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Dalzell trophy winners


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  Joe boyle 

Piper cup ( first 4 yb)

Motherwell railway (last4yb)

E hemmings memorial (young bird average)

White vision trophy (lowest winning velocity)

Royal Bank cup(woller 2ob wooler 4yb)

Young bird average 

J mcnally shield (runner up ob average)

Fanciers dream trophy (longest yb race thirsk)

Jim cassiday 

Smith memorial cup (Billericay, Guernsey)

J kerry bowl first nom( Billericay )

J mounty memorial (Guernsey)

Eagle Inn trophy  (Guernsey)

Colour photo (Guernsey)

Old bird average 

Gold Old bird average 

Bellshill homing Old 

    Jimmy Latimer 

Graham trophy (wooler) (workshop )(Billericay)

Skelly cup (Old bird inland average)

Ace Old bird

T younger social club inland average 

Thomas Ormiston inland average 

J Stewart memorial  (first yearling workshop)

J Smith memorial (1st bird Billericay)

Colour photo (1st Billericay)


 Robert Girwood 

W forester trophy (wooler 1)

Average first 4 races

Yearling average 

J Fleming shield (thirsk 1 ob)

  Alan selfridge 

Tramontana show trophy 


 Robert Dunsmore 

Ace young bird

Novice trophy( yb wooler, wooler, wooler)

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