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Would Like To Know ?

andy Burgess

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would like to know when its safe or right to jag for racing and hopefully treat for canker .my yearlings are at diffrent nest stages ,some have chicks in the nest ,many sitting eggs ,and one pair yet to lay . when is best to do both of above , first race is 21st April.???

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Guest TAMMY_1

would like to know when its safe or right to jag for racing and hopefully treat for canker .my yearlings are at diffrent nest stages ,some have chicks in the nest ,many sitting eggs ,and one pair yet to lay . when is best to do both of above , first race is 21st April.???


we vaccinate 3 weeks before first race Any and we canker birds when they are all on eggs although you always get the odd pair that will not lay when you want but we canker them when most are on eggs,fortunately all the main racers and the few stock were on eggs at the same time so there was no prob's with them,the show racers have one pair to lay but they are being cankered this weekend but have found there never was any problems if some were not on eggs when treating them for canker and also never had any trouble if they were sitting on youngsters

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we have rules to be adhered to - as a racing organisation


vaccination sheets to be in the hands of the fed secretary by March 1st - otherwise you can't race for 3 weeks from the date in which the fed secretary gets your sheets


so birds HAVE to be vaccinated before March 1st (old birds)


For young birds it is June 1st

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Guest TAMMY_1

we have rules to be adhered to - as a racing organisation


vaccination sheets to be in the hands of the fed secretary by March 1st - otherwise you can't race for 3 weeks from the date in which the fed secretary gets your sheets


so birds HAVE to be vaccinated before March 1st (old birds)


For young birds it is June 1st

Checked with our fed and they have no rule like that,birds have to be vaccinated two weeks minimum before the race and sheets are handed in before the first race so the birds do NOT HAVE to be done before the 1st March in our fed so ours will be done in about ten days as was planned

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Guest TAMMY_1

we have rules to be adhered to - as a racing organisation


vaccination sheets to be in the hands of the fed secretary by March 1st - otherwise you can't race for 3 weeks from the date in which the fed secretary gets your sheets


so birds HAVE to be vaccinated before March 1st (old birds)


For young birds it is June 1st


Birds would then only have to be done before the 1st of March if you were racing on the 22nd of March which is three weeks,we don't race till 14th April and our birds will be done on the 20th of this month which is 25 days before our first race and then our sheet will be taken to our secretary who only lives 15 minutes from us.

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I usually give a 5 day canker treatment as I feel a one day course is not sufficient, I do not jag within 14 days either side of any treatment just in case the treatment has any effect on the vaccine and the birds are always separated whilst treating and jagging.

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we have rules to be adhered to - as a racing organisation


vaccination sheets to be in the hands of the fed secretary by March 1st - otherwise you can't race for 3 weeks from the date in which the fed secretary gets your sheets


so birds HAVE to be vaccinated before March 1st (old birds)


For young birds it is June 1st



NEHU rules

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Guest TAMMY_1

from the good advice and PMs ,i am now clear about the "canker treatment" . just now when to "jag" (vaccinate) them ?? will it affect the young they are feeding or ??

I know some folk jag the birds when they have young in the nest,on rare occasions we have had to do it as well but the youngsters were never less than 10 days old,this is not the norm for us but on the rare occasion we have jagged then with youngsters there have been no problems

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