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Ets Security Qa.

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Was wondering if any club secertary can help in this;


I am responsible of all ets clocks related issues in my club, We are using benzing and bricon clocks, this year we have had unusual results that we feel that it is not fair, we do not do drug test on pigeon as we do not have it here.


My question is is there anything a fancier can do to cheat in the ets clock after birds are basketed in the clock by any mean. I know he cannot but maybe I am missing something. What we do is we basket as club using the master clock.


Suppose the fancier has another master clock home can he use it to cheat in the race?.


Also what else than drugs can we check for.

We are doing our best to make sure race is going ok. But who knows what cheating ppls can do?!



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Guest darren cantrill

what do you mean by unusual??? and all birds should be passed over senser and the race ring verified so the ets ring on the pigeon corresponds with the ring number on the bird and if you are unsure get in touch with bricon and benzing

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Was wondering if any club secertary can help in this;


I am responsible of all ets clocks related issues in my club, We are using benzing and bricon clocks, this year we have had unusual results that we feel that it is not fair, we do not do drug test on pigeon as we do not have it here.


My question is is there anything a fancier can do to cheat in the ets clock after birds are basketed in the clock by any mean. I know he cannot but maybe I am missing something. What we do is we basket as club using the master clock.


Suppose the fancier has another master clock home can he use it to cheat in the race?.


Also what else than drugs can we check for.

We are doing our best to make sure race is going ok. But who knows what cheating ppls can do?!



if its just 1 member ,then perhaps a loft visit to check location of pads . if all members ,then consult the manufacturers .you could consult the RPRA regarding possible "drug tests" .again if just 1 loft , he may just have a good system :animatedpigeons:

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ets cant really be tampered with so i wouldn't leave that bother you


most cheating is caused by proper procedures not been followed at marking e.g members marking there own birds etc


drugs is a complicated matter that i feel the Irish English welsh and Scottish unions need to re vist again



another master timer would be of no use to anyone




a false liberation time once or twice a year will tell you a lot

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Guest bigda

the regesterd ring would only be any good to the clock that set in the master club clock and should any other master be used the ring would need to be reset and it would make the race it was in before invalid the htag rings have also got a device built in to stop cloned rings from being used as there is a follow on code set when the bird passes over the scan

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what do you mean by unusual??? and all birds should be passed over senser and the race ring verified so the ets ring on the pigeon corresponds with the ring number on the bird and if you are unsure get in touch with bricon and benzing


by unusual I mean that one fancier do win from 1st to 15th in the club in all races (8 races ranging from 200-600km distance) knowing that windspeed in one race is tail wind 30km/h 300km distance and another one is 30km/h head wind 450km with the same birds.


(I am not trying to proove he is cheating but just want to proove he is not as I am responsible of these ets clocks and results).


Many of our club fanciers that are 10-30 yrs experienced fanciers and they do know how to win races do say that these results are not usual and that something is going on.


About club system we follow a strict system (we have ppls that are in charge of basketting other than members) and no one can take any ring from the birds after being basketed for sure.


What I wanted to make sure of is that after basketting for race no one can change anything in the clock without our notice (no hacks are there for the clocks).


I know that if I asked the manufacturer he will say that nothing to be done but I wanted to make sure from other club secertaries in other clubs maybe they have experienced somthing.



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ets cant really be tampered with so i wouldn't leave that bother you


most cheating is caused by proper procedures not been followed at marking e.g members marking there own birds etc


drugs is a complicated matter that i feel the Irish English welsh and Scottish unions need to re vist again



another master timer would be of no use to anyone




a false liberation time once or twice a year will tell you a lot



How would a FALSE liberation time tell anything on ETS

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Guest bigda

How would a FALSE liberation time tell anything on ETS



what he means is if he told the guy that he thinks of cheating and tell him that the birds are 1 hour up earlier, and he came in with a bird or 2 1 hour earlier that the fed he would have cause to concern as the whole fed can not be 1 hour out from his first or second bird

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Was wondering if any club secertary can help in this;


I am responsible of all ets clocks related issues in my club, We are using benzing and bricon clocks, this year we have had unusual results that we feel that it is not fair, we do not do drug test on pigeon as we do not have it here.


My question is is there anything a fancier can do to cheat in the ets clock after birds are basketed in the clock by any mean. I know he cannot but maybe I am missing something. What we do is we basket as club using the master clock.


Suppose the fancier has another master clock home can he use it to cheat in the race?.


Also what else than drugs can we check for.

We are doing our best to make sure race is going ok. But who knows what cheating ppls can do?!



Scary, i think loft visits by officials needs to be more regular and in some clubs instigated. There is also so many lofts that was mapped many years ago and needs to be updated.

