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ETS  Race programs

Pompey Mick

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How does ETS tie in with existing Race computer programs, what software comes with the system?  Does it calculate Averages, Pools & Points etc. What Race programs are in use in Scotland?  I would like to know because I am considering purchasing a new Computer Race program for the Club and I would like it to be compatiable with ETS if needed.

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Hi Pompey I too am looking for a programme compatible with ETS. I have drawn a blank. I have tried various software manufacturers but failed to get a system that will do what you want.We use Unikon but the software only gives you a time NO velocity. We then feed this into a race programme to sort out the result


No velocity

No pools

No points

No compatibility

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Hi Ian,

I am surprised that you have to manually load the times in, I was hoping there would be direct transfer of some sort.

I was hoping that the ETS companies would have software compatiable with existing race programs. i think there is a program in America called Winspeed (I think) which works with ETS.  Surely there must be a suitable program available somewhere.

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Well the Majority in the Club says ET's so what! We won't sanction any funds to buy anything that relatess / or is needed in regards ET's.

Club will also have a say whether they will allow ET's to be used... Or more simply if all those against ET's form another club and have it as a rule that it will be a Manual Clocking club only.... One has to ponder on I guess.

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Now England is going to accept ETS some software company will invest in the technology the market is now a lot bigger.

To my knowledge there is no software available by a UK software company.

But this I hope will change.

I know there is a programme available in the US but have failed to get my hands on it .

I hope to go to US in April / May so will be looking then.

If any member knows of the programme will you send me a PM please.


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Roland, Don't forget that majority rule comes in at meetings and if the majority say we should buy such and such then that is what the club is supposed to do. You could object but, i'm not sure how far this would get you. I agree with your stance but the clever ones will use rules to bamboozle the club into buying because don't forget that it was smart a**e lawyers who have said that the RPRA MUST allow the use of the ETS. WE the fee payers did not really have an option as to whether we wanted it or not. I was sent a letter to read out from my region committee and that was from some sort of equal oportunities place and we were not expected to vote on it just to know what was going on. People who want such things to be let in always find a loophole and in the past people have given up the sport due to health concerns and these flyers were not bothered about their disabilities. To me it just sounds like "I want it so i'll find a way to get it". disappointing but thats pigeons.

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"don't forget that it was smart a**e lawyers who have said that the RPRA MUST allow the use of the ETS. "


not that smart Tubbles the act clearly states that clubs with less than 30 members are not affected by the act. The RPRA IS NOT A CLUB IT IS AN ASSOCIATION OF CLUBS. The individual clubs who are affiliated to the RPRA who have less than 30 members could ignore ETS on these grounds alone.


The RPRA would not dare say boo to clubs who fall into this category who choose to ignore ETS, as they know as well as I do that in law they would not have a leg to stand on.  

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To start with it may just be printed off and then manually entered i suppose but our club has old computer (no USB) so i would be interested to see if they supply a printer like the T3 clocks have. ::)



hi at blackpool i visited the unikon stand, and they had a HP printer, the ones u use on the pc, u get a specisl device to fix on the rear of it and it does some printing from the ets not sure what but if u were getting in touch with the scottish agent for unikon he would let u know what it is,



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Thanks Fifer


"me" as for the 30 member rule applying to clubs , would these clubs be taken as federations, as we have more than 30 members in the federation. Its all a bit up in the air still really isn't it. We need the RPRA to come out and tell us where we stand because I know a lot of the members in my club are against it and this will just cause more bad feeling towards the members who try using it. The sport is not in the position to take these problems in my opinion, because this could lose us even more members. :-/

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Unikon system doesn't include a printer or a race programme. At the moment its just another timing device.


Our club members pooled together for printer & cable. Prints off bird details and times, but these are then entered manually (along with the conventional clocked details) into a race result programme on club computer.


