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About dumyat

  • Birthday 04/25/1949

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dumyat's Achievements

Veteran of the Loft!

Veteran of the Loft! (6/8)

  1. 1. John Ford. 816.90 old bird inland average John Ford 1102.84 Best old bird 2024 . 1st . John Ford. SU18 nw 3985 Runner up. John Ford. Su21nw2514 Well Done John
  2. 1. John Ford. 1301.76 2. John Ford 1242.75 3. John Ford 1200.93 4. Kenny Kennedy 1169.12 5. John Ford 1166.92 6. John Ford 1048.92 7. Kenny Kennedy 1040.96 8. Kenny Kennedy 1007.24 9. Kenny Kennedy 902.47 well done John
  3. 1. John Ford. 1061.30 2. Duncan Cowan 1048.69 3.Duncan Cowan 1030.22 4. John Ford 1004.41 5. John Ford 986.73 6. John Ford 977.20 7. Duncan Cowan 955.49 Well Done John
  4. 1. John Ford 1014.57 2. John Ford 974.69 3. John Ford 973.67 4. John Ford 945.65 5. John Ford 942.38 6. Kenny Kennedy 909.01 7. Colin Robertson 835.45 8. Rab Stewart 815.12 9. Kenny Kennedy 808.46 10. Sandy Craig 752.12 well done John and all making the result
  5. 1. John Ford. 1607.54 2. John Ford. 1577.37 3. John Ford. 1560.55 4. John Ford. 1560.55 5. Billy Mclaren. 1518.71 6. Colin Robertson 1517.91 7. Billy Mclaren. 1517.61 8. Colin Robertson. 1513.07 9.Rab Stewart 1511.74 10. John Ford. 1507.93 Well Done John
  6. 1. JOHN FORD. 1362.10 2. BILLY MCLAREN 1335.10 3. JOHN FORD 1329.41 4. SANDY CRAIG 1326.59 5. JOHN FORD 1288.29 6. JOHN FORD 1273.03 7. DUNCAN COWAN 1262.23 8. DUNCAN COWAN 1260.29 9. BILLY MCLAREN 1256.78 10. BILLY MCLAREN 1242.37 well done John and all making the result
  7. 1. John Ford. 1610..69 2. Billy Mclaren 1528.93 3. Billy Mclaren 1528.01 4. Duncan Cowan 1509.15 5. John Ford 1501.69 6. John Ford 1482.19 7. John Ford 1477.89 8. John Ford 1467.67 9. Billy Mclaren 1463.81 10. Kenny Kennedy 1456.48 Well Done John and all making the result
  8. 1. Sandy Craig. 951.40 2. Duncan Cowan. 902.88 3. Colin Robertson. 887.50 4. Sandy Craig. 882.83 5. Kenny Kennedy. 866.53 6. Davie Mcarthur. 865.91 7. Rab Stewart. 856.46 8. Colin Robertson 821.60 9. John Ford. 819.01 10. John Ford 809.16 well done Sandy and all others making the result
  9. Birds liberated at 10-30am 1. DUNCAN COWAN. 1645.48 2. DUNCAN COWAN 1636.66 3. SANDY CRAIG. 1619.78 4. SANDY CRAIG. 1603.16 5. SANDY CRAIG. 1600.01 6. DUNCAN COWAN. 1598.43 7. SANDY CRAIG. 1578.68 8. SANDY CRAIG. 1577.32 9. KENNY KENNEDY. 1571.35 10. JOHN FORD. 1565.77 well done Duncan and all who made the result
  10. 1. Duncan Cowan. 1458.96 2. John Ford. 1441..98 3. John Ford. 1441.42 4. John Ford. 1440.13 5. Rab Stewart. 1409.16 6. Sandy Craig. 1390.31 7. Duncan Cowan. 1366.39 8. Rab Stewart. 1340.00 9. Rab Stewart. 1316.26 10. Rab Stewart. 1315.30 Well done Duncan and all other members making the result
  11. Lot 3 & lot 8. £50 each please
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