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preston powerblast

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Everything posted by preston powerblast

  1. I have to agree with everything you have said Darren. But fanciers should wake up and pull their fingers out. To be quite, they all sit and moan about the state of the fancy, but as you say do absolutely nothing about it. Action taken on their behalf, fails for one reason and one reason only. They can't be bothered. The reason for this, there are huge divides in the fancy. They need to set their differences aside and all start singing from the same hymn sheet. One thing that does really annoy me, is that they are are happy to shout from the behind the banner of Save Our Songbirds. But are very quiet on the Save Our Racing Pigeons front Save our songbirds, says nothing about the plight of the racing pigeon fancier and to be honest, the argument is flawed, that's why they are getting nowhere fast. With the right support and the right attitudes, we can do something about it. So I think it's time that fanciers got a backbone. At least the SHU, tried to do something about, but were not supported like they should have been. This is not a new issue, it's been going on for over the last 10 years.
  2. I cannot believe what has been achieved over three days. There is a distinct picture forming here and lots of extremely important facts being uncovered. There is a very distinctive pattern of behaviour and habitats coming to light. The scary thing, it's cost nothing.
  3. That is a very frightening picture, at least if they were to vary the lib sites from time to time, then there would be half a chance they would at least get a good liberation. Then the tail enders will get picked off all the way up the flight corridor. I've seen birds that I have liberated on training tosses and see what some do when a hawk strikes, they drop into the undergrowth for safety.
  4. Interesting stuff mate. So I think what I have being saying for quite a while is beginning to make sense. Because the peregrines, Goshawks and Buzzards are now becoming more widespread and due to the territorial nature of these birds, is causing the smaller species, such as the Sparrowhawks to take refuge in the suburbs and city areas. These are without doubt are becoming the biggest culprits for pigeons being attacked on and around the lofts.
  5. Hi Darren thanks for that. I have over the last hour been doing some reading. To say they fanatical or maybe a little extreme would be an understatement. However my search did lead me to an article about gamekeepers erecting a pigeon loft in the Forest Of Bowland solely to feed the BOP population, so that their game birds would be would remain in relative safety.
  6. Cheers Darren, some really interesting facts there mate. This is the sort of info that I am looking for, great stuff mate, thanks. It will make a good addition to the next page I'm working on.
  7. I myself was part of a group, who worked for three years, taking photographs and submitting articles concerning the disappearance of various wild birds. These being, The Bullfinch, Greenfinch, Chaffinch, The House sparrow and The Song Thrush. Our investigations were for conservation purposes, so our accounts were unbiased. But there were other contributing factors than just bops. Attacks on racing pigeons are are conclusive and are caused solely by BOPS. The public need to be re educated where it comes to racing pigeons and I think resources should be directed more towards this. I have loads of non fanciers visit us and as they are leaving they all say the same thing. That is they didn't realise that they were so different to street pigeons.
  8. I agree mate and maybe there's thousands of other fanciers, who feel the same way. But unless everyone speaks up and let their feelings be known, they will continue to rail road us. I am just but just one man, with one voice, with one website. I'm afraid the time has come to try and do something about this whole mess.
  9. Make enough noise they will have to listen What has also surprised me is on the Hawk Watch map at the RPRA there is only one attack on their map past Carlisle, surely this cannot be right. My link
  10. Good points guys and the only way to get then to do summat about it is to exert pressure on them and there delegates who are supposed to support us and our regions. Everyone involved in the fancy needs to forget their differences and agree on two points. 1. There is a growing concern about the increasing attacks on our birds. 2. We need the powers that be the RPRA to support us and spend some of our money, bringing our concerns to the public. I only made the site 2 days ago, but it's getting lots of support judging by the volumes of emails we are getting.
  11. Too much is being said about wild birds even the RPRA are hiding behind it. I don't think there is enough emphasis on the racing pigeons, why because of the stigma attached to them. Namely tags like Rats With Wings. Perhaps this is why nobody wants to actually take the time to promote our sport and try and re educate the public on pigeons. I have written much in the past about the decline of the Song Thrush, The Bullfinch, The Hedge Sparrow, but I think it's actually about time something was written and voiced about the decline of our sport, which after all said and done is part of the working man's heritage of this country.
  12. This post has really got the old brain working and have thought we should try to try to approach this in a different way. I knocked this up yesterday, it's still a work in progress and am going to get to get a petition running in conjunction with it. But to be able to get the petition looked at seriously we have to gain 100,000 signatures. It's going to be a big task, but hey nothing ventured nothing gained. Check out my link. http://saveourracingpigeons.yolasite.com/
  13. It would be interesting to hear the RPRA Comment on this and see if they are wlling to jump off the fence and stop giving our money to them, if that's how they are going to to treat us. It would after all be a little ironic, the RSPB using our own money against us.
  14. The RSPB is too big of an organisation, to respond to Jo Public. The only way is to get some sympathetic MP's on side and Lobby the Government. The RSPB have got lots of people onside, high powered important people. They are also extremely good at painting pretty pictures about wild birds and will get their way at all costs. The RPRA are supposed the be the voice of the fancier after all we pay for privilege of being a member. Maybe even Her Majesty The Queen, could have a conflict interest being the patron of both the RSPB and the RPRA. Good luck in your quest, but I think you will be banging your head against a brick wall. You need to get every fancier to contact the RPRA to exert some pressure. I know this would not be an easy task, but I dare say it could be done. Maybe start a campaign Save our Pigeons. Perhaps the use of pictures depicting young people holding and caring for their loved pigeons and then the devastation caused when the don't return from a race. Just a thought.
  15. Nice bird mate, I had an hen with a similar tale 27 cards in three season, first club on many occasions, but never ever got that 1st Fed place.
  16. Cheers mate. I have just ordered a load of padlocks, with the same key. We have decided to make the stall smaller next year, so this won't happen again, maybe we was just as much to blame, being too trusting. I know what your saying about back up mate, once you go for the security they are gone. What I have heard from fellow stall holders, is that they are organised teams committing these thefts. We live and learn as they say.
  17. Budgie is a great guy, a great fancier in every sense of the word. I bought a couple of Van Den Bosche pigeons from him many years ago and true to his word these birds delivered in the stock loft. I've just had a look on the old pedigrees and they only have his old Essex details on, but I know he now lives in Oldham. He used to be on here his user name was matador.
  18. Both Kev and I are SIA Licensed. I have been involved in security all my life one way or another. But if we were to catch someone stealing, we would be well within our rights to make a citizens arrest and detain them. But the problem being would be who to inform in the Winter Gardens and how would they react. I agree that some of the larger stalls are far too big and open. I suppose in this game, we might be just a little too trusting, not expecting our fellow fanciers to rob us.
  19. Cheers mate, I'll have to pick it up tomorrow and have a read.
  20. They are all getting padlocks on next year, just been on to a company who will sell us a load with the same key. I have just been informed that my letter to the editor has been printed in the British Homing World, with the ring number and description. I hope they feel ashamed of themselves.
  21. It's toe rags like these, that have the cheek to complain about about the price of stuff these days. They have security on every exit checking everyone for their wristbands, why can't they do this and check everybody for receipts against their purchases, it wouldn't be hard to tape receipts to their purchases. It would be interesting, to find out just how many other stalls had property stolen, then maybe we could present the findings to the RPRA and maybe find a solution.
  22. I've just sent an email to the editor of the BHW and I just hope the other stall holders do the same.
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