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Guest uphallhen

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It's nothing to do with me lads but what it's worth stay on the East as I have spoken to numerous fanciers on the West side these last few weeks  mostly regarding stray pigeons and every one of them say it is now almost impossible to race birds down that side now and many are now thinking about finishing up because they can't even let them out. It is simply far too heartbreaking to watch there birds getting done even at the lofts.  The Almond Valley Fed had one very sticky Y.B. race  from Weatherby  but apart from that has had fantastic racing all season with mostly great returns so it is only my opinion that there is not a lot wrong with that side. Stick with it and see how it goes. I know it doesn't suit everyone for obvious reasons but it will much worse doing a swap now. Don't really like to see fanciers  fighting , slagging and having a go at each other because you lose your birds . Better to try and understand things than just go nuts on the site. ;) ;)


well said davy mate,, we all suppose 2 b grown men,, if u cant stomach what ppl sayin dnt get involved with it let it go ova ur head as it spoilin the site and ppl who just joined are not goin 2 like it and will disappear from the site howay lads lets get united and sort the problems out 2 gether not divided  ;) ;) ;) ;)

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i hav reported 2 birds so far n the few weeks i been on here,, and both birds were from lanarkshire,,them birds shud not ov been any  ;)where near my allotments they shud ov been right far west and i am practically on the east coast so they hav clashed sumwhere enroute,, 1 thing i can tell all ov you,s and that is 1,, my mother in law lives a little village called TOW LAW which i am lead 2 believe thta u lads up in lanarkshire fly ur doo,s from there getin bk 2 my point ,, 1 yr ago i was up there and in the fields was about 3/4 wind turbines ,2,now i went up this yr and theres about 70 wind turbines spaced out all ova the place this is what i think is causin all the losses 2 ur birds and 2 ours cos we have had some pretty bad races 2 and i dnt mean just a few missin i mean some blokes were totally wiped out and they were old birds not yb,s ,,so if we loosin 2/3 yr olds what chance has the yb,s got,,, hope this helps lads and stops all the bickering  ;) ;)

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clashing,solar.mod......guess  we will never know one thing we do know for sure is the damage bop will keep on doing in the years to come

lets enjoy the winter hope its not to harsh for the peregrine's and they are able to find a fresh new food supply since our birds are locked up!!  ;)

can see us all being show men very soon but that might suit many sitting on there ar*e talking


good luck to all our worker's in the sport hope your winter will be fruitful  :X :X :X :X :X :X :X




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how come you never hear of the national doos clashing or other fairy stories about east and west and pop they have to cover the full of the country to get to the destination somtimes it takes 2 to 3 days is this because they are better birds than the droves of folers that just follow on and drop of the batches at the end of the fed and when they get into a bit of trouble just cant think for themself so get lost you have to rember the 98% thin :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( ;) ;) ;)g

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how come you never hear of the national doos clashing or other fairy stories about east and west and pop they have to cover the full of the country to get to the destination somtimes it takes 2 to 3 days is this because they are better birds than the droves of folers that just follow on and drop of the batches at the end of the fed and when they get into a bit of trouble just cant think for themself so get lost you have to rember the 98% thin :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( ;) ;) ;)g


can you tell me in your own words  how Manny are home from the young bird national,  and was tours a success  

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if you mean alencon i got 3 out of 4 and i got 3 out of 6 leicester so in my own words  not    to bad but the alencon race was nothing to do with clashing or bop or west or east it was the wether the birds had to race in you take the good with the bad and at 500mls you dont get it all your own way  so the fed should dry ther eyes and get on with it whe have lost 2 controlers this year and who do you think will whante the gob now giterry jim and steady eidey have done thare best time to move on lets see all the men thats had apop at these 2 good servents of the best fed on the planet just put thare names forword chears  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( ;D ;D ;D ;D

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if you mean alencon i got 3 out of 4 and i got 3 out of 6 leicester so in my own words  not    to bad but the alencon race was nothing to do with clashing or bop or west or east it was the wether the birds had to race in you take the good with the bad and at 500mls you dont get it all your own way  so the fed should dry ther eyes and get on with it whe have lost 2 controlers this year and who do you think will whante the gob now giterry jim and steady eidey have done thare best time to move on lets see all the men thats had apop at these 2 good servents of the best fed on the planet just put thare names forword chears  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( ;D ;D ;D ;D
what about the returns in the young bird  national

2,000 gone was that bad luck or bad birds



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give me the sors of your information or do you just make a majikel figures up or do you take it from the birds that where timed and dont count the ones that take days to get home i dont have all the answers but i no from  the guys i was talking to 98% home in the east 98%in the soth 75% in the north and 50% in the west so you tell me whare you get this 2000gone because i dident think they where that many at the race in the first place chears

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give me the sors of your information or do you just make a majikel figures up or do you take it from the birds that where timed and dont count the ones that take days to get home i dont have all the answers but i no from  the guys i was talking to 98% home in the east 98%in the soth 75% in the north and 50% in the west so you tell me whare you get this 2000gone because i dident think they where that many at the race in the first place chears


there where 2.400 at the race 200 home on the night the next day birds and the day after

are as good as dead, do you not think, trying to justify the unjustifiable is the worst  thing you can do, as you are then kidding your self on,  that you had a race it was a disaster  and it should be a warning of races to come  the outcome will be the same

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there where 2.400 at the race 200 home on the night the next day birds and the day after

are as good as dead, do you not think, trying to justify the unjustifiable is the worst  thing you can do, as you are then kidding your self on,  that you had a race it was a disaster  and it should be a warning of races to come  the outcome will be the same


we had 60 on the night between dundee/angus, only  17 made the result by 6.07 pm  :-/


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you might laugh but is there any reason for us not to be racing from the north of scotland, ireland,across the water to the east and still go south surely this would level the playing field .


Your righjt there  stevie put it farward at the next AGM , ill back you  ;D

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Guest uphallhen


Just answer the question to substantiate your claim,then you might retain what little credibility you might have had on here. :P ;D ;D Which Feds did Lanarksire clash with. ;D ;D ;D

vincent here are some for you to think about.? derdyshire n r fed/nottingham & d fed/leicestershire d n r fed/durham combine/ north road campionship club/ yorkshire n r fed/ london n r fed. and alot more big mouth.




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