Not a joined-up timing clock & race result calculation system.  ;D

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As the govement and DAFRA etc. constantly refuse recognise our fancy as a 'Sport' but CLASSFIED usas Poultry keeper, how can we be discriminate to other Poultry keepers? It's a joke, As niel Diamond sang, Money Talks, and the Affluent ones in our so called Poultry keeping were determine to gain any and every ounce for the own betterment. Nothing more and certainly nothing less.

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Our concourse uses the unikon ETS, we belong to the AU which has its own software called "windspeed" that is compatible with all the different electronic systems, the software calculates everything that you would need to know and is very simple to use by the secretaries of all the clubs, combines and concourses and national organization.  Ed

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Hi Roland

For someone who is neither for nor agains you post a lot of negatives !!!!!!!


Well that's me own personal beliefs on ET's... Not on the deeds of the misfits that contrived, fibbed and what not to get the ET accepted Aand why!!! To get a little more lee - way, a little more undeserved advantage over those that can't afford or due to Loft position CAN'T have, or be able to have it guanranteed to work come Saturday morning. Fortunately the TRUE racing as I see it for me is the Distance races so tha won't overly afect me. Not like the ones that have their birds arrive at the same time, or just before the ET clocker only to be robed by the affluent one with a ET clock! But then that is why you and others want it. And all the red herrings in the world won't alter that a jot!

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I agree with you Roland, ETS has been pushed by the Makers and their agents now for about ten years, what the advertizing in the journals has cost them must be astronomical. As for the Disability Discrimination Act this was just another foot in the door that they have managed to use. However a Federation is not a club neither is the NEHU, RPRA or WHU they are governing bodies.  It is strange that the members pushing the ETS are almost always those with other commercial interests. It is all about money, nothing to do with bringing the sport up to date.  I can guarantee that membership will decrease when it becomes widespread, the argument that youngsters will join the sport is absolute bunkum.

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I agree with you Roland, ETS has been pushed by the Makers and their agents now for about ten years, what the advertizing in the journals has cost them must be astronomical. As for the Disability Discrimination Act this was just another foot in the door that they have managed to use. However a Federation is not a club neither is the NEHU, RPRA or WHU they are governing bodies.  It is strange that the members pushing the ETS are almost always those with other commercial interests. It is all about money, nothing to do with bringing the sport up to date.  I can guarantee that membership will decrease when it becomes widespread, the argument that youngsters will join the sport is absolute bunkum.


Se well and eloquently put. Yes many will leave. And the cost for starting up will deter mny from stating. Especially when the Missis asks which comes first. Morgage, Kids, etc. etc. or just to see flipping birds fly.

But you now what the real thing that surprises me? The selfisness of those that are / have pushed for it, and they vey ones that spout only about trying to keep a sensible and steady influx of new members AND spouters of rying, and Oh how can we encourage new members etc. And HOW CAN will STOP LOSING so many yea year! What can we do to keep members.... and then selfishly spout in silence 'As long as it doesn't affect me and any one upmanship I may have or gain!


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Hi Ian,

I am surprised that you have to manually load the times in, I was hoping there would be direct transfer of some sort.

I was hoping that the ETS companies would have software compatiable with existing race programs. i think there is a program in America called Winspeed (I think) which works with ETS.  Surely there must be a suitable program available somewhere.


Wonder if we can get a copy of Winspeed? A number of clubs around here are all-ETS, it would be worth giving this software a pre-race trial. Only recently dawned on me Mick, that there is no electronic start-to-finish system that'll automatically run & poroduce birds timed, velocity, race results, & pools. Its all a bit too disjointed just now and could be improved. Would make Race Secretary's job a good bit easier.

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If anyone wants to use ETS in a Club that hasn't got a master then surely it's up to that member to supply the appropiate equipment. When the T3s came on the market individual fanciers had to supply their own printers.


Unikon & Tauris both supplied club equipment free, to 1st member to adopt it in the club, when introduced in Scotland. Recent advert from Unikon in BHW stating same deal applies, extra kit for club supplied free. So no skin off anybodies balance sheets.  :)

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