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Everything posted by showman

  1. Happy Birthday all. :emoticon-0123-party:
  2. Thanks for the comments guys. Had a great day just pottering about the place. I did get a bit of an awakening, as I had it in my head I was 59. Turns out I'm 58 !! Getting younger ^_^
  3. Great offer !! Take Buster up on his !! Get yourself organised for next year, and most important of all, check out your costs. Pigeon racing (even on a small scale) can be an expensive hobby.
  4. Basically agree. I have use cocktail stick, then cotton bud with iodine as a dressing. Always worked.
  5. showman

    T3 Clock

    Some on E-Bay at the minute.
  6. Any chance of competitor numbers and birdage ?
  7. 1st G & S. McMullan 2nd M. Duggan & Son 3rd M. Duggan & Son 4th G & S. McMullan 5th M. Duggan & Son 6th T & K. Mawhinney
  8. Wouldn't it be an idea to create a new topic to isolate and highlight this worthy cause, rather than tag it on to the death notice ? OMO
  9. Donaghcloney HPS Mullingar 9/04/16 1st G & S McMullan 2nd T & K Mawhinney 3rd E Murray 4th E Murray 5th T & K Mawhinney 6th T & K Mawhinney
  10. I don't think there is a single book concerning pigeon racing which can be singled out as full of answers. I would have an opinion that, say out of a book with 200 pages, 2 or 3 may have the info I can take on board. Many writers equals many titles ! Some of them are factual and the contents can't really be argued with. The 2 volumes of Feed to Win are an example. Stacks of facts, but ultimately it's down to the fancier to use at their discretion. Anyone having an interest in pedigrees and historical blood lines of Belgian racing pigeons should have the Jules Gallez books. And so it goes. Many books, many ideas , many theories ! Favourites of mine : Advanced Techniques....Jan Aerts The Four Seasons Pigeon Lore
  11. In my opinion, wasn't an eye-opening read! There are better available.
  12. Sorry, just sold my copy at Easter.
  13. Thanks for referal again Andy.
  14. showman

    Homer 49

    Happy Birthday..enjoy your day.
  15. Happy Birthday Andy. Have a great day :emoticon-0123-party:
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