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ETS  Race programs

Pompey Mick

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In just about Every club that i know there is a "Golden Mile" where the birds are drawn to, Given the right wind and a man on the golden mile that knows how to race birds who also has the ETS, he will clean up. I know that the distance fliers in here say that it won't affect them but in the long races don't you race in widespread combines? In them combines i'll bet that there are some fanciers who are right in the right spot, even before using the ETS one loft could reasonably be able to clock from a place of advantage. And with the advantage of ETS he will clock very VERY fast. We will all end up either having them to have a chance or packing in because of the lack of winning opportunities. Personally i hope the ETS is a massive let down and is bugged by problems all the way. I don't want the sport to be dominated by someone who can "Afford" to be good, but, i never mind being beaten by someone who is just a better pigeon man.

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No it won't be a let down and more and more will undoubtedly have them as they save money to try and get back a little lee - way lost. But by then the sport will have paid a massive price as the won't leaving will not be abled to be replaced.

Have a friend who packed up 3 years ago after his birds were wiped ot. He has just finished building his loft, and was to have 6 pairs of old ones, and several of us were going to breed him some y/b's.

AS of now the loft is about to be got rid of and he says he won't bother. Many tried to no avail that the club etc. wouldn't engage the ET. But says, this year, next year it will be, so he'd rather not start. And he is one that could wll aford the ET.

Like every thing else, horses for courses and everything in the right place.

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I think cost was the biggest prob up here, I was really annoyed that I forked out nearly £300 on a new quartz STB, only a year or so before ETS was sactioned for use up here. Should have taken up club offer of a clock on loan I guess ... but wanted my own ....  :)


But there's been a number of posts up on other threads about grants to meet costs of kitting out the whole club, if members want one. Cost shouldn't be an issue, and if everybody in the club has one, fairness shouldn't be an issue either.


So if cost and fairness aren't issues, what's the prob?

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Well in any close finish ET WILL take every position, impossible to split often ..



From Tom in Canada….


It happened in my club last year with 10! I am not sure HOW - the fellow that did it is an old timer who is afraid to even look at his times on the E Clock.....so I KNOW that he did nothing to "cheat" in any way.

I saw his birds flying just before this race and I KNEW they were HOT! Racing across the skies like jets. He also lives in the trees and has LOTS of hawks - so I think his birds have learned that the only place safe is flying or IN THE LOFT...

If he's birds are within 15 secods of a manual clocker the chances ...



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Guest slugmonkey

New Benzing M1 - 1000.00

Son of Pinnacle - 1250.00

feed and medications - 1500.00

Club Dues - 275.00

Tires and gas for training 800.00


Sound of birds hitting board 4 minutes out in front and winning race no matter what I am timing with - PRICELESS

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New Benzing M1 - 1000.00

Son of Pinnacle - 1250.00

feed and medications - 1500.00

Club Dues - 275.00

Tires and gas for training 800.00


Sound of birds hitting board 4 minutes out in front and winning race no matter what I am timing with - PRICELESS


Yes very true ... just shows even more how the sport is being tailored more THAN ever for the 'Haves' and their nonchalent disconcern for the Plebes. Sefish to the hilt springs to mind.

And Bully for us and tough on you' I'm alright Jack... just keep putting your twopence worth into our coffers!

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Guest slugmonkey

Hey go back and look at your OWN post the next guy down was 1 minute and 57 seconds back  

That aint close, so again it dosent matter what you are clocking with if youre losing !!!!!

P.S. if you are spending 30% of your familys income on racing you probably should be doing something else anyway !!!

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Glad you don't read our Clocks on race night


21 Morres Dudzic 0610   CU 06 EDM    C 11:59:01 21/ 52  01.59 1380.578  61


22 Coronado L/35 0333  CU 06 EDMC 11:50:04 317.563  01.57 1380.306  58


23 Morres Dudzic 0604   CU 06 EDM   C 11:59:04 22/ 52  02.02 1380.289  56


24 Coronado Loft 0331   CU 06 EDM  11:50:06  2/ 35  01.59 1380.106  54


25 Coronado Loft 0348   CU 06 EDM   C 11:50:07  3/ 35  02.00 1380.006  52


26 Morres Dudzic 0653   CU 06 EDM   C 11:59:07 23/ 52  02.05 1380.001  50


Unless you are  penalising him for flying further uueer umm..

Will go here by Velocity  time x yards... as you do by metre. Look at the part (Fraction of seconds ALL the birds were timed in!

Coronado was the next loft... they dominated the top  63 places  with just two others getting one a piece I.e.


37 M Dziarmaga/8 13654 CU 06 CU BB C 12:04:23 325.687 10.26 1332.685  26 at 37 th and

42 Knox Landi/12 1103   CU 06 EDM   BLWF C 11:35:54 285.450 10.51 1322.140  15 at 42nd.

First other loft WAS Tom Mak with his red Cheque Cock.

It's all here.

