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Wooler As A Racepoint


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I was speaking to a top Up North Combine fancier and he says that Wooler would be the perfect race point for Scottish west section fanciers. Has anybody flown Wooler over this side of the country? Its about 87 miles to me and seems a good point before going over the 100 mile mark. Whats your thoughts ?

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Brilliant race point flew it past few years with our own club. Better than Kelso otterburn plus others around that area. Spoke to the gamekeeper last 2 years and the guy has done is job. Can see for miles at liberating point

Thats what this guy was saying Andy, he said the birds automatically head up the valley right into Scotland. Perfect, what more do we want?

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Had race there on Friday for Dundee and Angus fed 75 mile.. very good returns for me ������������

Probably one of very few races with good returns on Friday, nuff said for me.

Edited by Delboy
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Brilliant race point flew it past few years with our own club. Better than Kelso otterburn plus others around that area. Spoke to the gamekeeper last 2 years and the guy has done is job. Can see for miles at liberating point

is the site big enuff for Lanarkshire dinner lady ????

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