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Race & Stock Gone

Silverdale Lofts

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My Boss went up to the lofts today and found 10 race birds stolen these birds were all ages from 05 to 07 and then went in Stock lofts and found 20 stolen nearly all the birds what have gone are Leon Boers how sick stealing off a pensioner of 69 years of age and who has spent £40,000 fighting Leeds city council over a  enforcement order for him to take his loft down.

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Guest joshdonlan
£40,000 fighting Leeds city council over a  enforcement order for him to take his loft down. i smell a rat no birds on loft  :X :X :X  


Very sick nevertheless.

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pensioner of 69 years of age and who has spent £40,000 fighting Leeds city council over a  enforcement order for him to take his loft down.


should this not be were the R.P.R.A step in for it members instead of donating thousands to charities that give the sport nothing back?.


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pensioner of 69 years of age and who has spent £40,000 fighting Leeds city council over a  enforcement order for him to take his loft down.


should this not be were the R.P.R.A step in for it members instead of donating thousands to charities that give the sport nothing back?.


you are joking they like the big wages and nice cars did you see the wage bill in the homing world they do nowt for us lol

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pensioner of 69 years of age and who has spent £40,000 fighting Leeds city council over a  enforcement order for him to take his loft down.


should this not be were the R.P.R.A step in for it members instead of donating thousands to charities that give the sport nothing back?.


He contacted the RPRA and was given a phone number of a solicitor by the name of Mr Shirley who wanted £1500 just to write a letter the RPRA wasnt interested and neither was the region Secretary David Higgins he knew someone at Hammonds in Birmingham and he took the case over 3 years ago and still fighting for costs

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Guest lenwadebob

Sickening news Tommy, I wish I knew the answer. No one seems to be interested, even if you contact the police, all you get is a crime number, and that's the true definition of a "COP OUT".

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I spoke to another fancier today who said they had had an attempted break in over the weekend in Yorkshire.

They told me that the culprits must have thought they were at  Blackpool.

Luckily they wern't and the scumbags were disturbed so didn't get anything.

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Sorry to hear the bad news Tommy It is pointless trying to put forward the help required by our own members when Prestigious photo shoots of handing over cheques are the order of the day, no disrespect intended to the receivers but charity should start at home but it's always the same the rank and file rally round and the hierarchy accept this

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exatley my point i counted roughly £55,000 being handed over to charities that would have gone a long way to hiring a good barister for such cases as this no wonder the sport is struggling that £55,000 would also employ a good person to try and salvage the sport and promote it to try and gain new members in the form of a full time P.R person.

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exatley my point i counted roughly £55,000 being handed over to charities that would have gone a long way to hiring a good barister for such cases as this no wonder the sport is struggling that £55,000 would also employ a good person to try and salvage the sport and promote it to try and gain new members in the form of a full time P.R person.


It is diverging from the topic a bit, the main issue being the mans birds stolen, but if its about money well spent, the original advice from RPRA was the correct one, Shirley isn't a solicitor, he's a pigeon fancier and chartered architect specialising in pigeon loft planning refusals. £1500 is a lot better than £40,000. Shirley writes articles in BHW, he did one a few weeks ago, and to be honest, he sounds the professional the Unions should be paying a retainer fee for, to assist members through planning problems, free of charge. Seems common problem we come up against quite often.

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He contacted the RPRA and was given a phone number of a solicitor by the name of Mr Shirley who wanted £1500 just to write a letter the RPRA wasnt interested and neither was the region Secretary David Higgins he knew someone at Hammonds in Birmingham and he took the case over 3 years ago and still fighting for costs


I think someone here is a bit economical with the truth  or has misheard something - if you have a problem with local councils and ask the RPRA for advice they could well advise you to contact a Mr Ron Shirley. Mr Shirley is a Chartered Architect who also happens to be a pigeon fancier and SW Region committee member and he specialises in representing fanciers with planning and enforcement problems. He offers discounted prices for RPRA members and advertises each year in the BHW Stud Book - this year he is on Page 448. No way would he or anybody else for that matter charge £1500 for writing a letter. Suggest you get facts right before publishing.


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Guest youngboy
£40,000 fighting Leeds city council over a  enforcement order for him to take his loft down. i smell a rat no birds on loft  :X :X :X  


too right that was setup!! also it seems like they took there pick!!

****** ***** they are who ever done it!

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