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Everything posted by VMS

  1. VMS

    Snrpc Y/B Sale

    Looking forward to the sale.
  2. VMS

    Welcome Back

    Struggling to get the hang of things here but welcome back all.
  3. ;D ;D ;D ;D :X :X :X :X
  4. All i really want to know is were in Glasgow will i get a Ross County top to wear to my work on Monday. ;D ;D ;D
  5. Hey i wonder if Big Samaras will be in the papers tomorrow stating that the best team lost. ;D ;D ;D
  6. HIGH LIGHTS on bbc1 now. ;D ;D ;D
  7. Was not going to gloat but what the hell,seems by the day that there is only one team in Glasgow in crisis. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  8. VMS

    barcelona v arsenal

    Have to agree,must be up there if not the best ever considering how competitive the modern game is.What price tag would he carry now.Best player i have ever seen,especially when you take into account he is only about 5.7 phenomenal.
  9. Exactly mate too many unanswered questions regarding the validity off theses timing systems.There seems to be no consistency with them,constant updates,reliability issues and now maintenance fees in the pipe line.Also how many clubs are sending officials to view and inspect where exactly were the pads are located.?????????????????????????????
  10. Really do not see what all the fuss is about.GET A LIFE. :P ;D ;D ;D
  11. VMS


    That is all i am missing mate a dug. ;D
  12. VMS


    Easter Egg hunt with my kids at the David Livingstone Park. ;D ;D
  13. VMS

    mighty rangers

    Second half just starting on Sky 168.
  14. VMS

    mighty rangers

    The Ref was shocking,starting to believe there could well be a conspiracy against the establishment in action here.Should request an immediate meeting with the SFA. ;D ;D ;D ;D Still 10 points clear with a game in hand,now that's FUNNY. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  15. VMS


    Cheers Mate,some decent Artists. ;)
  16. VMS


    Decent Artists. ;)
  17. VMS


    That's not guaranteed with the way things are going mate. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  18. VMS


    Will be a difficult position to fill with no Champions league football next year. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  19. VMS


    Gutted have never laughed as much as i did last night ;D ;D ;D,poor Tonys vision of the futures dead. ;D ;D ;D
  20. VMS

    St Mirren v Celtic

    Mcghee would be an exellent replacement. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
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