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Everything posted by jamesb

  1. 10 Members sent 169 birds to Ripon with .central fed sorry file was to big 1st Tadams 1574 2 2nd D McCREIGHT 1568 1 3rd J Burnside 1551 0 4th T Adams 1532 1 5th G & D Kane 1495
  2. whats the best one to power bricon ets system
  3. whats the best battery to use with bricon ets

  4. lot 6 £100 lot 10 £100,please
  5. how much do put in the water,cheers
  6. hi this is my bird,pm me your phone number and i will be in touch
  7. jamesb

    Todays Returns .

    central fed 9.00 lib otterburn,birds in my club 1hr 50 mins,95% returns
  8. think there could possibly be a lot of CA birds down that way,after the terrible race we had from Consett on sat 16th August.My own club only had 40% returns.Thanks again.
  9. broxburn club house
  10. jamesb

    In Today

    gb 13x 10631
  11. jamesb


    that pigeon belongs to me.missing from maidstone saturday.
  12. lib at 7.2o
  13. central fed 11.00 south east wind
  14. al take a couple of your hands,thanks.
  15. Bo'ness K Manger 01506511342
  16. lot 9 £35
  17. about 100 from pumpherston prem at consett
  18. sun out looking ok here
  19. rain just off loooking a lot brighter
  20. jamesb


  21. jamesb


    does anybody stock this make of feeding in central scotland
  22. central fed 1,15 ripon.we must be at different ripon
  23. dont think that we should be dropping any races,delay the start,but should have kept to original race programe.
  24. a take it theres no birds timed in race aswell
  25. delegates meeting monday night to decide
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