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Clarkston & District F C

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Clarkston & District Otterburn

30th July , 7 members sent 91 birds , lib 10am



1st H Currie vel 1272

2nd H Currie vel 1272

3rd Stangoe & Gillespie 1269

4th Stangoe & Gillespie 1265

5th g geddes 1254

6th muir bros 1202

7th stangoe & gillespie 1178

8th muir bros 1169

9th g geddes 1167

10th g geddes 1166



kelso race

1st muir bros vol 1222

2nd muir bros vol 1158

3rd h.currie vol 1135

4th g geddes vol 1128

5th h currie vol 1081

6th h currie vol 1080

7th muir bros vol 1076

8th muir bros vol 1075

9th g.geddes vol 1060

10th d mitchell vol 1048


well done to all



hexam 13/8/11 8 members sent 149 birds


1st t corrie & son & g/son vol 1055

2nd t corrie &son & g/son vol 1038

3rd stangoe & gillespie vol 971

4th t corrie & son & g/son vol 967

5th stangoe & gillespie vol 960

6th d mitchell & son vol 953

7th stangoe & gillespie vol 950

8th d mitchell & son vol 940

9th h currie vol 939

10th d mitchell & son vol 939


well done to all :emoticon-0137-clapping: :emoticon-0137-clapping:


Sedgefield 20/08/11 6 members sent 88 birds


1st muir bros vol 1233

2nd t corrie & son & g/son vol 1183

3rd d mitchell &son vol 1175

4th stangoe & gillespie vol1151

5th stangoe & gillespie vol 1147

6th t corrie & son & g/son vol 1145

7th stangoe & gillespie vol 1135

8th g geddes vol 1079

9th muir bros vol 1075

10th muir bros vol 1066



well done to all :emoticon-0137-clapping: :emoticon-0137-clapping:





4 members sent 41 birds clarkston thirsk (otterburn) 27/08/11



1st t corrie & son & g/son vol 1110

2nd t corrie & son & g/son vol 1014

3rd t corrie & son & g/son vol 952

4th d mitchell vol 935

5th d mitchell vol 916

6th t corrie & son & g/son vol 913

7th d mitchell vol 908

8th muir bros vol 860

9th stangoe & gillespie vol 847

10th muir bros vol 829


well done to all :emoticon-0137-clapping: :emoticon-0137-clapping:



clarkston otterburn 03/09/2011 6 members sent 71 pigeons

1st t corrie & son & g/son vol 1147

2nd t corrie & son & g/son vol 1132

3rd t corrie & son & g/son vol 1131

4th d mitchell & son vol 1116

5th t corrie & son & grandson vol 1107

6th muir bros vol 1189

7th muir bros vol 1086

8th d mitchell & son vol 1082

9th d mitchell & son vol 1074

10th d mitchell & son vol 1070


well done to all

roll on the clarkston shows in november keep you all informed when

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Clarkston& District, Lanarkshire , Hexham , 13 members sent 149 birds , liberated at 12 45


1st,2nd, 4th T Corrie Son G/son vel 1055, 1038, 967

3rd , 5th Stangoe & Gillespie Vel 971,960



Returns poor

Well done Tom,Tom jnr.and Chris .A great win on a hard day .Hope the returns improve .We done okay today too Tom .All the best .M.E.

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