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The Fantail racer, if it's a hen it has taken it's eye from it racer father......if it's a cock it's taken it's eye from it's racer mother .......why post this are you trying to catch people out....or is there a point to your post ?


No answer to my post yet Steve ?  :-/

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hi there lad,s any got a theorie on the bull type eye and it,s value of breeding.


Can't believe no one has answered you question Blackswan. I thought Jack Barkel would have popped by and answered you question, but you made the classic mistake. You started a topic on eyes and everyone on here has posted other eyes and not answered your question...NO OFFENCE LADS. WE ALL KNOW WHAT EYE TOPICS ARE LIKE ;) I enjoy reading them myself because some crackers pop up.


Okay Blackswan, I myself have a couple of bull eyes. I asked Jack about them and he told me that you have a 50/50 chance of being a pearl or and orange. As for the effect on breeding well I would suggest to find out what colour bull eye you have, first pair it to an orange and then a pearl. If I remember correctly (although I will be quoted on it) the offspring of an orange and orange will produce orange and vice versa for pearl eyes. Bull eyes can be strange because they will pop up often in birds with a lot of white, say a gay pied. Anyway if you put your bull eye to an orange and the offspring are pearl and orange then you can safely say the bull eye is a pearl. As for its value of breeding look into the eye of with a loupe. My bull eyes have complete circles, yet one has a flat iris and the other has a raised iris. They may do good a breeding then again maybe not. It's what they produce for you that will tell you it's value at breeding.



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  • 2 months later...
eagle owl sorry mate, s wilcox was a personal joke.........didn't realise the second was a proper pic, tthought it was one of them digitally created!!!

Willey if you've seen the for sale thread where I ended up giving some away, this is a brother to the vdw cock i put on, i also have his nestmate. Ths is where it becomes intersting. This cock is fantastic, but I have not yet found the hen for him, I know what i want but can't afford it cause what i want will cost ...........................the interesting part is that no 1  a van bruane hen, has bred 1st fed 2nd GYA at 520 miles, and 95th MNFC flying 633mile the longest flying bird on the whole result. A 5 circle eye, rubbished as a breeder by the eye sign man. Carney has paired her for me to a cock I was very fortunate to get from Geoff and Catherine Cooper full brother to 1st section 3rd open Pau NFC. Last year was their first year together but she wasn't right. This year I bred 3 and lost 2 so quite dissapointed, always try to be honest!!!


I thought it might be interesting to reflect on this post. I said I could not afford a hen for the cock. I had my eye on a Bob Mcdonald hen, a local fancier was selling for £180, which I could not afford. I thought she was fantastic )purely by eye selection). For those not aware I fly in partnership with Henry Franks, we share our birds breed and race from the same birds and methods and fly to seperate lofts. Henry wants to win every race (and by heck we nearly have this year) and me I want anything 450+ in particular and we've won these! but also Channel races . We have an agreement we buy no birds if the other does not like it. Well this hen Henry was not keen on. But I eventually borrowed her. I could not get her to breed with the VDW1 and she paired up with a Rothwell cock kindly presented to me by Bilco. I took her away and eventualy go her to breed with the VDW1,I bred two pairs last year, first nest end of April bred 16 & 17, 16 I thought was special dual purpose and 17 to breed but a better racer. 16 1000yds per min and below where as 17 1000 to 1200 yds. As Yb they had one race each 17 t0 70 mile and 16 to just under 90. I bred a pair of late breds, both hens, one was given back to the fancier I borrowed the hen off. I have the other which was a widowhood hen this year (mated to her half brother from the Rothwell cock x Mcdonald hen).

2007 with yearlings I flew roundabout, my hens whooped my cocks, across the channel they flew really well, I flew them to 380 mile and in the 4 races to there won something like 2,3: 1,3,5; 2,4: 2.

This year I still had all those yearling hens except one which I sent to NFC Tarbes and never got. That was poor by me, I knew from the eye she could do 500, but 560 I had my doubts ........ but chasing  a pigeon from Tarbes (I had never sent before) clouded my judgement and she had won 1 and 2 across the channel!

At the start of this year I looked at my race birds. I could not fly roundabout, I did not have the time to go up the loft. Last year Henry had been able to help in the morning. I would let cocks out at about 6/6.30 before I went to work and Henry would get them in about 8/ 8.30 on his way to work. I would let the hens out in the evening. Henry didn’t have the time this year. So a decision had to be made widowhood cocks or hens. I looked at the eyes of my birds and overall my hens looked better than my cocks but for the two long distance races available to me, Tarbes NFC and Marmande WECA, I felt the better birds were in the cocks. Henry thought I was doolally ignoring some terrific hens!! (Most of which will have to go to make way for this year’s young hens!). Anyway the decision was made, I had several yearlings and a few 2yo cocks that I thought would fly the distance for me but they would not do anything until at least 200 mile (and don’t forget where I live they have a 100 mile of channel to cross).

16 & 17 were my class pigeons with 56 for hard days where you want a bird to keep going next day and 23 which had been an enigma, I thought this pigeon a terrific all rounder from 200 to 650. As a YB he had taken 3rd beaten by loftmates. As a yearling let me down, but he did get hawked not badly but knocked his confidence for six. I also had half a dozen  yearling cocks that I thought might win at 300 mile plus and another 10 for inland..

Let me add another thread in the mix. I have huge peregrine and sparrowhawk problems, last week because of the weather, I didn’t leave them out, Henry complained percy was visiting him. Yesterday I let them out, I lost 5 late ones, all of whom had been flying around the loft a couple of weeks. To combat this last year form end of August to end of April this I did not let my birds out of the loft once, not once. For nearly nine months they had not flown a yard. I had no idea if it would be possible to get them fit enough to fly 500 mile +! I felt sure I had no chance inland .

16 I lost at 158 mile I was gutted , in my evaluation a top cock. What should I do keep 17 for stock or go with my evaluation that he was class from 200 to about 560 best vels between 1000 & 1200. I decided to race him!

His first race was Littlehampton on 11th May 123 miles, he took 6 hours!! Not a great start. Then Eastbourne  158 mile he took 4 hours (as did 56 though this race I lost 16).

17 next race was Messac, at this race I had decided to send 4, these would be my candidates for Tarbes ( yearlings 17 & 45) and Marmandes (2 yo 23 & 56). Messac  is only 226 miles they were up at 12.55, I only had one on the day taking 7hrs 6 min, the other three the following day. When I went to knock off Duncan Kittow was winning the club an hour before me!! Duncan asked if I’d expected the one I had after he’d said it was the last bird he picked to go and was in two minds to keep it home.

I said yes he’s a class bird and I expected him, I saw a few eye brows raised thinking ‘smarta*s*’. Well 17 was the bird and he was actually 2nd club and he was 2nd section to Duncan, only two birds home in the section (and club) on the day and 6th WECA, if I remember only about 10 on the day. My other 3 turned up next day.

The remainder of my widowhood cocks  seven went to Reed 162 mile inland (inland we fly from east to west along the coast until moving further inland to get a last race from Gt Yarmouth 250 mile).

I’m off to France now!!!

This may be boring?? I can finish when I’m back in about 10 days, if member’s of the forum would like. If there are no requests to continue with the story when I come back I won’t continue.




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