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My Loft

Guest yorkshire terrier 77

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Guest yorkshire terrier 77

hear are pictures as promised of my loft that i recently aquired, pics are from when i first saw the loft and from during my work on it. the loft was in a right old state and in an overgrown allotment but i knew with some time ,elbow grease and a bit a cash i could get a decent garden loft out of what was there, the bottom five rows of boards were all rotten and the roof was leaking and going in a bad way, the paint was all dry and flaking off where the sun had gotten at it over years as it was left unused and empty for a good few years. it was still full of the deep litter that had been used before and i had to rip the guts out of it but i know the guy who had it and he was a very good pigeon man and would have had no disease whatsoever . the loft is not totaly complete yet but it is on its way. THE BEFORE................




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Guest yorkshire terrier 77

going to have to see our lass as the other photoes are on other files and i am no computer man and cnt for the life of me work out why it wont attach the other ones !!!!i want to get them all in order :( its late anyway so i be up nice and early to get them on. promise lol. :)

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Guest yorkshire terrier 77

hi all


thanks marc for that input, hope this works , got some more to add as we go along as not finished loft yet but its better to see a work in progress. will try and get them all on the same album. let me know if it has not worked.as i have added a bit of txt to go with the pics. see link below . :):emoticon-0167-beer: :emoticon-0167-beer: :emoticon-0167-beer:



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Guest yorkshire terrier 77

hi , its 16ft long 6ft deep and the same high give or take an inch or so lol ,first section is 6ft, youngbirds, end of first door, then two 5ft sections forming the old bird racing sections one for cocks one for hens, as i will be trying roundabout, then a bit a natural. my mate old yellow has given me the idea for my boxes , so that i take good advantage of space without overcrowding. i will be erecting a small but effective stock loft round the corner at the mother in laws in the next year, as i will not be racing old birds so have the whole loft for youngbirds this time around. i will be ahead of the compatition in this respect . fail to prepare prepare to fail!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol lots to do with this loft yet but she is certanly coming on .....if the rain would f*&k off i would get done a lot sooner but this is the great british summer for you lol. i have lots of ideas but plenty of time to try them out. just got to get the birds to start it all off!!!!!!!!!!!1 lol :emoticon-0167-beer: :emoticon-0167-beer: :emoticon-0167-beer:

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