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Everything posted by grdkeith

  1. Well done to Bob for topping the fed and Sandy hay for taking top three in west
  2. Top,top flying oldie
  3. Well done alex and driver john
  4. Well done james
  5. Great flying again alan
  6. Dream season,and deserved
  7. Looks like they got caught in the North of England with what looks like a full rain coverage
  8. forecast is not good enough for any sort of liberation in this area over at least the next 4 days, east winds , lots of rain and moderate visibility all against us so just to confirm there will be no race this weekend
  9. forecast for the weekend not good enough for a 400 mile race for birds flying up here so HUNTINGDON is cancelled, i will update tomorrow before 5pm to let you know if there is any chance of an AUCHENDINNIE but i am not hopeful. to any who want to let me know there thoughts on the forecast its AUCHENDINNIE not AUCHNAGATT
  10. thanks for your input alan, is the IRPG racing from there this weekend ? north fed is at HUNTINGDON 93 miles by road from HUNTINGTON , best you stick to counting day birds from Brechin and Strathkinness
  11. Well done roddy,outstanding bird
  12. Well done alan
  13. Approx 340 birds were libbed at Darlington at 06.30 ,high cloud,good visibility,wee touch of blue,West wind 10mph changing later in the day to North West 15mph,birds cleared North in one batch all the best to all competing
  14. Steven please do not post your thoughts on the controllers thread it if for race control messages only
  15. forecast at worksop increasingly looks like a lib before 10am would be unlikely and given the forecast for sunday and monday not great either i have taken the decision to ask john to head to darlington instead, weather there looks better early on and the birds will have 100 miles less to fly, first message will be 07,30 with the intention of as early a lib as possible.
  16. basketing going ahead as normal, 16 birds per crate , first message will be saturday 07.30
  17. Approx 640 birds libbed at 06.30 ,high cloud with good visibility,touch of blue,cool northerly breeze getting lighter as they come north,birds circled for a couple of minutes then split into two batches both heading north atb to all competing. Don't forget your yearling noms for worksop next week
  18. basketing going ahead as normal,20 birds per crate,first message 07.30 0n saturday
  19. Top class flying alan,well done
  20. approx 820 birds were libbed at 07.30 ,weather was perfect with a light south wind, birds cleared very well in a northerly direction, atb to all competing
  21. basketing going ahead as normal, 20 birds per crate, first message will be saturday at 07.30.
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