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Everything posted by hepste

  1. There may not be any rule which says a club can stipulate ETS only. However, if nobody is capable of, or willing to set manual clocks, the options available are surely limited to ETS only, and without breaking any rules.
  2. I would guess a sparrowhawk. From my own experience, a goshawk has always killed with it's initial strike. A sparrowhawk, almost grapples the bird to the ground. No doubt this pigeon has got away, and taken cover until she is satisfied the coast is clear. From my own exprience, when they've come that close to being hawk food they are never the same, as the trauma is too much.
  3. Interesting to note that the pigeons aimed for the nearest point of land which took them away from the most direct line.
  4. hepste

    loft vist

    It was a good humoured and well meant comment, sadly lost on some!!
  5. I haven't seen the tackle, cos it'll make me feel sick. The worst player I've seen for many a year for deliberate,vicious, bone breaking tackles is Everton's Felaini. Nasty piece of work!
  6. I wish to float eggs under a pair of birds that have only been sitting 12 days, at the time they are due to hatch. Is there a risk that the hatchlings can't/won't be properly fed by the surrogate parents?
  7. I'm in total agreement with blaz on this one, votes have been obtained that have nothing to do with this pony's ability/merit, and undermines the democratic process. Dare I say that I consider this to be akin to cheating. By winning the title, would it possibly be the case that it increases the pony's value by any chance?
  8. I have tried many things, but have finally found an agreeable floor covering, which is coarse woodchip, obtained from a local source. It is relayively dust fee, and is big enough not to be blown everywhere. Although it requires to be turned over now and then, it keeps dropping off the floor, and creates a good environment. I change mine every 3 months, or when I start getting the smell of ammonia.
  9. Wrong! I think you mean absolute and unadulterated fact! RPRA Rules 93 - 96. As long as you have proof of ownership, the bird is yours regardless of to whom the ring is registered. For example, if you buy a bird, and get a valid receipt conferring ownership, the bird is yours from that point. You may not register the ring for another 6 months, but the bird remains your property during that time. If, however, you want to enter that bird in a show or race, the bird must be owned by you, and the ring must be registered in your name!
  10. Wrong! In the same way that a car's registered keeper is not neccessarily the owner, a ring registered to an individual, does not confer ownership of that bird to the person so named. As far as pigeon races are concerned, bear in mind it is the ring which competes in a race, not the bird.
  11. You can do exactly what you like as long as you don't tell [provable] lies
  12. Does anyone know what part of the sheep the fat comes from? I am assuming you don't just cut it off your average lamb chop. So if eg I go to my butcher, what do I ask for?
  13. I agree wholeheartedly with you. However, the problems arise when the birds are in the race baskets, especially holdovers, and for long distance International races. Humid overcrowded conditions, drinking from the same troughs as infected birds!
  14. But surely the region are only there to represent the views of it's members, ie is the clubs. If eg the clubs don't vote for something, then the region has little option but to represent those views at any Council meeting. All these things are voted on, and all is minuted. It is only the apathy of people who don't attend, and don't use their vote, that causes upset. You know the old saying [adapted] - For the unwise to prosper, it only takes the wise people to do nothing!
  15. But surely, we are not forced to be members of the RPRA. There is nothing to stop anyone forming another union/organisation, and running it as they see fit. The problem is that there will always be those that complain but don't ever seek change by way of action.
  16. Ah the good old days; When the bullies ruled the roost, ruined other lives and nobody listened. When abused kids didn't have things like childline, and continued to be abused while nobody listened. When kids who didn't get into the football team felt inferior, and found other outlets, like vandalism. When the working class had few employment rights and were treated like dirt by employers When someone caught poaching to feed his family was hauled before the courts and treated like a criminal When nobody questioned the word of professionals like doctors and lawyers, and they got away with gross negligence When disabled people had little access to those places most of us take for granted When people suffering from depression and the like were stuck in mental institutions, and forgotten about When priests abused children for years, and never had to answer for their crimes 'cos it was covered up When the police often dished out their own form of punishment, falsified evidence,were not accountable, and condemned many innocents to years behind bars. When kids were born with deformities through drugs like thalidimide, 'cos the drug companies weren't properly regulated. When people working in the paint factories died from lead poisoning, or people working with asbestos died 'cos companies put profits before people, and weren't properly regulated. Etc., etc., etc., Ahh, the good old days. I don't think so!
  17. Ah the good old days; When the bullies ruled the roost, ruined other lives and nobody listened. When abused kids didn't have things like childline, and continued to be abused while nobody listened. When kids who didn't get into the football team felt inferior, and found other outlets, like vandalism. When the working class had few employment rights and were treated like dirt by employers When someone caught poaching to feed his family was hauled before the courts and treated like a criminal When nobody questioned the word of professionals like doctors and lawyers, and they got away with gross negligence When disabled people had little access to those places most of us take for granted When people suffering from depression and the like were stuck in mental institutions, and forgotten about When priests abused children for years, and never had to answer for their crimes 'cos it was covered up When the police often dished out their own form of punishment, falsified evidence,were not accountable, and condemned many innocents to years behind bars. When kids were born with deformities through drugs like thalidimide, 'cos the drug companies weren't properly regulated. When people working in the paint factories died from lead poisoning, or people working with asbestos died 'cos companies put profits before people, and weren't properly regulated. Etc., etc., etc., Ahh, the good old days. I don't think so!
  18. hepste

    why maize

    The dog tooth maize is best. The best part of the grain is the white bit in the middle. If you see any eaten by mice, they take this part, and leave the yellow outer.
  19. In contrast tro everyones' replies so far, I keep mine fairly tight, on 100% farm feed barley. I try and keep my birds as close to nature as I can, and nature deems winter time as hard, so it's the same for my birds. My theory (right or wrong) is that the body in lean times learns how to fully utilise every scrap of nutrition available in whatever feed they are given. In the summer, therefore they are easier to bring into form, and make full use of the quality grains given. Having said that, some of my older birds are given preferential treatment, otherwise nature deems they don't survive the winter.
  20. The peregrine in the UK does not migrate, and most remain within about 60 mls of their summer nesting sites
  21. Does anyone know of any website or any other way that I could print off some Racing Pigeon Prize Cards?
  22. Watch out for the Gunners with a couple of games in hand!
  23. hepste


    Liverpool players have been seen digging up the centre circle at Anfield and planting seed potatoes. Rumours at the ground say it is because they want something to lift at the end of the season.
  24. Good God you must be old, cock fighting was banned in 1845!
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