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Everything posted by Jimjam07

  1. Jimjam07


    never lost any yet mate and am usually plagued way them every year
  2. Jimjam07


    It's worked for me this year Tommy never seen any for a couple of weeks now
  3. Jimjam07


    Hang a couple visi vests up around the garden fence
  4. ' doggie that's 1 of mine mate again
  5. There mine mate had a disaster of a trainer yesterday if you pm me your number I'll pick them up tomorrow
  6. Can u send me one mate At whitefordj903@Gmail.co.uk
  7. Jimjam07


    Jumbo lost at national yesterday I'll try and get it picked up on Friday if you send me your address mate cheers j whiteford
  8. Found dead on road newmains number might be 2538 or2588
  9. Thanks for letting me know what happend to the black cock Robbie he got lost from Berwick on Saturday cheerd Jim Thanks aswell tommy
  10. Does any body know the date for this cheers
  11. Su17a5884 been with us for a week now injured newmains Lanarkshire 07481070381
  12. Midlands west lothian would be a good addition to this as well ,just a thought , good thinking paul
  13. Jimjam07


    Picked up today by non fancier
  14. Where sells Larson traps in Lanarkshire
  15. Valid point mate the transport is dated think this would be a step in the right direction ,it's all right putting a lick of paint on an old wagon to make it look good but this is no doing the doos any favours
  16. Here's a starter we could up date the watering facilities the small blue drinkers don't cut it for me we should have drinkers the full length of the baskets ,just a though
  17. Well done george good doos good doo man
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