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Favourite/Least Favourite


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start of old bird racing , hate it just canny get motivated at the start

always at the cows tail with training , also detest pairing up but like to see quality babies in the nest so makes it worth while . Im always saying the racing starts to early but if it was mid may i would prob still say that :emoticon-0140-rofl: :emoticon-0140-rofl: also hate going to club with birds and taking clock back , its the driving i hate not the club

quite often dont go back with clock on sat cause i canny be bothered driving ,, ever since ive had bother with my neck i hate having to drive as it always flares up sitting in the car only drive on a need to basis nowadays :emoticon-0140-rofl: :emoticon-0140-rofl:

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I love all parts of the doo game except having pigeon lung, so the moult time is crap. I like going out to the loft at 2am and doing a nosey, its amazing what ye see in the dark.

aye heard ye handle the cock at 2am in the dark :smiley: yer neighbour said i it is amazing what they see tae :emoticon-0140-rofl:

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Guest chad3646

favorite time is Rennes night if you have clocked one!!!!!!!! :lol:


worst time the night after if you have not. :crying:









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  • 4 weeks later...

I love all parts of the doo game except having pigeon lung, so the moult time is crap. I like going out to the loft at 2am and doing a nosey, its amazing what ye see in the dark.

derrek ive got the wee ioniser that hangs round the neck find its a great help when i mind to wear it only 25 quid

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Least Fav time of the season for me is when i pair up and they either won't take, the Yearling Ck's that won't let the hen in the box and the fighting when one goes into the wrong box and smashes the eggs, that p-ss-s me right off.:emoticon-0179-headbang::emoticon-0179-headbang:


My favorite time is when the racing hits the 200ml mark, the chaff have been lost and the wheat are coming into themselves for the open and duplication races in the Fed. Of course i don't make all the results but when i do its usually a guid yin and that inspires me to push on for the Channel race or races, which is where my heart lies.:emoticon-0157-sun::emoticon-0157-sun:

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My favourite time is the 1st race, always a buzz when they haven't raced for a while! though i love pairing up and getting all the pairs sorted, and having that 1st egg, And then 1st Yb


Dislike the winter months, Im not a fan of when the ybs go up for the 1st time and I hate the 1st young bird training toss when you aren't sure if they'll come back or not! XD

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