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snfc top table


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Nothing wrong with the Sec we have and also it isnt as easy as voting him off as he has a contract of employment. Also i will be voting against the Commitee proposal as if i want to join the NFC I firstly have to join the RPRA and dont see why things should be any different up here things shouldnt be changing to appease a few disgruntled ex members n for the few hundred birds it would generate it aint worth the hassle it would cause. Fact is you would maybe end up with another 500 ml club being started thus splitting the birdages 3 ways.


The point about not being able to vote him off because he has a contract of employment is very valid as we are all now protected in our employment by law.

I wonder what the wording of the contract states.


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is his contract for 12 months if so it would have to be renewed yearly at the agm

i would think the snfc wouldnt offer someone a contract of longer than that

as all officials are voted in yearly

probably wrong but it would seem commonsence




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Guest youngzimmy

scottish east coast combine it even sounds good get the right people at the top to run it adventurous types instead of downers who want to pull every thing to bits lets have some real racing and see who are the greatest racers in the land after all that is what its all about at the end of the day cut the crap and lets get on with some exiting racing i am sure there a lot of wise heads in our sport to get this off the ground these pople who love the sport would go for it big time so come on what are you all waiting for actions speak louder than words

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Pres. Tam McEwan, Senior Vice Pres. John Bosworth, Junior Vice Pres.Jim O`Hara


Secretary, shared by David McCaig and Jim Cameron ( both Uddingston )


P.R.O , Joe Murphy with loft reports and Billy Wortley with National race reports


Committee ( 15 ) Anybody that knows the tradition of the SNFC and are willing to work to get its professional and enviable reputation as the top distance club in Britain, back to what it once was. Anybody, that has the balls to stand up and be counted when the integrity and security of the SNFC is at risk of being breached. If you dont meet this criteria then you dont belong on the SNFC Committee ( my opinion )

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lets be big anuff to make the first move , lets have one nat


The other guys don't want one National!!! In a previous post I asked the guys that post on here if they got everything they asked for to be involved in the SNFC would they leave the SNRPC. The only answer that was posted up was "I can't see the SNRPC folding as it is too successful and well run". If they have no intention of having one National, why does the same question keep cropping up???


Anyone that wants to fly with the SNFC can if they wish, all they have to do is join the SHU :-/

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two nationals wots the point the reason they formed the snrpc was to make a point its now been herd and its about to change

wot will the snrpc members do wen it change's will the stay with the micky mouse club or join the great club

u have to join rpra to race with snrpc but they say its open to all scotland so is snfc if u join shu

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