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Everything posted by jonl6280

  1. cheers for thanks, and well done all that timed
  2. jonl6280


    well done jock, great flying
  3. Well done billy top class doo man.
  4. Lanarkshire fed should have went with snfc. In my opinion. Small convoy across the water coming in next few weeks.
  5. looking good stevie, tell jim more work and less text. i will need to have a visit when im home at weekend
  6. jonl6280


    Well done speedy. Cracking doo into Beith.
  7. jonl6280


    Aye just like yursell fleam
  8. jonl6280


    You want me to get CS?
  9. jonl6280


    Last toss the day from macmerry . had great tosses from there all week with miller time. So two for us going on Tuesday. And a long nite on Fri nite if they get libbed. Few cans , canny beat it.
  10. jonl6280


    No no maybe next year I could paint the loft, but this year I have to sand it all down first. I thought u had given up racing ? No seen your name much.
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