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Everything posted by bluebell101

  1. says mail box full not taking any messages r bird sorted
  2. Thanks Jamie it was pleasure to meet you glad you like them wish weather was better and glad to help mate ps thats good company you keep wont go wrong their one of the best in Scotland would win anywhere
  3. bluebell101

    Ybs I

    SU17L9192 in last night
  4. Well done Andy great start to young birds just carrying on from your old bird season
  5. bluebell101


    when we flew west we would only send about 6 to Gretna Longtown lockerbie seemed a better race point for us all the rest of birds were started at Appleby or penrith birds seem to get a better start will be same this year
  6. well done George top flying mate
  7. hope you get them today mate Longtown Gretna and Annan NO GOOD FOR LIBBS Lockerbie 10 mile shorter but birds always get good start will start my birds Appleby with yous will just send to our club race this week dont send all this week wait until next week good luck mate
  8. bluebell101


    what time you in at Danny ?
  9. many you sending ?
  10. they are getting sorted tomorrow
  11. thanks Colin
  12. are you going to Falaise if so could you take it to marking station and give to John Mcniel ?
  13. number not taking calls
  14. this bird is mine can call me on 01501503531 or send me you number thanks
  15. not sure will check this morning will let you know
  16. we have lost a lot of old birds under 300 mile as well but the National worst since i can remember only first 1 was good race nYpes was no to bad but a tough 1 would like to try Belgium for 3 /5 years think something different must be tried or we could be down to 1 channel race per year English Nationals have had it very hard this year too
  17. anyone here of any birds today ?
  18. thanks no answer will try later going out
  19. Lanarkshire bird picked up
  20. says number not recognised mate thanks anyway
  21. i have ca young birds
  22. A LUKE 9 48
  23. ANOTHER Jim Woods well done
  24. This number is not working mate
  25. well done Davie game pigeon
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