For cheating with ets, not doable. As said by above members, the chip, ones put trough the club master cant be configured or altered unless it was reset by the mater that set it in the first place.

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Was wondering if any club secertary can help in this;


I am responsible of all ets clocks related issues in my club, We are using benzing and bricon clocks, this year we have had unusual results that we feel that it is not fair, we do not do drug test on pigeon as we do not have it here.


My question is is there anything a fancier can do to cheat in the ets clock after birds are basketed in the clock by any mean. I know he cannot but maybe I am missing something. What we do is we basket as club using the master clock.


Suppose the fancier has another master clock home can he use it to cheat in the race?.


Also what else than drugs can we check for.

We are doing our best to make sure race is going ok. But who knows what cheating ppls can do?!





Hi sadawy, i do Not think there is anything wrong with the ets clocks or rings, and if you say someone else puts this man's birds into the race basket when the birds are leaving then No Way he can cheat at the club either.

You would then have to ask yourself HOW is it possible for the man to get these results so often and still have the birds to race the following week.


IMO. he can only be getting the birds out of the baskets AFTER the transporter leaves the area. He would of course need the driver to Help him, the driver could maybe be a friend of his who does not race birds, so has nothing to lose by allowing this to happen, or maybe he is Paying the driver for his help, but i'm pretty sure that the Cheating, IF there is any Cheating, then it happens After his birds are basketed for the race and have left the club.


I do hope it turns out the guy has found some system that suits him and his birds and all his results are accurate and true, but i very much doubt it by what you have described. ATB John.


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Was wondering if any club secertary can help in this;


I am responsible of all ets clocks related issues in my club, We are using benzing and bricon clocks, this year we have had unusual results that we feel that it is not fair, we do not do drug test on pigeon as we do not have it here.


My question is is there anything a fancier can do to cheat in the ets clock after birds are basketed in the clock by any mean. I know he cannot but maybe I am missing something. What we do is we basket as club using the master clock.


Suppose the fancier has another master clock home can he use it to cheat in the race?.


Also what else than drugs can we check for.

We are doing our best to make sure race is going ok. But who knows what cheating ppls can do?!



Can you post up your list of Club results with times,distances,birdage & member numbers so that we can evaluate better.

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This Club has been racing for 8wks, I would just like to know where it is, and I can see no wrong in posting official Club Results. The poster is anonymous to us so I should think that also applies to his fellow members. Perhaps the Club or Fed has a website we could be directed to.

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This Club has been racing for 8wks, I would just like to know where it is, and I can see no wrong in posting official Club Results. The poster is anonymous to us so I should think that also applies to his fellow members. Perhaps the Club or Fed has a website we could be directed to.



Looks like you & I differ, I see plenty wrong with it.

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How would a FALSE liberation time tell anything on ETS



i think every fed should have at least one false lib a year for as impossible velocity's can be seen


if racing from for e.g 250 mile the person in charge of the liberation tells everyone the birds are up at 10 but wont be released till 11

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i think every fed should have at least one false lib a year for as impossible velocity's can be seen


if racing from for e.g 250 mile the person in charge of the liberation tells everyone the birds are up at 10 but wont be released till 11



Agree with this 100% I would also add clocks MUST be returned to headquarters on the close of the race.

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Looks like you & I differ, I see plenty wrong with it.

Until we are in possession of the whole story instead of unsubstantiated details from an anonymous poster from an anonymous country how on earth can we give a true assessment.

Until such slurs and gossip are aired in the Public Domain how can the accused party (and he has been accused) defend himself.

Until I know the full facts I will not give an opinion, if there is one to give.

I would also like more information on the original poster, by PM if necessary. He's been chipping a long time.

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Until we are in possession of the whole story instead of unsubstantiated details from an anonymous poster from an anonymous country how on earth can we give a true assessment.

Until such slurs and gossip are aired in the Public Domain how can the accused party (and he has been accused) defend himself.

Until I know the full facts I will not give an opinion, if there is one to give.

I would also like more information on the original poster, by PM if necessary. He's been chipping a long time.



I believe the fancier in question should be afforded some form of protection until the facts are known.

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If those sort of results had taken place in the UK I'm positive the fancier concerned would have had massive front page publicity by now, we'd all be buying his birds & video. It can't be a secret so why the need for secrecy?

Whenever there are fanciers winning out of turn there are always seeds of suspicion sown somewhere, full publicity is the only way to give this fancier the accolades he merits or the justice he deserves. Little whispers are not the way to go, especially from an anonymous accuser.

Only half believe what you see and don't believe a thing you hear, as my old dad used to say.

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Guest king billy 1

if the said members loft is not mesherd right he could be inasent or he could be timeing into a difrent location 10mls shorter hope not yous may just have to up your game a littel

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