Remember when I was at a Loft - the fancier lives here so was under RPRA of course - where a class name was testing te ET for the RPRA and he wasn't too impressed. But I saw him time im Manually 60 odd birds...  he sent 73. He  stated that he would love to be able to time them ALL in before any one else had a bird.... looks like that may very well come true now.



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Guest slugmonkey

or about 12 MPM if you prefer

this guy also sent 52 birds and clocked 21 ( nearly 1/2 ) before the next guy had one

I call that getting stomped !!!!

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Guest slugmonkey

As well after further investigation it shows this guy had 3 drops before the other guy which tells me the 2nd loft probably had NO birds in the 1st group and MAYBE only a few in the second

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Guest slugmonkey

Maybe we should give ALL of these guys blue ribbons because they tried so hard while were at it lets go ahead and decide who gets to win next week so that way its fair and nobody gets discouraged !!!

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You worry me, surely no one can be that niave, or do you believe us to be so stupid! The first TEN WERE the same time as you very well know. And others a fraction of a yard etc. But then you know that like everyone else tha visits this topic. Simple and real. Now the simple realism, IF 3/ 4/ 5/ fanciers say all hit the Allotments at the same time, all have 6 birds arriving together, he the one that has the ET takes the first 6 places, short sweet and simple. Never mind any scenario that prehaps the ET clockers traps were closed, or they all stopped for a punch up or whatever, He they trap like they should - especially when use to the system and not being handled, then the rest are history.

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Two instances:


Guy flying sprinters with UNC attended our moot a few years back, his birds home on race day as a team ... he wouldn't have it any other way, he's 'not spendin all Saturday waitin on birds comin home' so 16 at a drop might take 1st 16 posns in club.


Our Fed champion 'fell out' or 'took a dafty' over somethin and left the ETS clock running ... Fed result is the 1st 40 birds timed; there were only 2 names on the sheet, 39 of one, and 1 of the other.


We have an agreement in the Club & Fed that each member can take only 5 club, and 10? fed positions.      ;D    just one would do me thanks, yes please.  Went up to look at Fed result couple of years back club members asked what I was looking for and said well lots of pages here so me name must be there somewhere. Our Billy_g remarked 'printer would run out of ink long before it got to yours.'   ;D

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We used to have a clocking limit that only let you win up to 5 places. that let more people on the sheet as you say. I would rather know if my birds were 6th or 66th. If you want to limit the entry payout is fine,but not the birds for flying well and being trained and in great condition.

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There's a number of different ways to look at it Chatrace. My opinion is that ETS vs Conventional for the 1st bird timed is almost without advantage, i.e. equal chance.


And agree with you if I'm 66th Fed, that's where I should be on the sheet, except the Fed sheet stops at 40th. Most other race results have a limit too.


But new members, new to the sport, and old members alike, using conventional clocks, would be very discouraged and demoralised seeing 12 ETS members timing 20 pigeons each inside a minute (birds timed in a few seconds apart)  knowing that using a conventional clock with normal maximum 12 birds, there is no way that they can time 20 pigeons inside a minute of their arrival, nor would they even want to. 20 seconds might seperate their first & second pigeon in the clock (came together) but there's 20 ETS clocked pigeons in those same 20 seconds. Result? These members get pushed down or off the sheet, and the result could also be said to be false ... not a true reflection of one-on-one performance.



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Bruno I believe what the PRO Et brigade choose to ignore are the simple facts, IF 6 fanciers birds drop tgether and all werre manual then there would be 5 OR 6 different names n the top six. If only one has a ET then there is Only one name in the first 6... the one with the ET. Only folks with ET or intentions of getting one harp crass stupidity like 'I WOULD NEVER TAKE A PRIZE MY BIRDS NEVER WON IF SOMEONE HAS 10 BIRDS BEFORE ME I NEED TO GET MY BIRDS IN BETTER NICK FOR THE NEXT RACE NOT WORRY HOW HE HAD CLOCKED THEM IN' Of course he would. He he looks acrss the allotment for example and sees other birds a fraction BEHIND yet he doesn't even make the Top 6 he will chunter! To say otherwise is silly. LETS here the PRO ET lot raise hands and be counted, and us some of the same asertions in getting the ET in - granted through the back door with frabricated untruths, ASKing, demanding that they CAN give all manual clockers 15  seconds, 10 even! Not heard one yet, and that is the most definate fact in their regards of a sense of FAIRNESS in a so - called SPORT! They will just bleat 'NA Way! Let the buy one lie us.... Knowing full well they can't'!

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Hi guys just a quick question regards ETS i was asked today if the chipped rings gcan be taken off & used on another bird (for instance retire a racer & use his /her chip ring on youngster) does anyone know

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I don't think there can be a time allowance given, Roland. Was mooted up here the first year it came in, and never implemented. Think about it: on one hand doing so would be an admission that ets gives unfair advantage; and on the other why pay out say £400 on ETS to give away 15 seconds in every race?


Said before that for the 1st timed pigeon anyway, which I believe is 'near' equal, just 8 seconds in it, an 8 seconds balance should be struck by allowing conventional clocks to be used without a thimble. Rubber off the bird and straight into the clock = saving of 8 seconds?  

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