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Everything posted by rigglad

  1. Hi I have 2 seats available for Blackpool bus leaving stoneyburn Friday at 8am leaving Blackpool Sunday at 2pm call 07546252698 if interested
  2. Lot 11 £30 please Done thnx
  3. R.i.p John
  4. Congratulations Ryan
  5. Many happy returns Gordon
  6. Many happy returns rob
  7. Lot 2 £20 lot 10 £20 lot11 £20 thanks Lot 2 £30 thanks
  8. RIP bertie
  9. Cracking offer del well done
  10. Well done Lewis
  11. rigglad

    Dk Jamieson

    Well done david super consistant
  12. Well done hasty hes so dedicated he deserves everything he gets
  13. Pallets floor scraper 200mm £6.50 300mm £8.50 with poles
  14. Many happy returns rob
  15. Georgefinlayson 07546252698
  16. Is that the same day as the shu show?
  17. The presentation is this Friday 4th October 7.30 at whitburn bowling club £6 entry includes buffet guests for the evening Walter Boswell and Danny Mitchell there will be a small draft of 2020 young birds for sale
  18. Well done colin
  19. Well done u done a great job over the years time to put your feet up
  20. The 68 doos have been liberated at catterick at 8am no wind good luck to all competing clock checking will be tonight between 6pm-7pm
  21. Marking Saturday night between 7pm-9pm for Sunday race
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