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How Did You Start In The Sport And Why,

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Family , Grandad kept them and my Father and 4 of his Brothers and a couple of cousins . used to be a Garden full of us on a race day watching and waiting .i was often asked to pick the pooler for Saturday , and had a better hit rate than most earning a glass bottle of lemonade and a packet of salt n shake crisps if correct.

i had a dovecote in the garden of an old house i had in Wales, all white birds. took a holiday and asked a friend to feed them , came back to find a blue hen had taken up residence. followed a few weeks later by an un-rung red cheq cock ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, you can guess the rest i am sure :emoticon-0136-giggle:

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Grew up with my brothers keeping pigeons as a kid,

Been working as racehorse vet for some time now, and the pigeon bug has been reignited by a recent visit to the blackpool show, in the process of constructing a loft, on the lookout for some youngbirds right now, fascinating sport, racehorses of the sky!!!



breeder , trainer and competitor


you would have to be minted to do that with horses

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a lot of old ferals used to hang around my grandmothers and I started feeding them from the kitchen window. Then I started catching the bright coloured ones, pieds, grizzles and the odd red and kept them in cardboard boxes and it all started from there :animatedpigeons:

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At my fathers funeral his words were read out about his life and loves and at the end of the reading he said I must have upset somebody upstairs (god) because both my sons are pigeon fanciers lol.

The older brother had them as a young lad but my interest was kindled like many catching the fancy colour birds from under railway bridges then my grandad built me a loft in his garden .

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the bug bit me at school which was only 30 foot from the old hamilton court house there was a hole at the top of the building going into the loft of the court as i sat in my english class age ten i saw a cracking blue cock carrying twigs and straw into the hole and i could see he had a ring on i was fascinated and watched him everyday for six weeks untill one day a big blue youngster came running out onto the ledge and the blue cock was feeding it when the youngster fell off the ledge and landed on the ground and hid in a corner of the building as soon as the school bell rang i was out the door like a shot and picked the youngster up and took it home this was what started my interest in pigeons and also the reason for my bad spelling lol

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