full circle although of differing depths of colour and widths, from a pale grey over the top of the sign through to jet black in the racing segment between 9 and 6 o clock, wide, black, sharp serration’s this shows us that this bird is a bit special on the road!

IRIS: A pale version of the salmon red we see here very well granulated by way of the blue colour overspill running out to the fifth circle a typical iris of a top notch race bird.

THE OUTER CIRCLE: or the fifth circle as its also called! Composite blue coming in from the outside by this I mean a blue outer circle masked with composite dark shading in fact just the same as the adaption circle and once again denoting top racing capabilities . this bird is a class act with everything in the right places within the eyesign!  


PUPIL: Jet black again and just as they should be and another one that looks like its oval shaped and very, very similar to the pupil of no1 in fact I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that these two birds are indeed very closely related!

COLOUR CIRCLE: This time a big bright gold, this is the racing gold please don’t confuse this with the old gold colour that we see in many very top class breeding pigeons the breeding gold looks dirty compared to the racing gold! This gold however is bold and wide running out all over the place to the outer circle and iris making for a good solid background.

ADAPTION CIRCLE: And once again folks I really like this one and for all the right reasons, see between 9 and 5 o clock once again here we are looking at great racing signs in the racing department with a whole lot of shading coming superimposed on the colour circle right up to and including the top of this circle, this one is telling us I am a great racer (not a good racer) but a Great one! In the right hands of course and yes this one has done the business on the road also.

IRIS: this time a medium to dark red shade which points away from sprinting and more towards middle to long distance racing, a good depth of colour with good granulation, and make a note of all those black flecks and spots all over this iris again leading more towards middle to long distance racing.

OUTER CIRCLE: here we have an absolute gem of a 5th circle! Real deep and wide and remember (The WIDER The BETTER) coming in a good superimposed gold with big patches of composition randomly spread around the point where the two circles meet, this coupled with the adaption in this eye makes it for me real class the eye of a true racer!  


PUPIL: yet once again jet black in colour and just the right size for this one which is of course the (Fuller-Eye) this means full with all the breeding traits and theres no room left for much else to go on in here! See all of those (cut-ins) all around the outer edge of this pupil just where the colour circle meets it,

COLOUR CIRCLE: here we see the colour circle of a total Breeder! Coming in the shade of a composite (Metalic Silver) which we can clearly see is full of all those signs that mean (BREEDER) this circle is both wide and well serrated around the outer edge carrying masses of (Inner-Rings) so much so that the composition make-up is giving this circle the illusion of being three different colours at the same time.

ADAPTION CIRCLE: so here we see the adaption circle at its best in the eye of a very dominant stock pigeon! This is what breeding eyes are all about! We have it all in this one, thick inner-rings, thin rings, big deep black canyons, and the colours of black, grey, and silver all blending and knitting together, this sign coupled with the iris makes this eyesign very special.

IRIS: this time a dark salmon-red as to be expected in these metallic signs from the blue side of the colour spectrum, this iris is just one mass of those jet black (Mountain-Ranges) and granulation this depth of iris is only to be found in the eyes of very potent stock pigeons and comes about by a natural process (Mother Nature) it cant be imitated by fake pigeons that are just bred for the big shows, an iris of this calibre cant be man-made, its too intense for mere mortals to copy no matter how hard they may try!

OUTER CIRCLE: this one is hard to define with this photograph because this bird is very heavily wattled (Advancing years) and as can be seen it carries large eye ceres also but look to 3 0 clock on the very outer edge and you can see the outer circle coming in, believe me this is a real gem of a fifth circle you can make out how far the composite shading comes in and those patches of silver between it, you have just been looking at a jewel in the crown breeding eye but as usual I ve saved you the very best till last! So come on and lets get a load of this one!  


PUPIL: ? what pupil? Where the hell as it gone? NO really what a totally mind blowing eyesign is this one! Its chock a block with (Clusters) and (Cut-Ins) as I call them and look at that invasion of those silver worm like creatures going on in there! This is (Clustering) at its very best! Pupil Awesome!

COLOUR CIRCLE: This is once again a very wide metallic silver colour circle which takes up at least two thirds of the eyesign and although the base colour is silver can you see all of that (PINK) coloration blended within both the silver and the black? Yes good! This is the (MAUVE PATCH) and I ve never seen so much of this (super-breeder sign) in any one eyesign before, this pigeon is very special indeed.

ADAPTION CIRCLE: ? have you ever before seen one that’s started amongst the pupil then ran through all five circles of eyesign? No! well you have now! This adaption circle is totally amazing in as much as makes this one a very (FULL EYE) the eyesign of a supreme stock pigeon (very rare) I have never seen another like this one!

IRIS: SUPERB! There is no other word for it! Just like the first breeder eye shown here its of that dark salmon-red colour but just look at those masses of (Mountain-Ranges) total perfection in the eye of a class act stock bird, this one is out there in a league of its own, premiership division for sure.

OUTER CIRCLE: Wow! Just look at this one, the width is unbelievable, being a composite silver and coming into this already full iris, what width of circle coming over the top of the iris, to be honest this eyesign blew me away and its one ill not forget in a hurry and don’t you forget either this is a once in a lifetime pigeon and should any of you ever be lucky enough to come by such a pigeon don’t bother with MR Basket, just put it very quickly into your stock loft and believe me youll be more than pleased that you did, right readers its time I was finishing this feature so on closing ill just say a very big thankyou to the Jutla Brothers of London for allowing us to share some of Penge Lofts “Crown Jewelsâ€. Ill be back!  


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