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Sprint to Middle distance birds

Guest joshdonlan

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theres loads mate to choose from a few off my top of my head


all the best

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A serious question was asked by a member who could be encouraged into racing but yet again - Please keep it to topic without the banter and need for the mods to remove posts.


I agree, but within the thread somebody has confirmed himself as a liar!

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me personally think the good old trusted busshaerts are good allrounders in the right hands from sprinting,middle,long there a good old strain that are still competeing week in week out all over the world and still seem to be getting good results.


all the best.

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me personally think the good old trusted busshaerts are good allrounders in the right hands from sprinting,middle,long there a good old strain that are still competeing week in week out all over the world and still seem to be getting good results.


all the best.


the good old busshaerts got to be the best alround doos jmo

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Guest strapper

in my honest opinion...too much is expressed on a strain...while the true athlete is the fancier, because he/she has gone to great lengths to get that bird in that condition to race as high as it achieves.


of course there are strains that are more capable of certain distances than others..but each time the gun is more valuble than the bullet it fires ;)

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Boxer do you feel the Maurice Verheyes are suited to racing under 250 miles ? (Know you keep them)


Vallance a guy in my club done really well with them but he had 1 really good doo aff them that won the west section from Leicester 249mls and i a m sure 2nd open in our fed as a yearling and then a few weeks later was 1st open Maidstone 362mls ;)


ps...i got a l/b off it when it went to Maidstone and the following year i only got 1 y/b off it and it won in the club from 100 mls and got £250 pool money into the bargain and at the end of the year he was short of hens so i gave her back to him as he done me a turn so it was only right he got her back  ;) 8) 8) 8)

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we got busshaerts (same family brought in in the 70's and are still winning today) willdys, introduced some foxy pigeons, plus some hybrects, a nice combination! winning from 60 miles - 300 - 350 miles week in week out. (havent flown the longer races for a good few years) trick is finding the pigeons that suit your system management. Also different routes. we fly south-east which IMO is much harder than south, takes us a while to get different birds to adjust to the route. Had super birds on paper from south road fliers, but the birds just never lasted on the south east. trail and error. I always find the gift birds will always repay you :)   not always the birds that cost £100's that will bring you success.


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me personally think the good old trusted busshaerts are good allrounders in the right hands from sprinting,middle,long there a good old strain that are still competeing week in week out all over the world and still seem to be getting good results.


all the best.


Totaly agree, they will do any distance if you've got the right ones!

Colin Hill in Milton Keynes can win at any distance with them, he's not mad on the distance but his club members had been giving him some stick about not sending to Lerwick, so he sent and won, club, and fed!

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