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preston powerblast

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Everything posted by preston powerblast

  1. PIPA Have now agreed to let us have a half page article to help us highlight our cause and raise awareness. This is the best news we have had so far. This is real progress for us fanciers.
  2. Sadly this has been brought to my attention, I will have a go at correcting it later. I just hope the printer spotted it. LOL
  3. We have one now running mate, and links all over the place. Thanks mate.
  4. Any businesses that support our action, will be eligible by way of thanks to a free linked ad on our website,thanks.
  5. I'm working on that one. But they can be scanned an emailed to me.
  6. 304 Signatures on the online petition. Now it's time to step it up a gear, it's been brought to my attention that lots of people just don't have a computer. So I have remedied that have done a paper version. Now I'm taking the the petition to the fanciers. My first port of call, is Preston, a real hot bed of fanciers. I know myself and a few other fanciers don't see eye to eye, but that's another story. That is now past history and this is for the good of fancy and is nothing personal. Even the corn merchant is getting one. Later Peeps.
  7. I already did mate two days ago and set up a twitter account. I'm just trying to think up away to create a little more publicity. Thanks mate.
  8. I'm looking for any ideas guys how we could gain more more support. I have written emails to the press, to pigeon product companies and to some of the larger high profile racing studs to see if they will offer their support. But I'm slowly running out of Ideas. To be quite honest I don't really think think the fancy is that interested in taking up this challenge as most can't even be bothered signing the petition. We have got 284 signatures now. But I don't think I can do any more.
  9. So that's it guys, many thanks for those who have supported us and for the rest of you, you should be ashamed of yourselves. You moan and groan about the state of the fancy and yet when the opportunity arises for you stand up and be counted, you do nothing. Many thanks for those who have supported this action, you are the true fanciers of this sport.
  10. I'm afraid it sometimes runs like that, I t may be down to the saturation of hits it gets at times, but persevere and you will get there. But we do all need to push this issue and sign the petition. There are some fears that your addresses will be on display, this is not the case, not even I see those, it's just a requirement to to make sure that every signature is bonafide. We all have a duty to sign this and working together we can be heard. One voice is a squeak, ten voices is a gripe, a hundred voices is a moan a hundred thousand voices is a real cause for concern. We need to unite the clubs, we need to unite the Feds, We need to unite the Unions, We need to unite fancy. Every other action that has been ever taken, has failed, why is this? Because the fancy has failed to unite. Come on fanciers, we have to this to save our dying sport, we have nothing to lose and all to gain. Maybe if we could get some of the bigger racing studs to show their support after all we have supported them, by buying their pigeons for years.
  11. Lets make history guys were averaging 90 signatures per day. Were on 272 at the moment, we can do it.
  12. 254 signatures, Thanks guys, keep em coming, together we can do this.
  13. Well said mate, just keep tight hold of the horns, because this ride is just about to get a lot faster. Things are beginning to move now.
  14. We want a fair hearing and were not Raptor Worshipers.
  15. Cheer mate, lets hope your user name is an omen. lol
  16. I know where your coming from mate and we are just working on some way to get a paper copy done, so people can print it off and take to their clubs. But if my next phone call works out, we might be able to get something done in popular magazine that they can fill in and send back. We have got the backing of some influential people, but will not commit themselves until we start to get the numbers. I have worked around the clock for the last three days.
  17. It's the same story everywhere mate. A lot of work has gone into this and I have spoken with a lot of organisations and that is all I am at liberty to say. But fanciers must be seen to be taking action. Otherwise it's fruitless. All I can say is trust me. I want nothing but a signature. If you don't believe me wait 4 or 5 weeks and our site will be linked to a big new site.
  18. Well said mate. Everyone who has signed should be damn proud of themselves. At least they have tried to do something about the problem that is seriously threatening our sport. If it fails, so be it. At least the ones behind can be proud of themselves. This is no personal crusade and I have not hidden behind any banner neither. I have put my face and may name to it. Because I am not afraid to speak out, I'm proud to be a fancier. I used to get called a weird as a kid for keeping pigeons, maybe I was. But I love my birds and it causes me so much anguish to see them ripped apart in front of my face. I've even stopped the kids picking names for them, because it's heartbreaking consoling them, when their pigeon gets picked of the loft.
  19. We have now got 223 signatures, not a lot considering. We need to do this guys,the RPRA and other organisations are monitoring it and are in favour of it's continuation, but clearly if it's not supported then how can we demand any action is taken on our behalf.
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