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Basically fastest doo hame wins




so if it is that simple why the hell do you lot not win the race dose if your birds are the best the ould be winning ?? or have i missed somthing

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well thats the great thing about pb the dabate and education about the pigeons and thats the common interest racer,pouter,tumblers and fancy all pigeons the wee bird that links us all together doomen one and all :rolleyes:

Greats words well spoken

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I believe you George, I just cannot see the interest



so what is interesting about the fastest ? (please don't tack that the wrong way ) means not much to me I'm looking for clever birds , is there any money in racing ? something i would like to learn more about




so if any of you can send me a basic rules book for racing then at least i would know the basics


the root of all knowledge is understanding you must understand before you can know

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Guest geordiejen

totally agree their mate.like racing pigeons you can breed a sh*t load and get nothing.you can have a sh*t load of horseman and only a couple are gooduns.each type of pigeon hastheir own keepers.i like racers and horseman or any thief pigeon.i dont have the time to fly out pouters in sport anymore as i know i cannot give the time and patience to fly and train these birds to a high standard.firstly in the winter i cant fly them out as im off every second saturday so it just means the birds get stiff during the winter.by early spring when the nights get longer i have to think about pairing them up for breeding for the show season.then i have to give the youngsters a fly out which can mean birds out for days at a time.if your a flying man then thats all you should be doing flying your pairs until thursday and going odd at the weekend.

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totally agree their mate.like racing pigeons you can breed a sh*t load and get nothing.you can have a sh*t load of horseman and only a couple are gooduns.each type of pigeon hastheir own keepers.i like racers and horseman or any thief pigeon.i dont have the time to fly out pouters in sport anymore as i know i cannot give the time and patience to fly and train these birds to a high standard.firstly in the winter i cant fly them out as im off every second saturday so it just means the birds get stiff during the winter.by early spring when the nights get longer i have to think about pairing them up for breeding for the show season.then i have to give the youngsters a fly out which can mean birds out for days at a time.if your a flying man then thats all you should be doing flying your pairs until thursday and going odd at the weekend.

If everyone thought like you and me the pouter game would be buzzing in glasgow but sadly you get the cold guys that don't even give you a return if the catch off ye or they fly there doos wae no ramp :emoticon-0179-headbang:

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  • 2 months later...

i had a shocking but beneficial last few weeks as some will know i had a big white doo i caught by a verbal whoop boy whoop boy and he was hanted to my window , but some dirty bugger with access to birds had played the dirty ... someone had clipped the wings of a white hen just a few streets down they had feed and water in a dish on the grun , i found out because a mate seen me out looking for the doo and he said i seen a white yin doon the road i said show me he did and i so i now have a pair so it backfired on the cheating bugger who ever it was if i find out there will be hell to pay i don't like cheats

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so what is interesting about the fastest ? (please don't tack that the wrong way ) means not much to me I'm looking for clever birds , is there any money in racing ? something i would like to learn more about




so if any of you can send me a basic rules book for racing then at least i would know the basics


the root of all knowledge is understanding you must understand before you can know

Racing pigeons are one of the most clever birds on the planet so if its clever birds you are looking for buy a few racers.There is money in pigeon racing but you need to be winning races or getting your pool birds before everyone else.I wouldnt go in to pigeon racing thinking your going to make a lot of cash out of it i would put the money to the back of your mind as the majority of pigeon fanciers spend more on there birds upkeep than they win every year.You can google the rules of pigeon racing or ask what your not sure about

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  • 2 years later...

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